1,977 research outputs found

    Unconditional Pointer States from Conditional Master Equations

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    When part of the environment responsible for decoherence is used to extract information about the decohering system, the preferred {\it pointer states} remain unchanged. This conclusion -- reached for a specific class of models -- is investigated in a general setting of conditional master equations using suitable generalizations of predictability sieve. We also find indications that the einselected states are easiest to infer from the measurements carried out on the environment.Comment: 4 pages, 3 .eps figures; final version to appear in Phys.Rev.Let

    Topological Schr\"odinger cats: Non-local quantum superpositions of topological defects

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    Topological defects (such as monopoles, vortex lines, or domain walls) mark locations where disparate choices of a broken symmetry vacuum elsewhere in the system lead to irreconcilable differences. They are energetically costly (the energy density in their core reaches that of the prior symmetric vacuum) but topologically stable (the whole manifold would have to be rearranged to get rid of the defect). We show how, in a paradigmatic model of a quantum phase transition, a topological defect can be put in a non-local superposition, so that - in a region large compared to the size of its core - the order parameter of the system is "undecided" by being in a quantum superposition of conflicting choices of the broken symmetry. We demonstrate how to exhibit such a "Schr\"odinger kink" by devising a version of a double-slit experiment suitable for topological defects. Coherence detectable in such experiments will be suppressed as a consequence of interaction with the environment. We analyze environment-induced decoherence and discuss its role in symmetry breaking.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Decoherence, Chaos, and the Second Law

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    We investigate implications of decoherence for quantum systems which are classically chaotic. We show that, in open systems, the rate of von Neumann entropy production quickly reaches an asymptotic value which is: (i) independent of the system-environment coupling, (ii) dictated by the dynamics of the system, and (iii) dominated by the largest Lyapunov exponent. These results shed a new light on the correspondence between quantum and classical dynamics as well as on the origins of the ``arrow of time.''Comment: 13 Pages, 2 Figures available upon request, Preprint LA-UR-93-, The new version contains the text, the previous one had only the Macros: sorry

    Quantum to classical transition in a system with a mixed classical dynamics

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    We study how decoherence rules the quantum-classical transition of the Kicked Harmonic Oscillator (KHO). When the amplitude of the kick is changed the system presents a classical dynamics that range from regular to a strong chaotic behavior. We show that for regular and mixed classical dynamics, and in the presence of noise, the distance between the classical and the quantum phase space distributions is proportional to a single parameter χKeff2/4D3/2\chi\equiv K\hbar_{\rm eff}^2/4D^{3/2} which relates the effective Planck constant eff\hbar_{\rm eff}, the kick amplitude KK and the diffusion constant DD. This is valid when χ<1\chi < 1, a case that is always attainable in the semiclassical regime independently of the value of the strength of noise given by DD. Our results extend a recent study performed in the chaotic regime.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Fragility of a class of highly entangled states of many quantum-bits

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    We consider a Quantum Computer with n quantum-bits (`qubits'), where each qubit is coupled independently to an environment affecting the state in a dephasing or depolarizing way. For mixed states we suggest a quantification for the property of showing {\it quantum} uncertainty on the macroscopic level. We illustrate in which sense a large parameter can be seen as an indicator for large entanglement and give hypersurfaces enclosing the set of separable states. Using methods of the classical theory of maximum likelihood estimation we prove that this parameter is decreasing with 1/\sqrt{n} for all those states which have been exposed to the environment. Furthermore we consider a Quantum Computer with perfect 1-qubit gates and 2-qubit gates with depolarizing error and show that any state which can be obtained from a separable initial state lies inbetween a family of pairs of certain hypersurfaces parallel to those enclosing the separable ones.Comment: 9 Pages, RevTe

    Closed timelike curves in superfluid 3^{3}He

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    It is shown that the curved spacetime induced in a thin film of superfluid 3^{3}He-A by the presence of symmetric vortices with the unbroken symmetry phase, admits the existence of closed timelike curves through which only superfluid clusters formed by anti-3^{3}He atoms can travel and violate causality.Comment: 7 pages, LaTex, to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Finite-Time Disentanglement via Spontaneous Emission

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    We show that under the influence of pure vacuum noise two entangled qubits become completely disentangled in a finite time, and in a specific example we find the time to be given by ln(2+22)\ln \Big(\frac{2 +\sqrt 2}{2}\Big) times the usual spontaneous lifetime.Comment: revtex, 4 pages, 2 figure

    Moduli Stabilization and Supersymmetry Breaking in Deflected Mirage Mediation

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    We present a model of supersymmetry breaking in which the contributions from gravity/modulus, anomaly, and gauge mediation are all comparable. We term this scenario "deflected mirage mediation," which is a generalization of the KKLT-motivated mirage mediation scenario to include gauge mediated contributions. These contributions deflect the gaugino mass unification scale and alter the pattern of soft parameters at low energies. In some cases, this results in a gluino LSP and light stops; in other regions of parameter space, the LSP can be a well-tempered neutralino. We demonstrate explicitly that competitive gauge-mediated terms can naturally appear within phenomenological models based on the KKLT setup by addressing the stabilization of the gauge singlet field which is responsible for the masses of the messenger fields. For viable stabilization mechanisms, the relation between the gauge and anomaly contributions is identical in most cases to that of deflected anomaly mediation, despite the presence of the Kahler modulus. Turning to TeV scale phenomenology, we analyze the renormalization group evolution of the supersymmetry breaking terms and the resulting low energy mass spectra. The approach sets the stage for studies of such mixed scenarios of supersymmetry breaking at the LHC.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures. Published version in Journal of High Energy Physic

    Dynamics of a Quantum Phase Transition

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    We present two approaches to the dynamics of a quench-induced phase transition in quantum Ising model. The first one retraces steps of the standard approach to thermodynamic second order phase transitions in the quantum setting. The second one is purely quantum, based on the Landau-Zener formula for transition probabilities in avoided level crossings. We show that the two approaches yield compatible results for the scaling of the defect density with the quench rate. We exhibit similarities between them, and comment on the insights they give into dynamics of quantum phase transitions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Replaced by revised versio