98 research outputs found

    Features of the functional composition of goat's milk and its importance as the basis for infant formula

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    Goat milk has a long history of use in human nutrition. There are currently many studies examining the functional characteristics and nutritional value of goat milk and its importance in the production of various dairy products. Before, native goat milk was widely used for feeding young children if the breastfeeding was impossible. To date, however, the practice of feeding unmodified goat milk, as well as cow milk, to infants under 12 months of age is strongly discouraged, as this leaves them exposed to the risk of electrolyte imbalance, as well as iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 deficiencies. Commercial production of formulas based on goat milk began in the 1980s, and since then there have been many studies which show the safety and effectiveness of these formulas. The review provides the latest evidenced-based information on the composition and functional properties of individual components of the goat milk and goat milk formulas. The protein and amino acid composition of goat milk, as well as the features of its effects on the formation of the infant's intestinal microbiota, are described in detail. The studies investigating goat milk oligosaccharides and their similarity to human milk oligosaccharides are presented. The characteristics of the goat milk fat profile have been demonstrated. As an example of an adapted goat milk formula, a formula designed to meet all standards is presented. The fat profile of the presented formula is modified by introducing a patented lipid complex consisting of β-palmitate in its composition. In addition, the presented formula composition includes such oligosaccharides as galacto- and fructo-oligosaccharides, which availability ensure the formation of an optimal intestinal microbiota

    Analysis of vitamin D availability of premature infants in the south of Russia

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    Introduction. Inadequate vitamin D supply worldwide is a public health problem. Low vitamin D levels during pregnancy can lead to abnormal placentation, placental insufficiency and abnormal fetal development, which contributes to poor health after birth.Objective of the study is to analyze the vitamin D status of premature infants born in the south of Russia.Materials and methods. A total of 141 premature infants were examined. Extremely low birth weight was found in 19 (13.4%) newborns, very low birth weight in 35 (24.8%), and low birth weight in 75 (53.2%).Results and discussion. Premature infants had vitamin D deficiency in the majority of cases (51%), with a median of 16.9 [11.7; 22.9] ng/mL. Correlation analysis demonstrated a positive association between 25(OH)D levels and body weight in very low birth weight infants (r = 0.34, p = 0.043). Serum vitamin D concentrations were 1.6 times lower in infants whose mothers did not receive multivitamins than in those whose mothers received multivitamins, 13.8 [9.7; 20.9] and 21.6 [16.9; 28.6] ng/mL, respectively (p = 0.001). Infants with an Apgar score of 7-10 had higher vitamin D levels, 17.8 [11.9; 22.7] ng/mL, than infants with severe asphyxia, 13.8 [9.9; 16.8] ng/mL (p = 0.036). Premature infants with congenital infection had lower 25(OH)D levels than infants without an infectious process, 15.6 [10.8; 22.9] and 18.4 [14.2; 22.7] ng/mL, respectively. Children with an infectious process that subsequently ended in death had lower 25(OH)D levels than children without an infectious process (p = 0.001). Children with cerebral ischemia had lower 25(OH)D concentrations than children without cerebral ischemia (p = 0.001).Conclusions. Premature infants born in the south of Russia have vitamin D deficiency in more than half of the cases. Administration of preparations containing cholecalciferol reduces the proportion of newborns with severe vitamin D deficiency, but does not ensure optimal serum levels. Initially low levels of 25(OH)D can be considered as an unfavorable prognostic sign against the background of the development of congenital infection

