327 research outputs found

    A non-LTE spectral analysis of the 3He and 4He isotopes in the HgMn star kappa Cancri

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    We present a pilot study on non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) line-formation computations for the isotopes 3He and 4He in the mercury-manganese star kappa Cancri. The impact of NLTE effects on the determination of isotopic abundances and the vertical stratification of helium in the atmosphere is investigated. Modern NLTE line-formation computations were employed to analyse a high-resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio ESO-VLT/UVES spectrum of kap Cnc. The atmospheric parameters were determined from fitting the hydrogen Balmer lines and the spectral energy distribution. Multiple HeI lines were investigated, including HeI 4921A and 6678A, which show the widest isotopic splits. Half of the observed HeI lines in the spectrum of kap Cnc show significant NLTE strengthening, the effects are strongest in the red lines HeI 5875A and HeI 6678A. NLTE abundances from individual HeI lines are up to a factor of about 3 lower than LTE values. Helium is found to be stratified in the atmosphere of kap Cnc. While the LTE analysis indicates a step-like profile of the helium abundance, a gradual decrease with height is indicated by the NLTE analysis. A 3He/4He ratio of about 0.25-0.30 is found. With the available data it cannot be decided whether the two isotopes follow the same stratification profile, or not. This work implies that NLTE effects may be ubiquitous in the atmospheres of HgMn stars and may have a significant impact on abundance determinations and the interpretation of the vertical abundance stratification of elements.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Testing common classical LTE and NLTE model atmosphere and line-formation codes for quantitative spectroscopy of early-type stars

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    It is generally accepted that the atmospheres of cool/lukewarm stars of spectral types A and later are described well by LTE model atmospheres, while the O-type stars require a detailed treatment of NLTE effects. Here model atmosphere structures, spectral energy distributions and synthetic spectra computed with ATLAS9/SYNTHE and TLUSTY/SYNSPEC, and results from a hybrid method combining LTE atmospheres and NLTE line-formation with DETAIL/SURFACE are compared. Their ability to reproduce observations for effective temperatures between 15000 and 35000 K are verified. Strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches are identified. Recommendations are made as to how to improve the models in order to derive unbiased stellar parameters and chemical abundances in future applications, with special emphasis on Gaia science.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures; accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, GREAT-ESF Workshop: Stellar Atmospheres in the Gaia Er

    Nitrogen Enrichment in Atmospheres of A- and F- Type Supergiants

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    Using new accurate fundamental parameters of 30 Galactic A and F supergiants, namely their effective temperatures Teff and surface gravities log g, we implemented a non-LTE analysis of the nitrogen abundance in their atmospheres. It is shown that the non-LTE corrections to the N abundances increase with Teff. The nitrogen overabundance as a general feature of this type of stars is confirmed. A majority of the stars has a nitrogen excess [N/Fe] between 0.2 and 0.9 dex with the maximum position of the star's distribution on [N/Fe] between 0.4 and 0.7 dex. The N excesses are discussed in light of predictions for B-type main sequence (MS) stars with rotationally induced mixing and for their next evolutionary phase, i.e. A- and F-type supergiants that have experienced the first dredge-up. Rotationally induced mixing in the MS progenitors of the supergiants may be a significant cause of the nitrogen excesses. When comparing our results with predictions of the theory developed for stars with the mixing, we find that the bulk of the supergiants (28 of 30) show the N enrichment that can be expected (i) either after the MS phase for stars with the initial rotational velocities v0 = 200-400 km s-1, (ii) or after the first dredge-up for stars with v0 = 50-400 km s-1. The latter possibility is preferred on account of the longer lifetime for stars on red-blue loops following the first dredge-up. Two supergiants without a discernible N enrichment, namely HR 825 and HR 7876, may be post-MS objects with the relatively low initial rotational velocity of about 100 km s-1. The suggested range for v0 is approximately consistent with inferences from the observed projected rotational velocities of B-type MS stars, progenitors of A and F supergiants.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    A non-LTE study of neutral and singly-ionized calcium in late-type stars

