382 research outputs found

    Single-vortex-induced voltage steps in Josephson-junction arrays

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    We have numerically and analytically studied ac+dc driven Josephson-junction arrays with a single vortex or with a single vortex-antivortex pair present. We find single-vortex steps in the voltage versus current characteristics (I-V) of the array. They correspond microscopically to a single vortex phase-locked to move a fixed number of plaquettes per period of the ac driving current. In underdamped arrays we find vortex motion period doubling on the steps. We observe subharmonic steps in both underdamped and overdamped arrays. We successfully compare these results with a phenomenological model of vortex motion with a nonlinear viscosity. The I-V of an array with a vortex-antivortex pair displays fractional voltage steps. A possible connection of these results to present day experiments is also discussed.Comment: 10 pages double sided with figures included in the text. To appear in Journal of Physics, Condensed Matte

    Dynamic Impedance of Two-Dimensional Superconducting Films Near the Superconducting Transition

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    The sheet impedances, Z(w,T), of several superconducting a-Mo77Ge23 films and one In/InOx film have been measured in zero field using a two-coil mutual inductance technique at frequencies from 100 Hz to 100 kHz. Z(w,T) is found to have three contributions: the inductive superfluid, renormalized by nonvortex phase fluctuations; conventional vortex-antivortex pairs, whose contribution turns on very rapidly just below the usual Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii unbinding temperature; and an anomalous contribution. The latter is predominantly resistive, persists well below the KTB temperature, and is weakly dependent on frequency down to remarkably low frequencies, at least 100 Hz. It increases with T as e-U'(T)/kT, where the activation energy, U'(T), is about half the energy to create a vortex-antivortex pair, indicating that the frequency dependence is that of individual excitations, rather than critical behavior.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figs; subm PR

    The impact of responding to patient messages with large language model assistance

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    Documentation burden is a major contributor to clinician burnout, which is rising nationally and is an urgent threat to our ability to care for patients. Artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots, such as ChatGPT, could reduce clinician burden by assisting with documentation. Although many hospitals are actively integrating such systems into electronic medical record systems, AI chatbots utility and impact on clinical decision-making have not been studied for this intended use. We are the first to examine the utility of large language models in assisting clinicians draft responses to patient questions. In our two-stage cross-sectional study, 6 oncologists responded to 100 realistic synthetic cancer patient scenarios and portal messages developed to reflect common medical situations, first manually, then with AI assistance. We find AI-assisted responses were longer, less readable, but provided acceptable drafts without edits 58% of time. AI assistance improved efficiency 77% of time, with low harm risk (82% safe). However, 7.7% unedited AI responses could severely harm. In 31% cases, physicians thought AI drafts were human-written. AI assistance led to more patient education recommendations, fewer clinical actions than manual responses. Results show promise for AI to improve clinician efficiency and patient care through assisting documentation, if used judiciously. Monitoring model outputs and human-AI interaction remains crucial for safe implementation.Comment: 4 figures and tables in main, submitted for revie

    Critical Exponents of the Fully Frustrated 2-D Xy Model

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    We present a detailed study of the critical properties of the 2-D XY model with maximal frustration in a square lattice. We use extensive Monte Carlo simulations to study the thermodynamics of the spin and chiral degrees of freedom, concentrating on their correlation functions. The gauge invariant spin-spin correlation functions are calculated close to the critical point for lattice sizes up to 240×240240\times 240; the chiral correlation functions are studied on lattices up to 96×9696\times 96. We find that the critical exponents of the spin phase transition are ν=0.3069\nu=0.3069, and η=0.1915\eta=0.1915, which are to be compared with the unfrustrated XY model exponents ν=1/2\nu=1/2 and η=0.25\eta=0.25. We also find that the critical exponents of the chiral transition are νχ=0.875\nu_{\chi}=0.875, 2β=0.19362\beta=0.1936, 2γ=1.822\gamma= 1.82, and 2γ ′=1.0252\gamma\>\prime=1.025, which are different from the expected 2-D Ising critical exponents. The spin-phase transition occurs at TU(1)=0.446T_{U(1)}=0.446 which is about 7\% above the estimated chiral critical temperature TZ2=0.4206T_{Z_{2}}= 0.4206. However, because of the size of the statistical errors, it is difficult to decide with certainty whether the transitions occur at the same or at slightly different temperatures. Finally, the jump in the helicity modulus in the fully frustrated system is found to be about 23\% below the unfrustrated universal value. The most important consequence of these results is that the fully frustrated XY model appears to be in a novel universality class. Recent successful comparisons of some of these results with experimental data are also briefly discussed. (TO APPEAR IN PRB)Comment: 47 pages (PHYZZX