    Ассоциации гена VDR с клиническими проявлениями и осложнениями муковисцидоза

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common severe autosomal recessive disease in the Caucasoid population caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane regulator (CFTR) gene. However, the course of the disease may be modulated by genetic factors other than the CFTR gene and may be pleiotropically influenced by VDR (Vitamin D Receptor) gene. The aim of the study was to search for associations between genetic variants (c.1206T>C(A>G), c.152T>C, c.1174+283G>A) of VDR gene and clinically significant manifestations of CF, complications, and responses to therapy. Methods. Patients with CF (n = 283) and healthy children (n = 333), who formed the control group, were examined. Calcidiol levels were tested in all subjects. Polymorphic variants of VDR gene (c.1206T>C(A>G), c.152T>C, c.1174+283G>A) were tested by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Results. It was found that carriers of the TT genotype of the c.152T>C FokI variant of VDR gene are 6.3 times more likely to develop meconium ileus (odds ratio – OR – 6.375; p = 0.011), 3.2 times more likely – respiratory failure (OR – 3.253; p = 0.079), 3.4 times more likely – chronic lung infection (CIL) caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (OR – 3.432; p = 0.026), and 4 times more likely – CIL caused by non-fermenting gram-negative bacteria (OR – 4.056; p = 0.009). Carriers of the CC genotype of the c.1206T>C(A>G) TaqI genetic variant use systemic corticosteroids more frequently (66% vs 7%) (OR – 0.034; p = 0.001). It was shown that the AA genotype of the BsmlI polymorphism (c.1174 + 283G>A) is 4 times more likely to be detected in children with CF-associated liver diseases (OR – 4.300; p = 0.051). Conclusion. The contribution of all studied genetic variants c.1206T>C(A>G) TaqI, c.152T>C FokI, BsmlI (c.1174+283G>A) of the VDR gene to the clinical manifestations, complications and response to therapy in CF is described.Муковисцидоз (МВ), или кистозный фиброз, является наиболее частым тяжелым аутосомно-рецессивным заболеванием в европеоидной популяции, вызываемым мутациями гена трансмембранного регулятора МВ (CFTR). Однако течение заболевания может модулироваться генетическими факторами, отличными от гена CFTR, и подвергаться плейотропному влиянию гена VDR (Vitamin D Receptor – рецептор к витамину D). Целью исследования явился поиск ассоциаций между генетическими вариантами (c.1206T>C(A>G), c.152T>C, c.1174+283G>A) гена VDR и клинически значимыми проявлениями МВ, осложнениями и ответами на терапию. Материалы и методы. Обследованы пациенты с МВ (n = 283) и здоровые дети (n = 333), составившие контрольную группу. У всех обследованных определялось содержание кальцидиола. Тестирование полиморфных вариантов гена VDR (c.1206T>C(A>G), c.152T>C, c.1174+283G>A) проводилось методами полимеразной цепной реакции и анализа полиморфизма длины рестрикционных фрагментов. Результаты. Выявлено, что у носителей генотипа ТТ генетического варианта c.152T>C FokI гена VDR в 6,3 раза чаще реализуется мекониевый илеус (отношение шансов (Odds Ratio – OR) – 6,375; p = 0,011), в 3,2 раза чаще – дыхательная недостаточность (OR – 3,253; p = 0,079), в 3,4 раза чаще – хроническая инфекция легких (ХИЛ), вызванная Pseudomonas аeruginosa (OR – 3,432; p = 0,026), в 4 раза чаще – ХИЛ, вызванная неферментирующими грамотрицательными бактериями (OR – 4,056; p = 0,009). У носителей генотипа СС генетического варианта c.1206T>C(A>G) TaqI чаще (66 % vs 7 %) применяются системные глюкокортикостероиды (OR – 0,034; p = 0,001). Показано, что генотип АА полиморфизма BsmlI (c.1174+283G>A) в 4 раза чаще выявляется у детей с МВ-ассоциированными заболеваниями печени (OR – 4,300; p = 0,051). Заключение. Показан вклад всех изучаемых генетических вариантов c.1206T>C(A>G) TaqI, c.152T>C FokI, BsmlI (c.1174+283G>A) гена VDR в формирование клинических проявлений, осложнений и ответа на терапию при МВ

