536 research outputs found

    Wechselbestimmung. Zum Verhältnis von Hölderlin, Schiller und Fichte in Jena

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    Fichtes "Auseinandersezung der Wechselbestimmung des Ich und Nichtich (nach s. Sprache) ist gewis merkwürdig" schreibt Hölderlin in einem Brief an Hegel vom 26. Januar 1795 (StA VI, 156). Man darf annehmen, daß Hölderlin von "merkwürdig" nicht im Sinne von "seltsam", sondern dem damaligen Sprachgebrauch entsprechend im Sinne von "bemerkenswert" spricht. Die Wechselbestimmung entwickelte Fichte bekanntlich zu Beginn des theoretischen Teils der Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre von 1794/95. Sie stellt das Ergebnis der Synthesis B dar und bestimmt in der Folge das methodologische Konzept des gesamten Paragraphen 4 grundlegend. Man kann davon ausgehen, daß Hölderlin diesen komplexen Paragraphen 4 zum Zeitpunkt der Niederschrift des Briefes schon genauer studiert hatte, denn im selben Brief spricht er von Fichtes "merkwürdige[m] Gedanken" "in Ansehung der Antinomien". Seine Meinung über dieses Theorem Fichtes wollte er ein anderes Mal mitteilen. Leider kennen wir einen solchen Brief nicht. Über die Antinomien äußert sich Fichte in der ganzen Grundlage nur einmal am Ende des Paragraphen 4, genauer, am Ende der Deduktion der Vorstellung. Wenn Hölderlin dazu eine Meinung mitzuteilen hatte, mußte er hierzu schon den ganzen Paragraphen 4 und die Deduktion der Vorstellung genauer studiert haben. So hatte er wohl auch schon eine dezidierte Meinung über Fichtes "merkwürdigen" Begriff der Wechselbestimmung. Dieser Begriff ist es auch, der Hölderlins späteres Denken nachhaltig bestimmen sollte

    Kant - Fichte - Schelling

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    Hölderlins Rezeption der Werke Kants, Fichtes und Hegels mit Blick auf Briefe und Werk Hölderlins

    Hölderlins Rezeption von Fichtes\ud 'Grundlage des Naturrechts'\ud

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    "Fichte ist wieder in Jena und liest diesen Winter über das Naturrechtâ€? (StA VI, 186)', schreibt Hölderlin am 25. November 1795 an Hegel.\ud Fichte hatte in seinen ersten beiden Semestern in Jena die Grundlagen seiner theoretischen und praktischen Philosophie vorgetragen, ihre erste Anwendung sollte die Wissenschaftslehre im Naturrecht finden, das Fichte ursprünglich schon für das Sommersemester 1795 angekündigt hatte, wie aus dem Lateinischen Lektionskatalog zu ersehen ist.\ud Wegen der tätlichen Angriffe gegen ihn und seine Frau verbrachte er den Sommer 1795 in Oßmannstedt, die Vorlesung über das Naturrecht wurde auf das Wintersemester 1795/96 verschoben

    Constrained ellipse fitting with center on a line

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    Machine Translation from Standard German to Alemannic Dialects

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    Machine translation has been researched using deep neural networks in recent years. These networks require lots of data to learn abstract representations of the input stored in continuous vectors. Dialect translation has become more important since the advent of social media. In particular, when dialect speakers and standard language speakers no longer understand each other, machine translation is of rising concern. Usually, dialect translation is a typical low-resourced language setting facing data scarcity problems. Additionally, spelling inconsistencies due to varying pronunciations and the lack of spelling rules complicate translation. This paper presents the best-performing approaches to handle these problems for Alemannic dialects. The results show that back-translation and conditioning on dialectal manifestations achieve the most remarkable enhancement over the baseline. Using back-translation, a significant gain of +4.5 over the strong transformer baseline of 37.3 BLEU points is accomplished. Differentiating between several Alemannic dialects instead of treating Alemannic as one dialect leads to substantial improvements: Multi-dialectal translation surpasses the baseline on the dialectal test sets. However, training individual models outperforms the multi-dialectal approach. There, improvements range from 7.5 to 10.6 BLEU points over the baseline depending on the dialect

