15 research outputs found

    Using Genetic Algorithms for Texts Classification Problems

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    The avalanche quantity of the information developed by mankind has led to concept of automation of knowledge extraction - Data Mining ([1]). This direction is connected with a wide spectrum of problems - from recognition of the fuzzy set to creation of search machines. Important component of Data Mining is processing of the text information. Such problems lean on concept of classification and clustering ([2]). Classification consists in definition of an accessory of some element (text) to one of in advance created classes. Clustering means splitting a set of elements (texts) on clusters which quantity are defined by localization of elements of the given set in vicinities of these some natural centers of these clusters. Realization of a problem of classification initially should lean on the given postulates, basic of which - the aprioristic information on primary set of texts and a measure of affinity of elements and classes.Comment: 16 pages, exposed on 5th International Conference "Actualities and Perspectives on Hardware and Software" - APHS2009, Timisoara, Romani

    Inclusive National and Community Service: Bringing Together Service and Disability Communities

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    National service and volunteer programs, seeking to reflect the diversity of their communities, are increasing the participation of individuals with disabilities as members, volunteers, and leaders and working to ensure each individual has a meaningful service experience. In order to support their inclusive efforts, the National Service Inclusion Project (NSIP) brings together the national service and disability communities at a local, state, and national level. Through partnership building, strategic planning, and resource sharing, there have been measureable increases in numbers of service participants with disabilities and the quality of their experience

    Метод приближенного анализа взаимодействия материала с валками в вибровалковом измельчителе

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    The article presents the results of a study of the process of material grinding in roller aggregates with various kinematic features. As the object of research, the design of a vibroroller unit is selected, which has great prospects for use in production. A characteristic feature of this unit is a significant influence on the grinding process of inertia forces. As the main method of research in relation to the movement of the working bodies of the roller and vibroroller shredder and the crushed material, a method of modeling is adopted. It is presented an approximate analysis of the interaction of the crushed material in roll units with rolls. The crushed material is modeled by a set of horizontal elementary layers. At the first stage, the material is crushed in rolls with constant kinematic parameters. Analytical dependencies of the roll pressure on the material are established. At the second stage, the grinding of materials in a vibroroller shredder is considered. A distinctive feature of the vibroroller shredder is the presence of an eccentrically installed roll. The variant is presented when the eccentric performs a curvilinear translational motion, and the roll performs harmonic fluctuation (vibrations) along the coordinate axes with an amplitude of e. The resulting inertia forces and oscillatory motions of the roll are considered. The analysis of the total force in the unit under consideration, which makes it possible to implement crushing-shear and vibration effects on the crushed material, is carried out. The force interaction of the roll with the material is described by two systems of forces: the elastic forces resulting from the contraction of the model layers according to Hooke’s law, and the forces caused by the vibration of the roll (inertia forces). The results obtained are of practical importance in the design of roller units and vibration equipment, as well as for the analysis of the operation of such designs of grinders.Представлены результаты исследования процесса измельчения материала в валковых агрегатах с различными кинематическими особенностями. В качестве объекта исследования выбрана конструкция вибровалкового агрегата, имеющего большие перспективы использования в производстве. Характерной особенностью такого агрегата является значительное влияние на процесс измельчения сил инерции. В качестве основного метода исследования принят метод моделирования, причем применительно к движению рабочих органов валкового и вибровалкового измельчителя и измельчаемого материала. Представлен приближенный анализ взаимодействия измельчаемого материала в валковых агрегатах с валками. Измельчаемый материал моделируется совокупностью горизонтальных элементарных слоев. На первом этапе представлено измельчение материала в валках с постоянными кинематическими параметрами. Установлены аналитические зависимости давления валков на материал. На втором этапе рассмотрено измельчение материалов в вибровалковом измельчителе. Отличительной особенностью вибровалкового измельчителя является наличие эксцентрично установленного валка. Представлен вариант, когда эксцентрик выполняет криволинейно-поступательное движение, а валок совершает гармонические колебания (вибрации) вдоль осей координат с амплитудой е. Рассмотрены возникающие при этом силы инерции и колебательные движения валка. Проведен анализ суммарного усилия в рассматриваемом агрегате, позволяющем реализовать раздавливающе-сдвиговое и вибрационное воздействия на измельчаемый материал. Силовое взаимодействие валка с материалом описано двумя системами сил: силами упругости, возникающими в результате сокращения модельных слоев согласно закону Гука, и силами, вызванными вибрацией валка (силами инерции). Полученные результаты имеют практическую значимость при проектировании валковых агрегатов и вибрационной техники, а также для анализа работы подобных конструкций измельчителей

    Alpha-particle-induced complex chromosome exchanges transmitted through extra-thymic lymphopoiesis in vitro show evidence of emerging genomic instability