    Exercise therapy in adults with serious mental illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Individuals with serious mental illness are at a higher risk of physical ill health. Mortality rates are at least twice those of the general population with higher levels of cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease, diabetes, and respiratory illness. Although genetics may have a role in the physical health problems of these patients, lifestyle and environmental factors such as levels of smoking, obesity, poor diet, and low levels of physical activity also play a prominent part.<p></p> Objective: To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials comparing the effect of exercise interventions on individuals with serious mental illness.<p></p> Methods: Searches were made in Ovid MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Biological Abstracts on Ovid, and The Cochrane Library (January 2009, repeated January 2013) through to February 2013.<p></p> Results: Eight RCTs were identified in the systematic search. Six compared exercise versus usual care. One study assessed the effect of a cycling programme versus muscle strengthening and toning exercises. The final study compared the effect of adding specific exercise advice and motivational skills to a simple walking programme. Exercise programmes were noted by their heterogeneity in terms of the type of exercise intervention, setting, and outcome measures. The review found that exercise improved levels of exercise activity (n=13, standard mean difference [SMD] 1.81, CI 0.44 to 3.18, p = 0.01). No beneficial effect was found on negative (n = 84, SMD = -0.54, CI -1.79 to 0.71, p = 0.40) or positive symptoms of schizophrenia (n = 84, SMD = -1.66, CI -3.78 to 0.45, p = 0.12). No change was found on body mass index compared with usual care (n= 151, SMD = -0.24, CI -0.56 to 0.08, p = 0.14), or body weight (n = 77, SMD = 0.13, CI -0.32 to 0.58, p = 0.57). No beneficial effect was found on anxiety and depressive symptoms (n = 94, SMD = -0.26, CI -0.91 to 0.39, p = 0.43), or quality of life in respect of physical and mental domains. One RCT measured the effect of exercise on exercise intensity, attendance, and persistence at a programme. No significant effect was found on these measures.<p></p> Conclusions: This systematic review showed that exercise therapies can lead to a modest increase in levels of exercise activity but overall there was no noticeable change for symptoms of mental health, body mass index, and body weight.<p></p&gt

    Study on COgnition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE): baseline characteristics

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    Blood Press. 2000;9(2-3):146-51. Study on COgnition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE): baseline characteristics. Hansson L, Lithell H, Skoog I, Baro F, Bánki CM, Breteler M, Castaigne A, Correia M, Degaute JP, Elmfeldt D, Engedal K, Farsang C, Ferro J, Hachinski V, Hofman A, James OF, Krisin E, Leeman M, de Leeuw PW, Leys D, Lobo A, Nordby G, Olofsson B, Opolski G, Prince M, Reischies FM. University of Uppsala, Department of Public Health, Clinical Hypertension Research, Sweden. Abstract The Study on COgnition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE) is a multi-centre, prospective, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study. The primary objective of SCOPE is to assess the effect of the angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor blocker, candesartan cilexetil 8-16 mg once daily, on major cardiovascular events in elderly patients (70-89 years of age) with mild hypertension (DBP 90-99 and/or SBP 160-179 mmHg). The secondary objectives of the study are to test the hypothesis that antihypertensive therapy can prevent cognitive decline (as measured by the Mini Mental State Examination, MMSE) and dementia, and to assess the effect of therapy on total mortality, myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, renal function, and hospitalization. A total of 4964 patients from 15 participating countries were recruited during the randomization phase of SCOPE, exceeding the target population of 4000. The mean age of the patients at enrolment was 76 years, the ratio of male to female patients was approximately 1:2, and 52% of patients were already being treated with an antihypertensive agent at enrolment. The majority of patients (88%) were educated to at least primary school level. At randomization, mean sitting blood pressure values were SBP 166 mmHg and DBP 90 mmHg, and the mean MMSE score was 28. Previous cardiovascular disease in the study population included myocardial infarction (4%), stroke (4%) and atrial fibrillation (4%). Men, more often than women, had a history of previous MI, stroke and atrial fibrillation. A greater percentage of men were smokers (13% vs 6% in women) and had attended university (11% vs 3% of women). Of the randomized patients, 21% were 80 years of age. In this age group smoking was less common (4% vs 10% for 70-79-year-olds) and fewer had attended university (4% vs 7% for 70-79-year-olds). The incidence of MI was similar in both age groups. However, stroke and atrial fibrillation had occurred approximately twice as frequently in the older patients. The patients' mean age at baseline was similar in the participating countries, and most countries showed the approximate 1:2 ratio for male to female patients. There was also little inter-country variation in terms of mean SBP, DBP or MMSE score. However, there was considerable regional variation in the percentage of patients on therapy prior to enrolment. PMID: 10855739 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Colorectal Cancer Control Program Grantees’ Use of Evidence-Based Interventions