    The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime

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    Investment treaties are some of the most controversial but least understood instruments of global economic governance. Public interest in international investment arbitration is growing and some developed and developing countries are beginning to revisit their investment treaty policies. The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime synthesises and advances the growing literature on this subject by integrating legal, economic, and political perspectives. Based on an analysis of the substantive and procedural rights conferred by investment treaties, it asks four basic questions. What are the costs and benefits of investment treaties for investors, states, and other stakeholders? Why did developed and developing countries sign the treaties? Why should private arbitrators be allowed to review public regulations passed by states? And what is the relationship between the investment treaty regime and the broader regime complex that governs international investment? Through a concise, but comprehensive, analysis, this book fills in some of the many "blind spots" of academics from different disciplines, and is the first port of call for lawyers, investors, policy-makers, and stakeholders trying to make sense of these critical instruments governing investor-state relations

    Technical guidelines for economic valuation of inland small-scale fisheries in developing countries

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    These ôTechnical Guidelines for Economic Valuation of Inland Small-scale Fisheries in Developing Countriesö are one of the outputs of the project on ôFood security and poverty alleviation through improved valuation and governance of river fisheries in Africaö. The guidelines draw upon research results and experience gained during the course of the project. The project was coordinated and implemented by the WorldFish Center and was carried out in cooperation with the National Agricultural Research Institutes (NARs) from the participating countries: the Nigeria Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research, the Departments of Fishery of Niger, Malawi and Zambia, and the Cameroonian MinistΦre de lÆElevage, des PΩches et de lÆIndustrie Animale; and three advanced research institutes (ARIs): the Leibniz University of Hannover in Germany, the Institute for Sustainable Development and Aquatic Resources in UK, and the University of Cape Town in South Africa.Rural development, Sustainable development, Livelihoods, Economic analysis, Research, Artisanal fishing

    A brief description of geological and geophysical exploration of the Marysville geothermal area

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    Extensive geological and geophysical surveys were carried out at the Marysville geothermal area during 1973 and 1974. The area has high heat flow (up to microcalories per square centimeter-second, a negative gravity anomaly, high electrical resistivity, low seismic ground noise, and nearby microseismic activity. Significant magnetic and infrared anomalies are not associated with the geothermal area. The geothermal anomaly occupies the axial portion of a dome in Precambrian sedimentary rocks intruded by Cretaceous and Cenozoic granitic rocks. The results from a 2.4-km-deep test well indicate that the cause of the geothermal anomaly is hydrothermal convection in a Cenozoic intrusive. A maximum temperature of 95 C was measured at a depth of 500 m in the test well

    Bisphosphonates in multicentric osteolysis, nodulosis and arthropathy (MONA) spectrum disorder - an alternative therapeutic approach.

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    Multicentric osteolysis, nodulosis and arthropathy (MONA) spectrum disorder is a rare inherited progressive skeletal disorder caused by mutations in the matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP2) gene. Treatment options are limited. Herein we present successful bisphosphonate therapy in three affected patients. Patients were treated with bisphosphonates (either pamidronate or zoledronate) for different time periods. The following outcome variables were assessed: skeletal pain, range of motion, bone densitometry, internal medical problems as well as neurocognitive function. Skeletal pain was dramatically reduced in all patients soon after initiation of therapy and bone mineral density increased. Range of motion did not significantly improve. One patient is still able to walk with aids at the age of 14 years. Neurocognitive development was normal in all patients. Bisphosphonate therapy was effective especially in controlling skeletal pain in MONA spectrum disorder. Early initiation of treatment seems to be particularly important in order to achieve the best possible outcome