37,787 research outputs found

    Is Neolithic land use correlated with demography? An evaluation of pollen-derived land cover and radiocarbon-inferred demographic change from Central Europe

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    The transformation of natural landscapes in Middle Europe began in the Neolithic as a result of the introduction of food-producing economies. This paper examines the relation between land-cover and demographic change in a regionally restricted case study. The study area is the Western Lake Constance area which has very detailed palynological as well as archaeological records. We compare land-cover change derived from nine pollen records using a pseudo-biomisation approach with 14C date probability density functions from archaeological sites which serve as a demographic proxy. We chose the Lake Constance area as a regional example where the pollen signal integrates a larger spatial pattern. The land-cover reconstructions for this region show first notable impacts at the Middle to Young Neolithic transition. The beginning of the Bronze Age is characterised by increases of arable land and pasture/meadow, whereas the deciduous woodland decreases dramatically. Changes in the land-cover classes show a correlation with the 14C density curve: the correlation is best with secondary woodland in the Young Neolithic which reflects the lake shore settlement dynamics. In the Early Bronze Age, the radiocarbon density correlates with open land-cover classes, such as pasture, meadow and arable land, reflecting a change in the land-use strategy. The close overall correspondence between the two archives implies that population dynamics and land-cover change were intrinsically linked. We therefore see human impact as a key driver for vegetation change in the Neolithic. Climate might have an influence on vegetation development, but the changes caused by human land use are clearly detectable from Neolithic times, at least in these densely settled, mid-altitude landscapes

    Free field realization of the exceptional current superalgebra \hat{D(2,1;\a)}_k

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    The free-field representations of the D(2,1;\a) current superalgebra and the corresponding energy-momentum tensor are constructed. The related screening currents of the first kind are also presented.Comment: Latex file, 10 page

    Interpreting forest and grassland biome productivity utilizing nested scales of image resolution and biogeographical analysis

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    Several hardware, software, and data collection problems encountered were conquered. The Geographic Information System (GIS) data from other systems were converted to ERDAS format for incorporation with the image data. Statistical analysis of the relationship between spectral values and productivity is being pursued. Several project sites, including Jackson, Pope, Boulder, Smokies, and Huntington Forest are evolving as the most intensively studied areas, primarily due to availability of data and time. Progress with data acquisition and quality checking, more details on experimental sites, and brief summarizations of research results and future plans are discussed. Material on personnel, collaborators, facilities, site background, and meetings and publications of the investigators are included

    Immunization for complex network based on the effective degree of vertex

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    The basic idea of many effective immunization strategies is first to rank the importance of vertices according to the degrees of vertices and then remove the vertices from highest importance to lowest until the network becomes disconnected. Here we define the effective degrees of vertex, i.e., the number of its connections linking to un-immunized nodes in current network during the immunization procedure, to rank the importance of vertex, and modify these strategies by using the effective degrees of vertices. Simulations on both the scale-free network models with various degree correlations and two real networks have revealed that the immunization strategies based on the effective degrees are often more effective than those based on the degrees in the initial network.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Edge Shear Flows and Particle Transport near the Density Limit in the HL-2A Tokamak

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    Edge shear flow and its effect on regulating turbulent transport have long been suspected to play an important role in plasmas operating near the Greenwald density limit nG n_G . In this study, equilibrium profiles as well as the turbulent particle flux and Reynolds stress across the separatrix in the HL-2A tokamak are examined as nG n_G is approached in ohmic L-mode discharges. As the normalized line-averaged density nˉe/nG \bar{n}_e/n_G is raised, the shearing rate of the mean poloidal flow ωsh \omega_{\rm sh} drops, and the turbulent drive for the low-frequency zonal flow (the Reynolds power PRe \mathcal{P}_{Re} ) collapses. Correspondingly, the turbulent particle transport increases drastically with increasing collision rates. The geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs) gain more energy from the ambient turbulence at higher densities, but have smaller shearing rate than low-frequency zonal flows. The increased density also introduces decreased adiabaticity which not only enhances the particle transport but is also related to a reduction in the eddy-tilting and the Reynolds power. Both effects may lead to the cooling of edge plasmas and therefore the onset of MHD instabilities that limit the plasma density

    Possible DDˉD\bar{D} and BBˉB\bar{B} Molecular states in a chiral quark model

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    We perform a systematic study of the bound state problem of DDˉD\bar{D} and BBˉB\bar{B} systems by using effective interaction in our chiral quark model. Our results show that both the interactions of DDˉD\bar{D} and BBˉB\bar{B} states are attractive, which consequently result in IG(JPC)=0+(0++)I^G(J^{PC})=0^+(0^{++}) DDˉD\bar{D} and BBˉB\bar{B} bound states.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1204.395

    Search for Bc(ns)B_c(ns) via the Bc(ns)Bc(ms)π+πB_c(ns)\to B_c(ms)\pi^+\pi^- transition at LHCb and Z0Z_0 factory

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    It is interesting to study the characteristics of the whole family of BcB_c which contains two different heavy flavors. LHC and the proposed Z0Z^0 factory provide an opportunity because a large database on the BcB_c family will be achieved. BcB_c and its excited states can be identified via their decay modes. As suggested by experimentalists, Bc(ns)Bc+γB_c^*(ns)\to B_c+\gamma is not easy to be clearly measured, instead, the trajectories of π+\pi^+ and π\pi^- occurring in the decay of Bc(ns)Bc(ms)+π+πB_c(ns)\to B_c(ms)+\pi^+\pi^- (n>mn>m) can be unambiguously identified, thus the measurement seems easier and more reliable, therefore this mode is more favorable at early running stage of LHCb and the proposed Z0Z^0 factory. In this work, we calculate the rate of Bc(ns)Bc(ms)+π+πB_c(ns)\to B_c(ms)+\pi^+\pi^- in terms of the QCD multipole-expansion and the numerical results indicate that the experimental measurements with the luminosity of LHC and Z0Z^0 factory are feasible.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figures and 4 tables, acceptted by SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy (Science in China Series G

    Different atmospheric moisture divergence responses to extreme and moderate El Niños

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    On seasonal and inter-annual time scales, vertically integrated moisture divergence provides a useful measure of the tropical atmospheric hydrological cycle. It reflects the combined dynamical and thermodynamical effects, and is not subject to the limitations that afflict observations of evaporation minus precipitation. An empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of the tropical Pacific moisture divergence fields calculated from the ERA-Interim reanalysis reveals the dominant effects of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on inter-annual time scales. Two EOFs are necessary to capture the ENSO signature, and regression relationships between their Principal Components and indices of equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) demonstrate that the transition from strong La Niña through to extreme El Niño events is not a linear one. The largest deviation from linearity is for the strongest El Niños, and we interpret that this arises at least partly because the EOF analysis cannot easily separate different patterns of responses that are not orthogonal to each other. To overcome the orthogonality constraints, a self-organizing map (SOM) analysis of the same moisture divergence fields was performed. The SOM analysis captures the range of responses to ENSO, including the distinction between the moderate and strong El Niños identified by the EOF analysis. The work demonstrates the potential for the application of SOM to large scale climatic analysis, by virtue of its easier interpretation, relaxation of orthogonality constraints and its versatility for serving as an alternative classification method. Both the EOF and SOM analyses suggest a classification of “moderate” and “extreme” El Niños by their differences in the magnitudes of the hydrological cycle responses, spatial patterns and evolutionary paths. Classification from the moisture divergence point of view shows consistency with results based on other physical variables such as SST