196 research outputs found

    Filtration of Working Conditions of the Gas Turbine Plant for Assessment the Technical Condition

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    In this paper we consider of the filtering algorithm the parameters of the gas turbine plant of the automatic control system files for use in the assessment of the technical position of the gas turbine plant.В настоящей работе рассматривается алгоритм фильтрации параметров работы газоперекачивающего агрегата из архивов системы автоматического управления для использования их при оценке технического состояния газотурбинной установки

    Experimental Observation of Energy Modulation in Electron Beams Passing Through Terahertz Dielectric Wakefield Structures

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    We report observation of a strong wakefield induced energy modulation in an energy-chirped electron bunch passing through a dielectric-lined waveguide. This modulation can be effectively converted into a spatial modulation forming micro-bunches with a periodicity of 0.5 - 1 picosecond, hence capable of driving coherent THz radiation. The experimental results agree well with theoretical predictions.Comment: v3. Reviewers' suggestions incorporated. Accepted by PR

    Stacking Simulations for Compton Positron sources of Future Linear Colliders

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    The Compton positron source of a future linear collider must obtain the target bunch population by accumulating a large number of positron packets, arriving either in a number of bursts from a ‘Compton ring’, with intermediate damping of the scattering electron beam, or quasicontinually from a ‘Compton energy recovery linac’. We present simulation results for the longitudinal stacking of Compton positrons in the ILC damping ring (DR) and the CLIC pre-damping ring (PDR), discussing parameter optimization, stacking efficiency, possible further improvements, and outstanding questions

    Positron Options for the Linac-Ring LHeC

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    ISBN 978-3-95450-115-1 - http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/IPAC2012/papers/weppr076.pdfThe full physics program of a future Large Hadron electron Collider (LHeC) requires both pe+ and pe- collisions. For a pulsed 140-GeV or an ERL-based 60-GeV Linac-Ring LHeC this implies a challenging rate of, respectively, about 1.8 *10 15 or 4.4 *10 16 e+/s at the collision point, which is about 300 or 7000 times the past SLC rate. We consider providing this e+ rate through a combination of measures: (1) Reducing the required production rate from the e+ target through colliding e+ (and the LHC protons) several times before deceleration, by reusing the e+ over several acceleration/ deceleration cycles, and by cooling them, e.g., with a compact tri-ring scheme or a conventional damping ring in the SPS tunnel. (2) Using an advanced target, e.g., W-granules, rotating wheel, sliced-rod converter, or liquid metal jet, for converting gamma rays to e+. (3) Selecting the most powerful of several proposed gamma sources, namely Compton ERL, Compton storage ring, co- herent pair production in a strong laser, or high-field undulator radiation from the high-energy lepton beam. We describe the various concepts, present example parameters, estimate the electrical power required, and mention open questions

    Estimated Uncertainty of Measurement Parameters Gas Turbine Plant Operation

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    In the present paper we estimate the measurement uncertainty for two different methods for determining the shaft power and the technical position of the gas turbine plant.В настоящей работе проводится оценка неопределенности измерений для двух различных методик определения эффективной мощности и коэффициента технического состояния газотурбинной установки

    Vortex twins and anti-twins supported by multi-ring gain landscapes

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    We address the properties of multi-vortex soliton complexes supported by multi-ring gain landscapes in focusing Kerr nonlinear media with strong two-photon absorption. Stable complexes incorporating two, three, or four vortices featuring opposite or identical topological charges are shown to exist. In the simplest geometries with two amplifying rings vortex twins with equal topological charges exhibit asymmetric intensity distributions, while vortex anti-twins may be symmetric or asymmetric, depending on the gain level and separation between rings. Different arrangements of amplifying rings allow generation of stable multi-vortex soliton complexes with various topologies, with twins and anti-twins as building blocks.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Optics Letter

    Hantaviruses in Insectivore Populations in Siberia

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    Objective of the study was investigation of hantaviruses in a new natural reservoir - insectivores, their diversity and geographic distribution in the Western and Eastern Siberia. Materials and methods. Sorex shrews (71 specimens) were captured in Altai Republic, Altai, and Krasnoyarsk Territories, and Omsk Region. All samples were analyzed for hantavirus RNA using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction with subsequent sequencing. Results and conclusions. A total of 12 viral RNA isolates from two Sorex species (S. araneus and S. roboratus) were genetically typed. Sequence analysis of the partial L and S segments identified two distinct hantaviruses. Kenkeme (KKMV) virus was detected in a flat-skulled shrew (S. roboratus) in Altai Territory. This virus was previously found in geographically remote sites in the Sakha Republic and China. New foci of Seewis virus circulation among common shrews (S. araneus), were found in the Omsk Region, Altai and Krasnoyarsk Territories. Previously published and new findings suggest that hantaviruses among shrews are widely distributed over the Russian Federation territory. The widespread circulation of SWSV and KKMV throughout Siberia is an important argument for investigation of their role in human infections

    Comorbid disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Изучены частота и структура коморбидной патологии у 102 больных ревматоидным артритом (РА). Показано, что у 95,1 % пациентов имелось сочетание РА с другими заболеваниями. В структуре коморбидных состояний преобладала сердечно-сосудистая (54,8 %), а также эндокринная патология (19,6 %) и хронические вирусные гепатиты (11 %). Среди сердечно-сосудистой патологии первое место занимала гипертоническая болезнь (42,1 %).Comorbidity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the most urgent problems of modern rheumatology. For example, 58% of patients with RA have at least one concomitant disease, and 25% — more comorbidities.To study the frequency and structure of comorbid disease in patients with RA. We examined 102 patients with RA at the age of 28 to 82 years (mean age — (53.6±1.26) years), of whom women — 88 (86.3%) people, males — 14 (13.7%) people.In 95.1% of patients there were revealed RA combination with other diseases. Cardiovascular pathology was diagnosed in 54.8% of patients and is the first among comorbid diseases. In the structure of comorbid conditions hypertension prevailed (42.1% of patients). Pathology of the thyroid gland took the second place in the structure of comorbidity in RA and was diagnosed in 19.6% of patients, most of whom were middle-aged women — 31.8%. Chronic viral hepatitis was diagnosed in 11%, including 10% — chronic viral hepatitis C, 1% — chronic viral hepatitis B


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    It is shown that nanostructured TiO2 : MoO3 films are capable to accumulate the charges induced under UV irradiation due to the generation of reduced forms of molybdenum oxide (hydrogen bronzes). Oxidation of these reduced forms in the air condition is accompanied by the generation of reactive oxygen species, due to which TiO2 : MoO3 films retain the oxidation ability and the pathophysiological activity for a long time after irradiation completion.Показано, что наноструктурированные пленки TiO2 : MoO3 способны под действием УФ-облучения накапливать фотоиндуцированный заряд при облучении за счет генерации восстановленных форм MoO3 (водородных бронз).Окисление указанных восстановленных форм в контакте с воздухом сопровождается генерацией активных форм кислорода, вследствие чего пленки TiO2 : MoO3 сохраняют окислительную способность и патофизиологическую ак­тивность в течение длительного времени (свыше 3 ч) после завершения облучения