    Advances in small lasers

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    M.T.H was supported by an Australian Research council Future Fellowship research grant for this work. M.C.G. is grateful to the Scottish Funding Council (via SUPA) for financial support.Small lasers have dimensions or modes sizes close to or smaller than the wavelength of emitted light. In recent years there has been significant progress towards reducing the size and improving the characteristics of these devices. This work has been led primarily by the innovative use of new materials and cavity designs. This Review summarizes some of the latest developments, particularly in metallic and plasmonic lasers, improvements in small dielectric lasers, and the emerging area of small bio-compatible or bio-derived lasers. We examine the different approaches employed to reduce size and how they result in significant differences in the final device, particularly between metal- and dielectric-cavity lasers. We also present potential applications for the various forms of small lasers, and indicate where further developments are required.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Epidemiological Situation on Natural Focal Infectious Diseases of Bacterial and Viral Etiology in 2012 in the Territory of Siberia and Far East, and Prognosis for 2013

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    Analyzed is the incidence rate as regards natural focal infections of bacterial and viral etiology. Displayed is the data on the performed laboratory diagnostics of these infections in the territory of Siberia and Far East in 2012 and forecast of the epidemiological situation development in 2013. Analysis is carried out based on the data received by the Reference Center for surveillance over natural focal infections at the Irkutsk Research Anti-Plague Institute, from Rospotrebnadzor Institutions of Siberian, Far-Eastern and Ural Federal districts, as well as reviews and prognoses on the current state of natural foci of infections available from Altay, Tuva, Chita, Khabarovsk and Primorsk plague control stations

    Vitamin D Status Among Children With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Multicenter Prospective, Non-randomized, Comparative Study

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    BackgroundJuvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by destructive and inflammatory damage to the joints. The aim in this study was to compare vitamin D levels between children and adolescents, 1–18 years of age, with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and a health control group of peers. We considered effects of endogenous, exogenous, and genetic factors on measured differences in vitamin D levels among children with JIA.MethodsOur findings are based on a study sample of 150 patients with various variants of JIA and 277 healthy children. The blood level of vitamin D was assessed by calcidiol level. The following factors were included in our analysis: age and sex; level of insolation in three regions of country (center, south, north); assessment of dietary intake of vitamin D; effect of prophylactic doses of cholecalciferol; a relationship between the TaqI, FokI, and BsmI polymorphisms of the VDR gene and serum 25(OH)D concentration.ResultsWe identified a high frequency of low vitamin D among children with JIA, prevalence of 66%, with the medial level of vitamin D being within the range of “insufficient” vitamin D. We also show that the dietary intake of vitamin D by children with JIA is well below expected norms, and that prophylactic doses of vitamin D supplementation (cholecalciferol) at a dose of 500–1,000 IU/day and 1,500–2,000 IU/day do not meet the vitamin D needs of children with JIA. Of importance, we show that vitamin D levels among children with JIA are not affected by clinical therapies to manage the disease nor by the present of VDR genetic variants.ConclusionProphylactic administration of cholecalciferol and season of year play a determining role in the development of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency

    Infection of an Individual with Plague in the Gorno-Altaisk High-Mountain Natural Focus in 2014. Communication 2. Peculiarities of Laboratory Diagnostics and Molecular-Genetic Characterization of the Isolated Strains

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    Laboratory diagnostics of plague was carried out in compliance with valid operational guidelines and regulations. But its peculiarity consisted in the performance of diagnostic investigations secondary to antimicrobial therapy with application of preparations characterized by the expressed activity towards gram-negative microorganisms, including the agent of plague (ceftriaxone, ciprolet, and amikacin). The studies revealed that under antibiotic treatment during the early phase of infection the most effective method for the laboratory plague diagnostics was PCR. Based on the results of the assay it was possible to establish not only provisional, but also the final diagnosis in a patient. Obtained was genetic characteristics of the strains isolated from the patient and the marmot, withdrawn at the patient’s place, using techniques of molecular-genetic analysis, in particular PCR, multilocus VNTR, and multilocus and genome-wide sequencing. Thereupon the strains were attributed to antique biovar of the main subspecies of plague agent. In addition, close relation to Y. pestis of the main subspecies isolated in the same focus in 2012 and to the strains from Mongolian Altai and Tuvinian mountain focus was determined based on phylogenetic analysis of the isolates

    Session 17 Ecophysiology

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