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    Non-local thermodynamical equilibrium (NLTE) line formation for neutral and singly-ionized calcium is considered through a range of spectral types when the Ca abundance varies from the solar value down to [Ca/H] = -5. Departures from LTE significantly affect the profiles of Ca I lines over the whole range of stellar parameters considered. However, at [Ca/H] >= -2, NLTE abundance correction of individual lines may be small in absolute value due to the different influence of NLTE effects on line wings and the line core. At lower Ca abundances, NLTE leads to systematically depleted total absorption in the line and positive abundance corrections, exceeding +0.5 dex for Ca I 4226 at [Ca/H] = -4.9. In contrast, NLTE effects strengthen the Ca II lines and lead to negative abundance corrections. NLTE corrections are small, <= 0.02 dex, for the Ca II resonance lines. For the IR lines of multiplet 3d - 4p, they grow in absolute value with decreasing Ca abundance exceeding 0.4 dex in metal-poor stars with [Fe/H] <= -3. Ca abundances are determined for the Sun, Procyon, and seven metal-poor stars, using high S/N and high-resolution spectra at visual and near-IR wavelengths. Lines of Ca I and Ca II give consistent abundances for all objects (except Procyon) when collisions with hydrogen atoms are taken into account. The derived absolute solar Ca abundance (from Ca I and Ca II lines) is \eps{Ca,\odot} = 6.38+-0.01. For Procyon, the mean Ca abundance from Ca I lines is markedly subsolar, [Ca/H] = -0.14+-0.03. The W(Ca I 4226)/W(Ca II 8498) equivalent width ratio is predicted to be sensitive to surface gravity for extremely metal-poor stars, while this is not the case for the ratio involving the Ca II resonance line(s)

    B fields in OB stars (BOB): FORS2 spectropolarimetric follow-up of the two rare rigidly rotating magnetosphere stars HD23478 and HD345439

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    Massive B-type stars with strong magnetic fields and fast rotation are very rare and provide a mystery for theories of both star formation and magnetic field evolution. Only two such stars, called sigma Ori E analogs, were previously known. Recently, a team involved in APOGEE, one of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III programs, announced the discovery of two additional rigidly rotating magnetosphere stars, HD23478 and HD345439. The presence of magnetic fields in these newly discovered sigma Ori E analogs was not investigated in the past. In the framework of our ESO Large Programme, and one normal ESO programme, we carried out low-resolution FORS2 spectropolarimetric observations of HD23478 and HD345439. From the measurements using hydrogen lines, we discover a rather strong longitudinal magnetic field of the order of up to 1.5kG in HD23478, and up to 1.3kG using the entire spectrum. The analysis of HD345439 using four subsequent spectropolarimetric subexposures does not reveal the presence of a magnetic field at a significance level of 3sigma. On the other hand, the inspection of individual subexposures indicates that HD345439 may host a strong magnetic field, rapidly varying over 88 minutes. A hint at the fast rotation of HD345439 is also given by the behaviour of several metallic and He I lines in the low-resolution FORS2 spectra, showing profile variations already on such a short time scale.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication as a letter to A&

    Release of Mast Cell Tryptase into Saliva: A Tool to Diagnose Food Allergy by a Mucosal Challenge Test?

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    Background: Our aim was to examine whether measurement of the saliva mast cell tryptase (MCT) concentrations before and after a mucosal challenge test with the offending food would be helpful in diagnosing food allergy. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of 44 food challenge tests performed in 38 patients between 2006 and 2009. Patients with a suspected history of food allergy chewed the food until they developed symptoms or until the amount of time known from the patients' history to usually be required for the provocation of symptoms had passed. In 5 patients, saliva samples for the measurement of MCT were collected at minutes 0, 1, 4, 8, 11, and 16 after the first onset of symptoms. The remainder of the patients only had samples taken before chewing and 4 min after the end of the test period. Results: During repeated measurements, MCT peaked about 4 min after the onset of symptoms (p = 0.028). During 33 of the 44 tests (75.0%), we observed oral symptoms during testing; after 25 of the 33 (75.8%) tests evoking symptoms, the saliva MCT concentration increased. The MCT increase was negative in all other tests where no oral symptoms could be provoked. Conclusions: The measurement of saliva MCT 4 min after the onset of symptoms may be helpful to diagnose food allergy. Because of numerous confounding variables, however, a negative saliva MCT increase does not exclude food allergy. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Base

    Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Navier-Stokes Fluid Flow Application

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    The aim of this publication is to introduce the particle based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and introduce an applicable and valid SPH implementation for practical cases. For this purpose, current research approaches are combined regarding performance and numerical stability.&nbsp; The principles of the method, the mathematical basics and the discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations are clarified. Furthermore, the implementation of method-specific boundary conditions, wall, inlet and outlet, as well as several correction procedures and a surface tension setup into the present code framework are described. The advantages and validity of the method are shown based on different cases. The free surface fluid behavior of a dam break is compared to experimental data of the time dependent water level of selected positions. A Karman vortex street is validated by its Strouhal number for different Reynolds numbers. The frequency of an oscillating drop is analysed and compared to the analytical solution.&nbsp; The SPH is utilized for pipe flows influenced by a backward facing step and shows an expected qualitative flow field

    B fields in OB stars (BOB): low-resolution FORS2 spectropolarimetry of the first sample of 50 massive stars

