399 research outputs found

    Dynamics rammers with two pairs of shock generators

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    The results of a numerical-analytic study for the dynamics of a vibro-impact mechanism with a crank vibration generator are presented in this paper. We show bifurcation diagrams and stability regions that let us find basic patterns in the reorganization of motion modes when the mechanism’s parameters change

    Integrative gene-metabolite network with implemented causality deciphers informational fluxes of sulphur stress response

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    The systematic accumulation of gene expression data, although revolutionary, is insufficient in itself for an understanding of system-level physiology. In the post-genomic era, the next cognitive step is linking genes to biological processes and assembling a mosaic of data into global models of biosystem function. A dynamic network of informational flows in Arabidopsis plants perturbed by sulphur depletion is presented here. With the use of an original protocol, the first blosystem response network was reconstructed from a time series of transcript and metabolite profiles, which, on the one hand, integrates complex metabolic and transcript data and, on the other hand, possesses a causal relationship. Using the informational fluxes within this reconstruction, it was possible to link system perturbation to response endpoints. Robustness and stress tolerance, as consequences of scale-free network topology, and hubs, as potential controllers of homeostasis maintenance, were revealed. Communication paths of propagating system excitement directed to physiological endpoints, such as anthocyanin accumulation and enforced root formation were dissected from the network. An auxin regulatory circuit involved in the control of a hypo-sulphur stress response was uncovered

    Political Metaphors and the Reputational Image of Power: Experience in Classifying Sociological Survey Data

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    The questions of classification of political metaphors are considered. This classification is necessary for the analysis of the data of sociological survey, which was conducted by the team of Smolensk University in 2022 in regions of Russia. The study of the reputational image of power (respondents' answers to the questions: “How would you draw the reputational image of Russian / regional power?”) problematizes the principles of classification. The relevance of the study in working out the diagnosis of the reputational image of power. The novelty of the study is that the analysis was conducted on the basis of folk metaphorization, rather than professional political discourse, which researchers of political metaphorology and political semantics usually deal with. The empirical material for the problematization of the classification was the results of the sociological survey 2021, which included similar questions. The classification of power metaphors on the basis of major philosophical categories and structural relationships (space/time; living/artificial; human/nature/society) is presented, as such principle allows capturing the real diversity and multidimensionality of figurative likenesses proposed by respondents. The results of the study of folk metaphorization adjust the existing classifications of power metaphors, do not fully coincide with the known classifications of metaphorical models of power, also adjust the ideas about the popularity of typical metaphorical models


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    В статье рассматриваются особенности процедуры государственной аттестации в свете новых образовательных стандартовThe article discusses the features of the state certification procedure in the light of new educational standard


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    В статье рассмотрены особенности разработки контрольно-оценочных средств в учреждении среднего профессионального образованияThe article describes the features of the development of tools for assessing the knowledge of students in institutions of secondary vocational educatio

    Modernization of the content of the training of working personnel, employees and specialists of the middle link in the conditions of network interaction

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    This article describes the features of the implementation of professional standards of working professions in educational institutions of secondary vocational education.В данной статье раскрываются особенности реализации профессиональных стандартов рабочих профессий при обучении в образовательных учреждениях среднего профессионального образования

    Risk factors and endothelial function for women of middle age with heart pain syndrome

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    In this article we present research data on the coronary vessels, endothelial function, and risk factor estimation for women with stenocardia and cardioalgia. The group of women with stenocardia is coronary vessel heterogeneous, coronary arteries of most of the patients are unchanged. Most of the patients have endothelial dysfunction.В статье представлены данные исследования коронарного русла и эндотелиальной функции, а также оценка факторов риска у женщин с клиникой стенокардии и кардиалгии. Группа женщин со стенокардией является разнородной по состоянию коронарных артерий и включает в себя большинство пациенток с неизмененными коронарными артериями. У большинства пациенток выявлена эндотелиальная дисфункция

    Инфекционный мононуклеоз: нетипичная манифестация

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     In most cases, EBV mononucleosis in hospitalized children occurs in a typical form, with a classical clinical picture. Cases of hepatitis, as the leading syndrome in EBV infection, are extremely rare. The article presents a clinical case of atypical onset of infectious mononucleosis of EBV etiology, which started with liver damage syndrome. This clinical experience gives an opportunity to run diagnostics of herpesvirus infections in cases of nonspecific liver damage.  В большинстве случаев ВЭБ-мононуклеоз у госпитализированных детей протекает в типичной форме, с характерной клинической картиной. Случаи гепатита, как ведущего синдрома при ВЭБ-инфекции, чрезвычайно редки.В статье представлен клинический случай нетипичного начала инфекционного мононуклеоза ВЭБ этиологии, стартовавшего с синдрома поражения печени. Данный клинический опыт дает возможность рекомендовать проведение диагностики на герпесвирусные инфекции в случаях неспецифического поражения печени.

    Новые комбинации и названия сосудистых растений Азиатской России.

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    In this paper, we present nomenclatural novelties required in the course of the preparation of the second, revised version of the checklist of vascular plants of Asian Russia. The first version was published in 2012 (Baikov 2012). At the family level, we accepted the modern classification systems (APG IV for flowering plants, PPG I for lycophytes and ferns, and GPG for gymnosperms). At the genus level, we follow the generic concepts applied for particular taxonomic groups according to the Catalogue of Life (COL; https://www.catalogueoflife.org/), version COL23.5. At the species level, we consistently apply the monotypic species concept (also known in Russia as Komarov’s concept). In total, this paper presents one new nothogenus name (× Sibirotrisetokoeleria Chepinoga nom. nov., Poaceae) and 156 new names in the rank of species, in 28 families: Amaranthaceae Juss. (1 name), Amaryllidaceae J. St.-Hil. (1), Apiaceae Lindl. (2), Asteraceae Bercht. & J.Presl (12), Boraginaceae Juss. (4), Caryophyllaceae Juss. (11), Crassulaceae J. St.-Hill. (3), Cyperaceae Juss. (8), Ericaceae Juss. (2), Fabaceae Lindl. (16), Gentianaceae Juss. (1), Geraniaceae Juss. (1), Juncaceae Juss. (1), Lamiaceae Martinov (1), Menyanthaceae Dumort. (1), Orchidaceae Juss. (1), Orobanchaceae Vent. (1), Papaveraceae Juss. (4), Plantaginaceae Juss. (1), Poaceae Barnhart (49), Polygonaceae Juss. (4), Primulaceae Batsch. ex Borkh. (6), Ranunculaceae Juss. (4), Rosaceae Juss. (5), Salicaceae Mirb. (2), Saxifragaceae Juss. (11), Vitaceae Juss. (1), Zygophyllaceae R. Br. (2 names)