5,393 research outputs found

    Easy on that trigger dad: a study of long term family photo retrieval

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    We examine the effects of new technologies for digital photography on people's longer term storage and access to collections of personal photos. We report an empirical study of parents' ability to retrieve photos related to salient family events from more than a year ago. Performance was relatively poor with people failing to find almost 40% of pictures. We analyze participants' organizational and access strategies to identify reasons for this poor performance. Possible reasons for retrieval failure include: storing too many pictures, rudimentary organization, use of multiple storage systems, failure to maintain collections and participants' false beliefs about their ability to access photos. We conclude by exploring the technical and theoretical implications of these findings

    Generalized Paraxial Ray Trace Procedure Derived from Geodesic Deviation

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    Paraxial ray tracing procedures have become widely accepted techniques for acoustic models in seismology and underwater acoustics. To date a generic form of these procedures including fluid motion and time dependence has not appeared in the literature. A detailed investigation of the characteristic curves of the equations of hydrodynamics allows for an immediate generalization of the procedure to be extracted from the equation form geodesic deviation. The general paraxial ray trace equations serve as an ideal supplement to ordinary ray tracing in predicting the deformation of acoustic beams in random environments. The general procedure is derived in terms of affine parameterization and in a coordinate time parameterization ideal for application to physical acoustic ray propagation. The formalism is applied to layered media, where the deviation equation reduces to a second order differential equation for a single field with a general solution in terms of a depth integral along the ray path. Some features are illustrated through special cases which lead to exact solutions in terms of either ordinary or special functions.Comment: Original; 40 pages (double spaced), 1 figure Replaced version; 36 pages single spaced, 7 figures. Expanded content; Complete derivation of the equations from the equations of hydrodynamics, introduction of an auxiliary basis for three dimensional wave-front modeling. Typos in text and equations correcte

    Theory of Optical Transmission through Elliptical Nanohole Arrays

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    We present a theory which explains (in the quasistatic limit) the experimentally observed [R. Gordon, {\it et al}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 92}, 037401 (2004)] squared dependence of the depolarization ratio on the aspect ratio of the holes, as well as other features of extraordinary light transition. We calculated the effective dielectric tensor of a metal film penetrated by elliptical cylindrical holes and found the extraordinarily light transmission at special frequencies related to the surface plasmon resonances of the composite film. We also propose to use the magnetic field for getting a strong polarization effect, which depends on the ratio of the cyclotron to plasmon frequencies.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spectral representation of the effective dielectric constant of graded composites

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    We generalize the Bergman-Milton spectral representation, originally derived for a two-component composite, to extract the spectral density function for the effective dielectric constant of a graded composite. This work has been motivated by a recent study of the optical absorption spectrum of a graded metallic film [Applied Physics Letters, 85, 94 (2004)] in which a broad surface-plasmon absorption band has been shown to be responsible for enhanced nonlinear optical response as well as an attractive figure of merit. It turns out that, unlike in the case of homogeneous constituent components, the characteristic function of a graded composite is a continuous function because of the continuous variation of the dielectric function within the constituent components. Analytic generalization to three dimensional graded composites is discussed, and numerical calculations of multilayered composites are given as a simple application.Comment: Physical Review E, submitted for publication

    HD101584: Circumstellar characteristics and evolutionary status

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    We have performed a study of the characteristics of the circumstellar environment of the binary object HD101584, that provides information on a likely evolutionary scenario. We have obtained and analysed ALMA observations, complemented with observations using APEX, of a large number of molecular lines. An analysis of the spectral energy distribution has also been performed. Emissions from 12 molecular species (not counting isotopologues) have been observed, and most of them mapped with angular resolutions in the range 0.1" to 0.6". Four circumstellar components are identified: i) a central compact source of size 0.15", ii) an expanding equatorial density enhancement (a flattened density distribution in the plane of the orbit) of size 3", iii) a bipolar high-velocity outflow (150 km/s), and iv) an hourglass structure. The outflow is directed almost along the line of sight. There is evidence of a second bipolar outflow. The mass of the circumstellar gas is 0.5[D/1 kpc]^2 Msun, about half of it lies in the equatorial density enhancement. The dust mass is 0.01[D/1 kpc]^2 Msun, and a substantial fraction of this is in the form of large-sized, up to 1 mm, grains. The estimated kinetic age of the outflow is 770[D/1 kpc] yr. The kinetic energy and the scalar momentum of the accelerated gas are estimated to be 7x10^(45)[D/1 kpc]^2 erg and 10^(39)[D/1 kpc]^2 g cm/s, respectively. We provide good evidence that the binary system HD101584 is in a post-common-envelope-evolution phase, that ended before a stellar merger. Isotope ratios combined with stellar mass estimates suggest that the primary star's evolution was terminated already on the first red giant branch (RGB). Most of the energy required to drive the outflowing gas was probably released when material fell towards the companion.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Dissipationless Anomalous Hall Current in Fe100x(SiO2)xFe_{100-x}(SiO_2)_x Films

