34,762 research outputs found

    Relation Between Einstein And Quantum Field Equations

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    We show that there exists a choice of scalar field modes, such that the evolution of the quantum field in the zero-mass and large-mass limits is consistent with the Einstein equations for the background geometry. This choice of modes is also consistent with zero production of these particles and thus corresponds to a preferred vacuum state preserved by the evolution. In the zero-mass limit, we find that the quantum field equation implies the Einstein equation for the scale factor of a radiation-dominated universe; in the large-mass case, it implies the corresponding Einstein equation for a matter-dominated universe. Conversely, if the classical radiation-dominated or matter-dominated Einstein equations hold, there is no production of scalar particles in the zero and large mass limits, respectively. The suppression of particle production in the large mass limit is over and above the expected suppression at large mass. Our results hold for a certain class of conformally ultrastatic background geometries and therefore generalize previous results by one of us for spatially flat Robertson-Walker background geometries. In these geometries, we find that the temporal part of the graviton equations reduces to the temporal equation for a massless minimally coupled scalar field, and therefore the results for massless particle production hold also for gravitons. Within the class of modes we study, we also find that the requirement of zero production of massless scalar particles is not consistent with a non-zero cosmological constant. Possible implications are discussed.Comment: Latex, 24 pages. Minor changes in text from original versio

    Particle creation in a Robertson-Walker Universe revisited

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    We reanalyze the problem of particle creation in a 3+1 spatially closed Robertson-Walker space-time. We compute the total number of particles produced by this non-stationary gravitational background as well as the corresponding total energy and find a slight discrepancy between our results and those recently obtained in the literatur

    Surface acoustic wave stabilized oscillators

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    Four areas of surface acoustic wave (SAW) controlled oscillators were investigated and a number of 401.2 MHz oscillators were constructed that showed improved performance. Aging studies on SAW devices packaged in HC36/U cold weld enclosures produced frequency drifts as low as 0.4 ppm in 35 weeks and drift rates well under 0.5 ppm/year. Temperature compensation circuits have substantially improved oscillator temperature stability, with a deviation of + or - 4 ppm observed over the range -45 C to + 40 C. High efficiency amplifiers were constructed for SAW oscillators and a dc to RF efficiency of 44 percent was obtained for an RF output of 25 mW. Shock and vibration tests were made on four oscillators and all survived 500 G shock pulses unchanged. Only when white noise vibration (20 Hz to 2000 Hz) levels of 20 G's rms were applied did some of the devices fail

    Acceleration of the universe, vacuum metamorphosis, and the large-time asymptotic form of the heat kernel

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    We investigate the possibility that the late acceleration observed in the rate of expansion of the universe is due to vacuum quantum effects arising in curved spacetime. The theoretical basis of the vacuum cold dark matter (VCDM), or vacuum metamorphosis, cosmological model of Parker and Raval is revisited and improved. We show, by means of a manifestly nonperturbative approach, how the infrared behavior of the propagator (related to the large-time asymptotic form of the heat kernel) of a free scalar field in curved spacetime causes the vacuum expectation value of its energy-momentum tensor to exhibit a resonance effect when the scalar curvature R of the spacetime reaches a particular value related to the mass of the field. we show that the back reaction caused by this resonance drives the universe through a transition to an accelerating expansion phase, very much in the same way as originally proposed by Parker and Raval. Our analysis includes higher derivatives that were neglected in the earlier analysis, and takes into account the possible runaway solutions that can follow from these higher-derivative terms. We find that the runaway solutions do not occur if the universe was described by the usual classical FRW solution prior to the growth of vacuum energy-density and negative pressure (i.e., vacuum metamorphosis) that causes the transition to an accelerating expansion of the universe in this theory.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Physical Review D15 (Dec 23, 2003). v2: 1 reference added. No other change

    Direct versus Delayed pathways in Strong-Field Non-Sequential Double Ionization

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    We report full-dimensionality quantum and classical calculations for double ionization of laser-driven helium at 390 nm. Good qualitative agreement is observed. We show that the classical double ionization trajectories can be divided into two distinct pathways: direct and delayed. The direct pathway, with an almost simultaneous ejection of both electrons, emerges from small laser intensities. With increasing intensity its relative importance, compared to the delayed ionization pathway, increases until it becomes the predominant pathway for total electron escape energy below around 5.25 UpU_{p}. However the delayed pathway is the predominant one for double ionization above a certain cut-off energy at all laser intensities

    Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable Accretion Flows

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    We have used a magnetic accretion model to investigate the accretion flows of magnetic cataclysmic variables (mCVs) throughout a range of parameter space. The results of our numerical simulations demonstrate that broadly four types of flow are possible: discs, streams, rings and propellers. We show that the equilibrium spin periods in asynchronous mCVs, for a given orbital period and magnetic moment, occur where the flow changes from a type characterised by spin-up (i.e. disc or stream) to one characterised by spin-down (i.e. propeller or ring). 'Triple points' occur in the plane of spin-to-orbital period ratio versus magnetic moment, at which stream-disc-propeller flows or stream-ring-propeller flows can co-exist. The first of these is identified as corresponding to when the corotation radius is equal to the circularisation radius, and the second as where the corotation radius is equal to the distance from white dwarf to the L1 point. If mCVs are accreting at their equilibrium spin rates, then for a mass ratio of 0.5, those with Pspin/Porb < 0.1 will be disc-like, those with 0.1 < Pspin/Porb < 0.5 will be stream-like, and those with Pspin/Porb ~ 0.5 will be ring-like. In each case, some material is also lost from the binary in order to maintain angular momentum balance. The spin to orbital period ratio at which the systems transition between these flow types decreases as the mass ratio of the stellar components increases, and vice versa

    Relation between Tunneling and Particle Production in Vacuum Decay

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    The field-theoretical description of quantum fluctuations on the background of a tunneling field σ\sigma is revisited in the case of a functional Schrodinger approach. We apply this method in the case when quantum fluctuations are coupled to the σ\sigma field through a mass-squared term, which is 'time-dependent' since we include the dynamics of σ\sigma . The resulting mode functions of the fluctuation field, which determine the quantum state after tunneling, display a previously unseen resonance effect when their mode number is comparable to the curvature scale of the bubble. A detailed analysis of the relation between the excitations of the field about the true vacuum (interpreted as particle creation) and the phase shift coming from tunneling is presented.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Trophic Transfer of Arsenic from an Aquatic Insect to Terrestrial Insect Predators.

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    The movement of energy and nutrients from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems can be substantial, and emergent aquatic insects can serve as biovectors not only for nutrients, but also for contaminants present in the aquatic environment. The terrestrial predators Tenodera aridifolia sinensis (Mantodea: Mantidae) and Tidarren haemorrhoidale (Araneae: Theridiidae) and the aquatic predator Buenoa scimitra (Hemiptera: Notonectidae) were chosen to evaluate the efficacy of arsenic transfer between aquatic and terrestrial environments. Culex tarsalis larvae were reared in either control water or water containing 1000 µg l(-1) arsenic. Adults that emerged from the control and arsenic treatments were fed to the terrestrial predators, and fourth instar larvae were fed to the aquatic predator reared in control or arsenic contaminated water. Tenodera a. sinensis fed arsenic-treated Cx. tarsalis accumulated 658±130 ng g(-1) of arsenic. There was no significant difference between control and arsenic-fed T. haemorrhoidale (range 142-290 ng g(-1)). Buenoa scimitra accumulated 5120±406 ng g(-1) of arsenic when exposed to arsenic-fed Cx. tarsalis and reared in water containing 1000 µg l(-1) arsenic. There was no significant difference between controls or arsenic-fed B. scimitra that were not exposed to water-borne arsenic, indicating that for this species environmental exposure was more important in accumulation than strictly dietary arsenic. These results indicate that transfer to terrestrial predators may play an important role in arsenic cycling, which would be particularly true during periods of mass emergence of potential insect biovectors. Trophic transfer within the aquatic environment may still occur with secondary predation, or in predators with different feeding strategies

    Some gamma-ray shielding measurements made at altitudes greater than 115000 feet using large Ge(Li) detectors

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    A series of balloon-flight experiments at altitudes greater than 115,000 feet were conducted to gain information relative to the use of composite shields (passive and/or active) for shielding large-volume, lithium-drifted, germanium (Ge(Li)) detectors used in gamma-ray spectrometers. Data showing the pulse-height spectra of the environmental gamma radiation as measured at 5.3 and 3.8 gms sq cm residual atmosphere with an unshielded diode detector are also presented