6 research outputs found

    Phytoinsecticides to Fight Against Colorado Beetle

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    Nowadays researchers are focused on biological farming. In modern environmental conditions the reduction of the chemical load on the environment is a current issue. In the article the following plants are used as pest management, especially, with Colorado potato beetle: jimson weed, white hellebore, Camelina. They contain a lot of alkaloids and essential oils that inhibit weeds and frightening off potato pests. The use of such agricultural practices on large areas reduces the cost of chemical means of pest control and improves product quality while maintaining the environment

    Структура распределения генетических детерминант эффективности и безопасности нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов в российской популяции: фокус на CYP2C8, PTGS1 и PTGS2

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    The efficacy and safety of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be determined by the polymorphic nature of the CYP2C8, PTGS1 and PTGS2 genes.Objective: to analyze the nature of the distribution of CYP2C8*3 (rs10509681), CYP2C8*3 (rs11572080), PTGS1 (rs10306135), PTGS1 (rs12353214) and PTGS2 (rs20417) among residents of the North Caucasus.Patients and methods. The study involved 676 volunteers from Russian, Balkar, Kabardian and Ossetian ethnic groups. Carriage of polymorphic markers CYP2C8, PTGS1 and PTGS2 was determined using real-time polymerase chain reaction.Results and discussion. There were no significant differences between the groups in the rs10509681 and rs11572080 variants of the CYP2C8 gene. In all groups, the carriage of a combination of CYP2C8 and CYP2C9 alleles, encoding the phenotype of normal metabolizers, prevailed with a frequency of about 75% or more. The rs10306135 variant of the PTGS1 gene was found in 5.9% of Russians, 1.1% of Balkars, 5.3% of Kabardians, and 10.6% of Ossetians; variant rs12353214 – in 19.1; 9.4; 10.8 and 9.2%, rs20417 polymorphism of the PTGS2 gene in 0.4; 5; 2.8 and 3.1% respectively.Conclusion. The data obtained can be used to develop a more rational approach to the prescription of NSAIDs, taking into account the genetic characteristics of the local population in ethnic regions.Эффективность и безопасность применения нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов (НПВП) может определяться полиморфной природой генов CYP2C8, PTGS1 и PTGS2.Цель исследования – анализ характера распределения CYP2C8*3 (rs10509681), CYP2C8*3 (rs11572080), PTGS1 (rs10306135), PTGS1 (rs12353214) и PTGS2 (rs20417) среди жителей Северного Кавказа.Пациенты и методы. В исследовании участвовали 676 добровольцев из русской, балкарской, кабардинской и осетинской этнических групп. Носительство полиморфных маркеров CYP2C8, PTGS1 и PTGS2 определялось с помощью полимеразной цепной реакции в режиме реального времени.Результаты и обсуждение. Значимых различий между группами по вариантам rs10509681 и rs11572080 гена CYP2C8 не получено. Во всех группах преобладало носительство комбинации аллелей CYP2C8 и CYP2C9, кодирующих фенотип нормальных метаболизаторов с частотой около 75% и более. Вариант rs10306135 гена PTGS1 выявлен у 5,9% русских, 1,1% балкарцев, 5,3% кабардинцев и 10,6% осетин; вариант rs12353214 – у 19,1; 9,4; 10,8 и 9,2%, полиморфизм rs20417 гена PTGS2 – у 0,4; 5; 2,8 и 3,1% соответственно.Заключение. Полученные данные могут быть использованы при разработке более рационального подхода к назначению НПВП, учитывающего генетические особенности местного населения в этнических регионах

    Regional aspects of prevention and treatment of anemia pregnant: pharmaco-epidemiological study

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    The results of the pharmaco-epidemiological study of actual practice of prophylaxis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant in medical institutions of Republic of North Ossetia - Alania are presented. The discrepancies of physician’s prescriptions and current clinical recommendations were identified. 56,7% of hospitalized pregnant women and 16,8% of those during outpatient treatment didn’t receive any treatment, more than 70% didn’t receive prophylaxis. At the same time contraindicated drugs, irrational drug combinations were prescribed, the guidelines for duration of therapy and dosage were not followed