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    Human exposure to high-linear energy transfer α-particles includes environmental (e.g. radon gas and its decay progeny), medical (e.g. radiopharmaceuticals) and occupational (nuclear industry) sources. The associated health risks of α-particle exposure for lung cancer are well documented however the risk estimates for leukaemia remain uncertain. To further our understanding of α-particle effects in target cells for leukaemogenesis and also to seek general markers of individual exposure to α-particles, this study assessed the transmission of chromosomal damage initially-induced in human haemopoietic stem and progenitor cells after exposure to high-LET α-particles. Cells surviving exposure were differentiated into mature T-cells by extra-thymic T-cell differentiation in vitro. Multiplex fluorescence in situ hybridisation (M-FISH) analysis of naïve T-cell populations showed the occurrence of stable (clonal) complex chromosome aberrations consistent with those that are characteristically induced in spherical cells by the traversal of a single α-particle track. Additionally, complex chromosome exchanges were observed in the progeny of irradiated mature T-cell populations. In addition to this, newly arising de novo chromosome aberrations were detected in cells which possessed clonal markers of α-particle exposure and also in cells which did not show any evidence of previous exposure, suggesting ongoing genomic instability in these populations. Our findings support the usefulness and reliability of employing complex chromosome exchanges as indicators of past or ongoing exposure to high-LET radiation and demonstrate the potential applicability to evaluate health risks associated with α-particle exposure.This work was supported by the Department of Health, UK. Contract RRX95 (RMA NSDTG)

    Using of Different Approaches Towards Grounding the Health-saving Technologies of Students Studying

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    Дослідження фізичного розвитку, стану фізичного здоровʼя, тривалості режиму праці й відпочинку школярів автори розглядають як один із важливих підходів до обґрунтування та реалізації здоров’язберігальних технологій навчання студентів. У процесі наукової роботи, при виконанні кваліфікаційних робіт, самостійної роботи й під час проходження практики в школі студенти використовують теоретичні знання та практичні вміння діагностики фізичного здоров’я, а в процесі аналізу отриманих результатів переконуються в необхідності проведення оздоровчої роботи. Це спонукає їх до вивчення здоров’язберігальних технологій навчання, які будуть сприяти покращенню показників здоров’я. Автори подають результати вивчення фізичного розвитку, функціонального стану, серцевосудинної й дихальної систем, рівня соматичного (фізичного) здоров’я 26 учнів 4-го класу (10-річного віку). На основі використання комплексу антропометричних, фізіометричних досліджень, хронометражу діяльності учнів, педагогічних, статистичних методик автори роблять висновок про те, що 30,7 % школярів мають рівень фізичного розвитку нижчий від середнього й низький, у 36,6 % учнів визначається дисгармонійний розвиток. У структурі захворювання 75 % займають захворювання ендокринної системи (зоб). 53,8 % обстежених учнів за рівнем соматичного здоров’я належать до низького й нижчого за середній рівнів, вони потрубують проведення оздоровчої роботи. Research of physical development, state of physical health, duration of work and rest regime of pupils at school is considered to one of the most important approaches towards grounding and realization of health-saving technologies of students studying according to the authors of the article. In the process of studying, while doing qualificational works, independent work and while passing practice at schools students are using theoretical knowledge and practical skills of physical health diagnosing, and during the process of analysis of the obtained results they receive evidence that conducting of health-improving work is needed. This stimulates them to studying of health-saving technologies that will assist in improving of health results. The authors give the results of research of physical development, functional condition, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, level somatic (physical) health 26 pupils of the 4th form (10-years old). On the basis of usage of a complex of anthropometric data, physiometric reaseach, timing of pupils activities, pedagogic and statistic methods the authors come to a conclusion that 30,7 % of pupils have level of physical development that is lower than average and low, 36,6 % of pupils are characterized as having disharmonic development. In the structure of sickness rate 75 % have the illnesses of endocrine system (goitre), 53,8 % of pupils according to the level of somatic health are having level that is low or lower than average, they need conducting health-improving work

    Inclusive National and Community Service: Bringing Together Service and Disability Communities

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    National service and volunteer programs, seeking to reflect the diversity of their communities, are increasing the participation of individuals with disabilities as members, volunteers, and leaders and working to ensure each individual has a meaningful service experience. In order to support their inclusive efforts, the National Service Inclusion Project (NSIP) brings together the national service and disability communities at a local, state, and national level. Through partnership building, strategic planning, and resource sharing, there have been measureable increases in numbers of service participants with disabilities and the quality of their experience

