92 research outputs found

    Incorporation and localisation of ganglioside GM3 in human intimal atherosclerotic lesions

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    AbstractImmunohistochemical examination showed that sections of intimal atherosclerotic plaques contained cells and cell clusters as well as areas of extracellular matrix specifically stained with antibodies against ganglioside GM3. No immunohistochemical staining was observed in areas bordering the plaques where there was no histological evidence of atherosclerosis. To determine whether the ganglioside GM3 deposits in the intimal plaques derived directly from plasma or were synthesised by intimal cells, intimal plaque and plasma LDL were assayed for ganglioside GM3 fatty acid composition. This assay showed that more than 50% of the fatty acids of GM3 isolated from both atherosclerotic and normal intima are either minor fatty acids or those absent from LDL GM3. We conclude that the GM3 deposits present in intimal plaque arise in intimal cells and do not derive from plasma LDL

    Patterns of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystallization in complex biological systems

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    The paper presents the features of calcium oxalate crystallization in the presence of additives revealed through experimental modeling. The patterns of phase formation are shown for the Ca{2+} – C[2]O[4]{ 2–} – H[2]O and Ca{2+} – C[2]O[4]{2–} – PO[4]{3–} – H[2]O systems with the components and pH of the saline varying over a wide concentrations range. The effect of additives on crystallization of calcium oxalate monohydrate was investigated. It was found that the ionic strength and magnesium ions are inhibitors, and calcium oxalate and hydroxyapatite crystals are catalysts of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystallization. The basic calcium phosphate (apatite) was found to be most thermodynamically stable, which indicates its special role in kidney stone formation since it is found in virtually all stones

    Homologs of the rolC gene of naturally transgenic toadflaxes Linaria vulgaris and Linaria creticola are expressed in vitro

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    Agrobacterium mediated transformation is the most common way for obtaining transgenic plants in laboratory conditions. At the same time, there are species inside the genera Nicotiana, Linaria and Ipomoea that contain homologs of agrobacterial T-DNA genes as a result of genetic transformation of their ancestral forms in natural conditions. Such plants are called naturally transgenic plants, and T-DNA in their genomes is called cellular (cT-DNA). It is proposed that in the evolution of these genera, the introduced sequences played an important role. This idea is confirmed by the data on the expression of some T-DNA genes in Nicotiana and Ipomoea. Until the last moment, the expression of cT-DNA genes in Linaria has not been documented. However, the analysis of the nucleotide sequence indicates the functionality of rolC gene in L. vulgaris Mill., L. acutiloba Fisch. ex Rchb., L. genistifolia (L.) Mill. In this research work, we have sequenced the rolC homolog in one more toadflax species (Linaria creticola Kuprian). The in silico analysis of this gene has shown that it can encode a full-length peptide. Using the real time RT-PCR method, we have demonstrated that the rolC homolog is expressed in vitro in shoots, roots and calli of L. vulgaris Mill., as well as in shoots of L. creticola Kuprian. The results obtained are an important argument in favor of the fact that cT-DNA is functional and that its fixation in genomes played a certain role in the evolutionary process. However, the level of expression of the gene studied is quite low. A similar trend was observed in other naturally transgenic species. This can explain the absence of explicit morphological differences of species containing cT-DNA from their non-transgenic relatives

    Thermal effects of carbonated hydroxyapatite modified by glycine and albumin

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    In this work calcium phosphate powders were obtained by precipitation method from simulated solutions of synovial fluid containing glycine and albumin. X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopy determined that all samples are single-phase and are presented by carbonate containing hydroxyapatite (CHA). The thermograms of solid phases of CHA were obtained and analyzed; five stages of transformation in the temperature range of 25-1000°C were marked. It is shown that in this temperature range dehydration, decarboxylation and thermal degradation of amino acid and protein connected to the surface of solid phase occur. The tendency of temperature lowering of the decomposition of powders synthesized from a medium containing organic substances was determined. Results demonstrate a direct dependence between the concentration of the amino acid in a model solution and its content in the solid phase

    Синтез и оценка однородности многокомпонентных висмутатных оксидных стекол в системе Bi2O3, MoO3, GeO2 и B2O3