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    Within the context of the collaboration "B fields in OB stars (BOB)", we used the FORS2 low-resolution spectropolarimeter to search for a magnetic field in 50 massive stars, including two reference magnetic massive stars. Because of the many controversies of magnetic field detections obtained with the FORS instruments, we derived the magnetic field values with two completely independent reduction and analysis pipelines. We compare and discuss the results obtained from the two pipelines. We obtained a general good agreement, indicating that most of the discrepancies on magnetic field detections reported in the literature are caused by the interpretation of the significance of the results (i.e., 3-4 sigma detections considered as genuine, or not), instead of by significant differences in the derived magnetic field values. By combining our results with past FORS1 measurements of HD46328, we improve the estimate of the stellar rotation period, obtaining P = 2.17950+/-0.00009 days. For HD125823, our FORS2 measurements do not fit the available magnetic field model, based on magnetic field values obtained 30 years ago. We repeatedly detect a magnetic field for the O9.7V star HD54879, the HD164492C massive binary, and the He-rich star CPD -57 3509. We obtain a magnetic field detection rate of 6+/-4%, while by considering only the apparently slow rotators we derive a detection rate of 8+/-5%, both comparable with what was previously reported by other similar surveys. We are left with the intriguing result that, although the large majority of magnetic massive stars is rotating slowly, our detection rate is not a strong function of the stellar rotational velocity.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    B fields in OB stars (BOB): The discovery of a magnetic field in a multiple system in the Trifid Nebula, one of the youngest star forming regions

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    Recent magnetic field surveys in O- and B-type stars revealed that about 10% of the core-hydrogen-burning massive stars host large-scale magnetic fields. The physical origin of these fields is highly debated. To identify and model the physical processes responsible for the generation of magnetic fields in massive stars, it is important to establish whether magnetic massive stars are found in very young star-forming regions or whether they are formed in close interacting binary systems. In the framework of our ESO Large Program, we carried out low-resolution spectropolarimetric observations with FORS2 in 2013 April of the three most massive central stars in the Trifid nebula, HD164492A, HD164492C, and HD164492D. These observations indicated a strong longitudinal magnetic field of about 500-600G in the poorly studied component HD164492C. To confirm this detection, we used HARPS in spectropolarimetric mode on two consecutive nights in 2013 June. Our HARPS observations confirmed the longitudinal magnetic field in HD164492C. Furthermore, the HARPS observations revealed that HD164492C cannot be considered as a single star as it possesses one or two companions. The spectral appearance indicates that the primary is most likely of spectral type B1-B1.5V. Since in both observing nights most spectral lines appear blended, it is currently unclear which components are magnetic. Long-term monitoring using high-resolution spectropolarimetry is necessary to separate the contribution of each component to the magnetic signal. Given the location of the system HD164492C in one of the youngest star formation regions, this system can be considered as a Rosetta Stone for our understanding of the origin of magnetic fields in massive stars.Comment: Five pages, six figures, accepted for publication in A&

    B fields in OB stars (BOB): Detection of a magnetic field in the He-strong star CPD-57{\deg} 3509

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    We report the detection of a magnetic field in the helium-strong star CPD-57 3509 (B2 IV), a member of the Galactic open cluster NGC3293, and characterise the star's atmospheric and fundamental parameters. Spectropolarimetric observations with FORS2 and HARPSpol are analysed using two independent approaches to quantify the magnetic field strength. A high-S/N FLAMES/GIRAFFE spectrum is analysed using a hybrid non-LTE model atmosphere technique. Comparison with stellar evolution models constrains the fundamental parameters of the star. We obtain a firm detection of a surface averaged longitudinal magnetic field with a maximum amplitude of about 1 kG. Assuming a dipolar configuration of the magnetic field, this implies a dipolar field strength larger than 3.3 kG. Moreover, the large amplitude and fast variation (within about 1 day) of the longitudinal magnetic field implies that CPD-57 3509 is spinning very fast despite its apparently slow projected rotational velocity. The star should be able to support a centrifugal magnetosphere, yet the spectrum shows no sign of magnetically confined material; in particular, emission in H{\alpha} is not observed. Apparently, the wind is either not strong enough for enough material to accumulate in the magnetosphere to become observable or, alternatively, some leakage process leads to loss of material from the magnetosphere. The quantitative spectroscopic analysis of the star yields an effective temperature and a logarithmic surface gravity of 23750+-250 K and 4.05+-0.10, respectively, and a surface helium fraction of 0.28+-0.02 by number. The surface abundances of C, N, O, Ne, S, and Ar are compatible with the cosmic abundance standard, whereas Mg, Al, Si, and Fe are depleted by about a factor of 2. This abundance pattern can be understood as the consequence of a fractionated stellar wind. CPD-57 3509 is one of the most evolved He-strong stars known.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in A&
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