    The global adaptation mapping initiative (GAMI): Part 2 – Screening protocol

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    Context: It is now widely accepted that the climate is changing, and that societal response will need to be rapid and comprehensive to prevent the most severe impacts. A key milestone in global climate governance is to assess progress on adaptation. To-date, however, there has been negligible robust, systematic synthesis of progress on adaptation or adaptation-relevant responses globally. Aim: The purpose of this review protocol is to outline the methods used by the Global Adaptation Mapping Initiative (GAMI) to systematically review human adaptation responses to climate-related changes that have been documented globally since 2013 in the scientific literature. The broad question underpinning this review is: Are we adapting to climate change? More specifically, we ask ‘what is the evidence relating to human adaptation-related responses that can (or are) directly reducing risk, exposure, and/or vulnerability to climate change?’ Methods: We review scientific literature 2013-2019 to identify documents empirically reporting on observed adaptation-related responses to climate change in human systems that can directly reduce risk. We exclude non-empirical (theoretical & conceptual) literature and adaptation in natural systems that occurs without human intervention. Included documents were coded across a set of questions focused on: Who is responding? What responses are documented? What is the extent of the adaptation-related response? What is the evidence that adaptation-related responses reduce risk, exposure and/or vulnerability? Once articles are coded, we conduct a quality appraisal of the coding and develop ‘evidence packages’ for regions and sectors. We supplement this systematic mapping with an expert elicitation exercise, undertaken to assess bias and validity of insights from included/coded literature vis a vis perceptions of real-world adaptation for global regions and sectors, with associated confidence assessments. Related protocols: This protocol represents Part 2 of a 5-part series outlining the phases of methods for this initiative. Part 2 outlines the methods used to conduct keyword searches and implement machine-assisted screening of documents based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. See Figures 1 and 2

    Heterometallic Coordination Polymers Assembled from Trigonal Trinuclear Fe<sub>2</sub>Ni-Pivalate Blocks and Polypyridine Spacers: Topological Diversity, Sorption, and Catalytic Properties

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    Linkage of the trigonal complex [Fe<sub>2</sub>NiO­(Piv)<sub>6</sub>] (where Piv<sup>–</sup> = pivalate) by a series of polypyridine ligands, namely, tris­(4-pyridyl)­triazine (L<sup>2</sup>), 2,6-bis­(3-pyridyl)-4-(4-pyridyl)­pyridine (L<sup>3</sup>), <i>N</i>-(bis-2,2-(4-pyridyloxymethyl)-3-(4-pyridyloxy)­propyl))­pyridone-4 (L<sup>4</sup>), and 4-(<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-diethylamino)­phenyl-bis-2,6-(4-pyridyl)­pyridine (L<sup>5</sup>) resulted in the formation of novel coordination polymers [Fe<sub>2</sub>NiO­(Piv)<sub>6</sub>(L<sup>2</sup>)]<sub><i>n</i></sub> (<b>2</b>), [Fe<sub>2</sub>NiO­(Piv)<sub>6</sub>(L<sup>3</sup>)]<sub><i>n</i></sub> (<b>3</b>), [Fe<sub>2</sub>NiO­(Piv)<sub>6</sub>(L<sup>4</sup>)]<sub><i>n</i></sub>·<i>n</i>HPiv (<b>4</b>), and [{Fe<sub>2</sub>NiO­(Piv)<sub>6</sub>}<sub>4</sub>{L<sup>5</sup>}<sub>6</sub>]<i><sub>n</sub></i>·3<i>n</i>DEF (<b>5</b>, where DEF is <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-diethylformamide), which were crystallographically characterized. The topological analysis of <b>3</b>, <b>4</b>, and <b>5</b> disclosed the 3,3,4,4-connected 2D (<b>3</b>, <b>4</b>) or 3,4,4-connected 1D (<b>5</b>) underlying networks which, upon further simplification, gave rise to the uninodal 3-connected nets with the respective fes (<b>3</b>, <b>4</b>) or SP 1-periodic net (4,4)­(0,2) (<b>5</b>) topologies, driven by the cluster [Fe<sub>2</sub>Ni­(μ<sub>3</sub>-O)­(μ-Piv)<sub>6</sub>] nodes and the polypyridine μ<sub>3</sub>-L<sup>3,4</sup> or μ<sub>2</sub>-L<sup>5</sup> blocks. The obtained topologies were compared with those identified in other closely related derivatives [Fe<sub>2</sub>NiO­(Piv)<sub>6</sub>(L<sup>1</sup>)]<sub><i>n</i></sub> (<b>1</b>) and {Fe<sub>2</sub>NiO­(Piv)<sub>6</sub>}<sub>8</sub>{L<sup>6</sup>}<sub>12</sub> (<b>6</b>), where L<sup>1</sup> and L<sup>6</sup> are tris­(4-pyridyl)­pyridine and 4-(<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-dimethylamino)­phenyl-bis-2,6-(4-pyridyl)­pyridine, respectively. It was shown that a key structure-driven role in defining the dimensionality and topology of the resulting coordination network is played by the type of polypyridine spacer. Compounds <b>2</b> and <b>3</b> possess a porous structure, as confirmed by the N<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub> sorption data at 78 K. Methanol and ethanol sorption by <b>2</b> was also studied indicating that the pores filled by these substrates did not induce any structural rearrangement of this sorbent. Additionally, porous coordination polymer <b>2</b> was also applied as a heterogeneous catalyst for the condensation of salicylaldehyde or 9-anthracenecarbaldehyde with malononitrile. The best activity of <b>2</b> was observed in the case of salicylaldehyde substrate, resulting in up to 88% conversion into 2-imino-2<i>H</i>-chromen-3-carbonitrile