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    Synthesis of glasses in Bi2O3/MoO3/GeO2/B2O3 system is offered. A method for estimating the uniformity of such glasses is offered. A procedure for measuring the content of germanium oxide in the glassy samples was developed.Предложен метод синтеза стекол в системе Bi2 O3 , MoO3 , GeO2 и B2 O3. Проведена оценка однородности таких стекол. Разработана методика измерения содержания оксида германия в стекловидных образцах

    Algorithm of Hepatitis B Vaccinal Prevention at Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Dynamics of Program Therapy

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    Purpose: To create the algorithm of hepatitis B vaccinal prevention at children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Materials and Methods: The data of 181 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, from which 99 patients received specific hepatitis B prevention with vaccine «Engerix B», have been investigated. The authors have assessed correlations between efficiency of offered vaccinal prevention and leuco/neutropenia degrees at patients in days of vaccinations. The analysis of hepatitis B infect level at stages of vaccination was carried out. Results: The algorithm of hepatitis B vaccinal prevention at children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia is offered

    Морфофункциональная характеристика слизистой оболочки желудка у больных с бронхиальной астмой разной степени тяжести

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    Summary. Morphological characteristics of gastric mucosa in patients with asthma of different severity with regard to corticosteroid therapy were described in this article. The aim of this study was to substantiate optimized standards of asthma treatment. Clinical and morphological investigations were conducted at the city clinical hospital № 31. We investigated all structural components of the gastric mucosa in biopsy specimens with light binocular microscopy and performed morphometric study of inflammatory infiltrates. As a result, several signs of protective effect of inhaled corticosteroids on gastric mucosa were found. We did not obtain any results that could confirm the key role of glucocorticosteroids in occurrence of gastrointestinal erosions in asthma patients. Therefore, prevention of erosive gastritis and other inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases in asthma patients should consider other risk factors besides glucocorticosteroid therapy and cover all stages of asthma.Резюме. Статья посвящена оценке и анализу морфологических характеристик слизистой оболочки желудка у больных с бронхиальной астмой разной степени тяжести в зависимости от вида проводимой глюкокортикостероидной терапии с целью выявления научных обоснований для оптимизации стандартов ведения этой категории пациентов. Клинико-морфологическое исследование было проведено на базе Городской клинической больницы № 31 Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы. Морфологически и морфометрически изучена слизистая оболочка желудка. В результате выявлены признаки гастропротективного эффекта от применения ингаляционных глюкокортикостероидов. Мнение о ключевой роли глюкокортикостероидов в развитии эрозивных процессов желудочно-кишечного тракта при бронхиальной астме не было подтверждено. Профилактика эрозивного гастрита и других воспалительных заболеваний желудка при бронхиальной астме должна ассоциироваться не только с приемом глюкокортикостероидов, ее следует учитывать на всех стадиях бронхиальной астмы

    Вплив факторів ризику на формування артеріальної гіпертензії серед дорослого населення міста Полтава

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    Актуальність проблеми. Хронічні неінфекційні захворювання, серед яких провідну роль відіграють хвороби системи кровообігу, прийнято називати «хворобами цивілізації» і саме вони визначають рівень захворюваності, непрацездатності та смертності як в розвинених країнах, так і в тих, що розвиваються. За визначенням Європейського регіонального бюро ВООЗ, вони являють собою основну проблему для охорони здоров’я в Європейському регіоні.; Актуальность проблемы. Хронические неинфекционные заболевания, среди которых ведущую роль играют болезни системы кровообращения, принято называть «болезнями цивилизации» и именно они определяют уровень заболеваемости, нетрудоспособности и смертности как в развитых, так и в развивающихся. По определению Европейского регионального бюро ВОЗ, они представляют собой основную проблему для здравоохранения в Европейском регионе.; Relevance of the problem. Chronic non-infectious diseases, among which the leading role is played by diseases of the circulatory system, are called "diseases of civilization" and they determine the level of morbidity, disability and mortality both in developed countries and in developing countries. According to the WHO Regional Office for Europe, they represent a major health problem in the European Region