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    The observation of dissipationless anomalous Hall current is one of the experimental evidences to confirm the intrinsic origin of anomalous Hall effect. To study the origin of anomalous Hall effect in iron, Fe100x_{100-x}(SiO2_{2})x_{x} granular films with volume fraction of SiO2_{2} 0\le x \le 40.51 were fabricated using co-sputtering. Hall and longitudinal resistivities were measured in the temperature range 5 to 350 K with magnetic fields up to 5 Tesla. As x increased from 0 to 40.51, the anomalous Hall resistivity and longitudinal resistivity increased about 4 and 3 orders in magnitude, respectively. Analysis of the results revealed that the normalized anomalous Hall conductivity is a constant for all the samples, the evidence of dissipationless anomalous Hall current in Fe.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures; http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.83.20531

    ELVIS - ELectromagnetic Vector Information Sensor

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    The ELVIS instrument was recently proposed by the authors for the Indian Chandrayaan-1 mission to the Moon and is presently under consideration by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). The scientific objective of ELVIS is to explore the electromagnetic environment of the moon. ELVIS samples the full three-dimensional (3D) electric field vector, E(x,t), up to 18 MHz, with selective Nyqvist frequency bandwidths down to 5 kHz, and one component of the magnetic field vector, B(x,t), from a few Hz up to 100 kHz.As a transient detector, ELVIS is capable of detecting pulses with a minimum pulse width of 5 ns. The instrument comprises three orthogonal electric dipole antennas, one magnetic search coil antenna and a four-channel digital sampling system, utilising flexible digital down conversion and filtering together with state-of-the-art onboard digital signal processing.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to the DGLR Int. Symposium "To Moon and Beyond", Bremen, Germany, 2005. Companion paper to arXiv:astro-ph/050921

    Suppression of 2\pi\ phase-slip due to hidden zero modes in one dimensional topological superconductors

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    We study phase slips in one-dimensional topological superconducting wires. These wires have been proposed as building blocks for topologically protected qubits in which the quantum information is distributed over the length of the device and thus is immune to local sources of decoherence. However, phase-slips are non-local events that can result in decoherence. Phase slips in topological superconductors are peculiar for the reason that they occur in multiples of 4\pi\ (instead of 2\pi\ in conventional superconductors). We re-establish this fact via a beautiful analogy to the particle physics concept of dynamic symmetry breaking by explicitly finding a "hidden" zero mode in the fermion spectrum computed in the background of a 2\pi\ phase-slip. Armed with the understanding of phase-slips in topological superconductors, we propose a simple experimental setup with which the predictions can be tested by monitoring tunneling rate of a superconducting flux quantum through a topological superconducting wire.Comment: 18 pages,14 figures, Updated referenc

    Dynamics of Wolbachia pipientis gene expression across the Drosophila melanogaster life cycle

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    Symbiotic interactions between microbes and their multicellular hosts have manifold impacts on molecular, cellular and organismal biology. To identify candidate bacterial genes involved in maintaining endosymbiotic associations with insect hosts, we analyzed genome-wide patterns of gene expression in the alpha-proteobacteria Wolbachia pipientis across the life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster using public data from the modENCODE project that was generated in a Wolbachia-infected version of the ISO1 reference strain. We find that the majority of Wolbachia genes are expressed at detectable levels in D. melanogaster across the entire life cycle, but that only 7.8% of 1195 Wolbachia genes exhibit robust stage- or sex-specific expression differences when studied in the "holo-organism" context. Wolbachia genes that are differentially expressed during development are typically up-regulated after D. melanogaster embryogenesis, and include many bacterial membrane, secretion system and ankyrin-repeat containing proteins. Sex-biased genes are often organised as small operons of uncharacterised genes and are mainly up-regulated in adult males D. melanogaster in an age-dependent manner suggesting a potential role in cytoplasmic incompatibility. Our results indicate that large changes in Wolbachia gene expression across the Drosophila life-cycle are relatively rare when assayed across all host tissues, but that candidate genes to understand host-microbe interaction in facultative endosymbionts can be successfully identified using holo-organism expression profiling. Our work also shows that mining public gene expression data in D. melanogaster provides a rich set of resources to probe the functional basis of the Wolbachia-Drosophila symbiosis and annotate the transcriptional outputs of the Wolbachia genome.Comment: 58 pages, 6 figures, 6 supplemental figures, 4 supplemental files (available at https://github.com/bergmanlab/wolbachia/tree/master/gutzwiller_et_al/arxiv

    Possible Observational Criteria for Distinguishing Brown Dwarfs from Planets

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    The difference in formation process between binary stars and planetary systems is reflected in their composition as well as their orbital architecture, particularly orbital eccentricity as a function of orbital period. It is suggested here that this difference can be used as an observational criterion to distinguish between brown dwarfs and planets. Application of the orbital criterion suggests that with three possible exceptions, all of the recently-discovered substellar companions discovered to date may be brown dwarfs and not planets. These criterion may be used as a guide for interpretation of the nature of sub-stellar mass companions to stars in the future.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages including 2 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter