204 research outputs found

    Molecular random walks and invariance group of the Bogolyubov equation

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    Statistics of molecular random walks in a fluid is considered with the help of the Bogolyubov equation for generating functional of distribution functions. An invariance group of solutions to this equation as functions of the fluid density is discovered. It results in many exact relations between probability distribution of the path of a test particle and its irreducible correlations with the fluid. As the consequence, significant restrictions do arise on possible shapes of the path distribution. In particular, the hypothetical Gaussian form of its long-range asymptotic proves to be forbidden (even in the Boltzmann-Grad limit). Instead, a diffusive asymptotic is allowed which possesses power-law long tail (cut off by ballistic flight length).Comment: 23 pages, no figures, LaTeX AMSART, author's translation from Russian of the paper accepted to the TMPh (``Theoretical and mathematical physics''

    Duality and fluctuation relations for statistics of currents on cyclic graphs

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    We consider stochastic motion of a particle on a cyclic graph with arbitrarily periodic time dependent kinetic rates. We demonstrate duality relations for statistics of currents in this model and in its continuous version of a diffusion in one dimension. Our duality relations are valid beyond detailed balance constraints and lead to exact expressions that relate statistics of currents induced by dual driving protocols. We also show that previously known no-pumping theorems and some of the fluctuation relations, when they are applied to cyclic graphs or to one dimensional diffusion, are special consequences of our duality.Comment: 2 figure, 6 pages (In twocolumn). Accepted by JSTA

    Minimal Work Principle and its Limits for Classical Systems

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    The minimal work principle asserts that work done on a thermally isolated equilibrium system, is minimal for the slowest (adiabatic) realization of a given process. This principle, one of the formulations of the second law, is operationally well-defined for any finite (few particle) Hamiltonian system. Within classical Hamiltonian mechanics, we show that the principle is valid for a system of which the observable of work is an ergodic function. For non-ergodic systems the principle may or may not hold, depending on additional conditions. Examples displaying the limits of the principle are presented and their direct experimental realizations are discussed.Comment: 4 + epsilon pages, 1 figure, revte

    The Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment

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    The concept of "smart city"and the need to follow this direction in the light of current trends, so as not to miss the chance to improve life in cities. The development and improvement of cities allows humanity to reach a new level in the quality of life and intellectual development. Hence, the population has more prospects to change the surrounding life and their personal. The article reflects the main ideas in the formation of a comfortable urban environment, their relationship and impact on a favorable social climate. The scenario algorithm of practical action for the active citizen on determination of the direction of improvement of comfort of the city environment, establishment of communications of objects of infrastructure of the city environment, Association of the used methods of changes in the concept is offered. The results of the project ";Formation of a comfortable urban environment"on the example of the Sverdlovsk region. The stages of organizational procedures are analyzed, the data of analysts are analyzed, conclusions are drawn about the need to involve citizens in the implementation of projects initiated by citizens. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    "Resonance" phenomena in thermal diffusion processes in two-layer structures

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    The dependence on chopper frequency of the effective thermal diffusivity and effective thermal conductivity in photoacoustic experiments is discussed. The theoretical model of a two-layer structure at rear-surface illumination in the high frequency limit is considered. It is shown that the effective thermal diffusivity presents ``resonance'' while the effective thermal conductivity sharply changes its magnitude and sign. Such ``resonant'' behavior strongly depends on the surface thermal conductivities associated with the interface thermal contacts.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Stochastic deformation of a thermodynamic symplectic structure

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    A stochastic deformation of a thermodynamic symplectic structure is studied. The stochastic deformation procedure is analogous to the deformation of an algebra of observables like deformation quantization, but for an imaginary deformation parameter (the Planck constant). Gauge symmetries of thermodynamics and corresponding stochastic mechanics, which describes fluctuations of a thermodynamic system, are revealed and gauge fields are introduced. A physical interpretation to the gauge transformations and gauge fields is given. An application of the formalism to a description of systems with distributed parameters in a local thermodynamic equilibrium is considered.Comment: 22 pages, revtex preprint style; some notations changed and references added; some formulas and comments adde

    Classical and Thermodynamic work fluctuations

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    We have studied the nature of classical work (WcW_{c}) and thermodynamic work (WW) fluctuations in systems driven out of equilibrium both in transient and time periodic steady state. As the observation time of trajectory increases, we show that the number of trajectories which exhibit excursions away from the typical behaviour i.e., Wc<0W_{c}<0, W<ΔFW<\Delta F and dissipated heat Q<0Q<0 decreases as anticipated for macroscopic time scales. Analytical expressions for such trajectories are obtained. Trajectory for which Wc<0W_{c}<0 may not correspond to W<ΔFW<\Delta F or Q<0Q<0. The applicability of steady state fluctuation theorems are discussed in our linear as well as nonlinear models.Comment: Based on the talk presented by Mamata Sahoo at the Condensed Matter Days-Aug. 2008 held at Viswavarati University, Kolkata. 19 pages, 8 figure


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    It is shown that thermoelectric energy conversion which gives the possibility for utilizing a low potential heat is one of the ways for adoption of energy-saving technologies; and semiconductor materials with p-type and n-type conductivities having high thermoelectric figure of merit are necessary for operation of thermoelectric generators. The paper deals with possibility of usage of the p-Mg2Si0.3Sn0.7 solid solution (with a nanostructured modification) as a couple for the well studied thermoelectric material based on n-Mg2Si-Mg2Sn. A technological scheme for fabrication of heavily doped Mg2Si0.3Sn0.7 solid solution of p-type by hot pressing from nanopowder is developed. The given technology has made it possible to reduce duration of a homogeneous material fabrication and has improved its physical and chemical properties. The samples were made by three ways: direct fusion for polycrystals fabrication; hot pressing from microparticles; nanostructuring, i.e. hot pressing from nanoparticles. By X-ray diffraction it is shown that sizes of structural elements in the fabricated samples are about 40 nm. The probe technique is used for measurement of electric conductivity and Seebeck coefficient. The stationary absolute method is used for measurement of thermal conductivity. Thermoelectric figure of merit is defined by measured values of kinetic coefficients in the temperatures range of 77 – 800 K. It was demonstrated, that electric conductivity, Seebeck coefficient and the power factor do not depend practically on a way of solid solution preparation. Thermal conductivity of samples pressed from nanoparticles has appeared to be higher, than of samples, obtained by direct fusion; i.e. in this case nanostructuring has not led to increase of thermoelectric figure of merit. The conclusion is drawn, that polycrystalline semiconductor Mg2Si0.3Sn0.7 can be used as a p-branch for a thermoelectric generator though nanostructuring has not led to the figure of merit growth. The assumption is made, that thermoelectric figure of merit improvement can be expected at the further reduction of the nanograins size

    Effect of ABCB1 Gene Carriage and Drug-Drug Interactions on Apixaban and Rivaroxaban Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Deep Vein Thrombosis

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    Aim. To investigate the effect of ABCB1 gene carriage and interdrug interactions on apixaban pharmacokinetics and clinical outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation and deep vein thrombosis.Material and methods. Patients hospitalized at Yudin State Clinical Hospital participated in the study. A total of 92 patients (50 patients received apixaban and 42 – rivaroxaban) with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and deep vein thrombosis were included. Genotyping was performed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Direct oral anticoagulants concentrations were measured using an electrospray ionization mass spectrometer in positive ionization mode.Results. In our study we found that in patients carrying the CT+TT ABCB1 (rs4148738) C&gt;T genotype encoding the carrier protein (P-gp), the plasma concentration of rivaroxaban was statistically significantly higher p= 0.026. In addition, we found that patients taking apixaban together with a CYP3A4/P-gp inhibitor were 3.5 times more likely to have hemorrhagic complications than those without inhibitors p = 0.004.Conclusion. Our study revealed that the plasma concentration of rivaroxaban was higher in patients carrying the ABCB1 (rs4148738) C&gt;T polymorphism T allele. And patients taking apixaban together with CYP3A4/P-gp inhibitor had higher risk of hemorrhagic complications in comparison with patients not taking such drugs. Further studies are needed on the influence of pharmacogenetics and pharmacokinetics on the safety and efficacy profile of apixaban and rivaroxaban, taking into account the trend of systemic approach to optimization of anticoagulant therapy of direct oral anticoagulants based on pharmacokinetic, pharmacogenetic biomarkers

    Quantum Fluctuation Relations for the Lindblad Master Equation

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    An open quantum system interacting with its environment can be modeled under suitable assumptions as a Markov process, described by a Lindblad master equation. In this work, we derive a general set of fluctuation relations for systems governed by a Lindblad equation. These identities provide quantum versions of Jarzynski-Hatano-Sasa and Crooks relations. In the linear response regime, these fluctuation relations yield a fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT) valid for a stationary state arbitrarily far from equilibrium. For a closed system, this FDT reduces to the celebrated Callen-Welton-Kubo formula