    Differentiated approaches to the treatment of chronic tonsillitis according to the clinical and immunoassays data

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    The purpose of this study was to develop differentiated approaches to the use of immunomodulators in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis on the basis of clinical and immunological examination of patients. The study involved 69 patients with compensated form of chronic tonsillitis. Polyoxidonium 6 mg per day for 10 days in sublingual solution form was studied. According to our results in patients treated with polyoxidonium, more complete, fast positive dynamics of clinical and immunological parameters and more stable therapeutic effect within 6 months of observation was achieved. The data obtained allow us to recommend the useof polyoxidonium in complex treatment of patients with chronic tonsillitis

    Phytoinsecticides to Fight Against Colorado Beetle

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    Nowadays researchers are focused on biological farming. In modern environmental conditions the reduction of the chemical load on the environment is a current issue. In the article the following plants are used as pest management, especially, with Colorado potato beetle: jimson weed, white hellebore, Camelina. They contain a lot of alkaloids and essential oils that inhibit weeds and frightening off potato pests. The use of such agricultural practices on large areas reduces the cost of chemical means of pest control and improves product quality while maintaining the environment

    Markers of vascular damage depending on the blood pressure level: data of the population study ESSE-RF

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    Aim. To evaluate the relationship of prehypertension (preHTN) with vascular wall damage and decreased renal function depending on cardiovascular risk in a representative sample of Russian population.Material and methods. As a part the ESSE-RF study in 4 regions (St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Tyumen, the Republic of North Ossetia), 7042 participants aged 25-64 were additionally examined for state of vessels. All participants signed informed consent and completed the approved questionnaires. Anthropometry, fasting glucose and blood pressure (BP) levels were assessed. BP was measured by the OMRON monitor (Japan) twice on the right hand in a sitting position; average BP was calculated. The optimal BP was considered <120/80 mm Hg, preHTN — 120-139/80-89 mm Hg, HTN — ≥140/90 mm Hg or antihypertensive therapy. The 10-year risk of fatal cardiovascular diseases was determined according to the SCORE charts. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was calculated using the CKD-EPI equation. Investigation of vessels was performed using a vascular screening system VaSera, Fukuda Denshi. Cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) and ankle-brachial index (ABI) was determined. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Statistics 20.Results. The analysis included data of 6906 participants, among which women predominated (n=4531; 65,6%). An increase in the prevalence of subclinical vascular lesion according to CAVI was detected with a BP increase from optimal to preHTN and HTN (0,06, 0,19 and 0,75, respectively). According to ABI, this pattern was not observed (0,24, 0,22 and 0,54, respectively). The prevalence of ABI <0,9 was greatest in the HTN group and did not significantly differ between patients with preHTN and optimal BP. After the exclusion of 1610 patients belonging to the groups of high and very high cardiovascular risk, the prevalence of subclinical vascular lesion was reevaluated. With a BP increase from optimal to preHTN and HTN in the low-risk groups of cardiovascular events, an increase in the prevalence of subclinical vascular lesions was also observed only according to CAVI (0,11, 0,28 and 0,62, respectively). Due to the low prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the general population (n=7), the analysis of CKD prevalence in groups by BP level was not carried out. According to linear regression analysis (adjusted for sex, age, body mass index, total cholesterol level), significant associations of systolic BP with GFR, CAVI, and ABI were not detected in the groups of optimal BP, preHTN, and HTN.Conclusion. Regardless of cardiovascular risk grade, an increase in the prevalence of subclinical vascular lesions was detected with an increase in BP from optimal to preHTN and HTN only according to CAVI. The prevalence of decreased ABI did not significantly differ between patients with preHTN and optimal BP. No association of GFR reduction with preHTN has been identified