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) screening is recommended for adults aged 50–75 years, yet screening rates are low, especially among the uninsured. The CDC initiated the Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP) in 2009 with the goal of increasing CRC screening rates to 80% by 2014. A total of 29 grantees (states and tribal organizations) receive CRCCP funding to (1) screen uninsured adults and (2) promote CRC screening at the population level

    The relationship of punishment- and victim-based moral orientation to prosocial, externalizing, and norm trespassing behaviour in delinquent and non-delinquent adolescents:a validation study of the Moral Orientation Measure

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    This study examined the reliability and validity of the Moral Orientation Measure (MOM), which was administered to 75 juvenile delinquents and 579 non-delinquent adolescents from lower socio-economic and educational backgrounds. Confirmatory factor analysis of a two-factor model, with punishment- and victim-based moral orientation as factors, showed an adequate fit to the data, indicating construct validity of the MOM. Moderate associations between moral orientation and sociomoral reasoning, as well as empathy, were also considered indicative of construct validity. Additional evidence for construct validity was found in only small associations between moral orientation and social desirability and verbal intelligence. Stronger victim-based orientation proved to be associated with less norm trespassing behaviour in non-delinquent adolescents and more prosocial behaviour in juvenile delinquents, which was considered indicative of concurrent validity. The results of this study strengthen the case for the MOM as a reliable and valid instrument to assess moral development in adolescents at risk of behavioural maladjustment, showing that moral orientation is differently associated with morally relevant behaviour in delinquent and non-delinquent adolescents

    Classification schemes for knowledge translation interventions: a practical resource for researchers

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    Abstract Background As implementation science advances, the number of interventions to promote the translation of evidence into healthcare, health systems, or health policy is growing. Accordingly, classification schemes for these knowledge translation (KT) interventions have emerged. A recent scoping review identified 51 classification schemes of KT interventions to integrate evidence into healthcare practice; however, the review did not evaluate the quality of the classification schemes or provide detailed information to assist researchers in selecting a scheme for their context and purpose. This study aimed to further examine and assess the quality of these classification schemes of KT interventions, and provide information to aid researchers when selecting a classification scheme. Methods We abstracted the following information from each of the original 51 classification scheme articles: authors’ objectives; purpose of the scheme and field of application; socioecologic level (individual, organizational, community, system); adaptability (broad versus specific); target group (patients, providers, policy-makers), intent (policy, education, practice), and purpose (dissemination versus implementation). Two reviewers independently evaluated the methodological quality of the development of each classification scheme using an adapted version of the AGREE II tool. Based on these assessments, two independent reviewers reached consensus about whether to recommend each scheme for researcher use, or not. Results Of the 51 original classification schemes, we excluded seven that were not specific classification schemes, not accessible or duplicates. Of the remaining 44 classification schemes, nine were not recommended. Of the 35 recommended classification schemes, ten focused on behaviour change and six focused on population health. Many schemes (n = 29) addressed practice considerations. Fewer schemes addressed educational or policy objectives. Twenty-five classification schemes had broad applicability, six were specific, and four had elements of both. Twenty-three schemes targeted health providers, nine targeted both patients and providers and one targeted policy-makers. Most classification schemes were intended for implementation rather than dissemination. Conclusions Thirty-five classification schemes of KT interventions were developed and reported with sufficient rigour to be recommended for use by researchers interested in KT in healthcare. Our additional categorization and quality analysis will aid in selecting suitable classification schemes for research initiatives in the field of implementation science
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