212 research outputs found

    Análise do Programa de regularização ambiental: desafios e oportunidades para restauração ecológica em pequenos imóveis rurais

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    Tese. ( Doutorado em em Ciências Ambientais e Florestais, Área de Concentração em Conservação da Natureza) - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, 2020. Sob a Orientação do Professor Sergio Miana de Faria e Coorientação dos Professores Vanessa Maria Basso Jerônimo Boelsums Barreto Sansevero

    [developing The Hospital's Mission To Facilitate Organizational Change: Limits And Possibilities].

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    The author begins by discussing the field of General Administration Theory vis-à-vis the defining role of organizational goals within an overall change process in organizations. While admitting the validity of some challenges raised by certain authors who deny the possibility of establishing a single direction for the organization by explicitly outlining its formal or official goals, the author presents and discusses his experience in defining the mission in the health sector as a way to implement organizational goals. This definition is meant as a strategy to improve communications among health team members and to a culture of responsibility when dealing with health service users.16973-8

    Induction and growth curve of calli from leaf and nodal explants of genipap.

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the auxin 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic) in calli formation from leaf and nodal segments of genipap and to characterize its growth curve. Explants obtained from shoots previously established from in vitro seedlings were used for calli induction. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 3x5x2 factorial with three accessions (NB, SA, SAL), five concentrations of 2,4-D (0.0; 2.0; 4.0, 6.0 or 8.0 mg L-1) and two times of measurement for calli fresh weight (30 and 60 days). There was callus formation in all treatments tested. It was observed that the best response for callus induction from leaf segments was with 2.0 mg L-1 of 2,4-D. For the nodal segment, the response among the accessions was different due to 2,4-D concentrations. The growth curve was plotted according to the fresh weight of callus obtained at intervals of 10 days up to 60 days. Through the established growth curve, the nodal-derived calli from accession SA should be transferred to a new medium, after 40 days of culture

    Agricultural Performance of Diverse Pastures of Complementary Species and Monoculture Pastures Defoliated According to the Leaf Regrowth Stage Window of Opportunity Criterion

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    In a diverse pasture of complementary species (DPCS), individual species fulfil agro-ecological functions that confer growth asynchrony and complementarity of ecosystem functions. These attributes provide yield consistency with a more even forage supply pattern across the year compared to monocultures. A common leaf regrowth stage window opportunity (LSWO) for the diverse species enables pasture defoliation that stimulates growth and persistence. The study assessed seasonal and annual growth traits of Lolium perenne (Lp), Bromus valdivianus (Bv) and Dactylis glomerata (Dg) as single grass species (Mono) sown with Trifolium repens (Tr) and as DPCS with the four species (Lp+Bv+Dg+Tr=Mix). The defoliation criteria applied (LSWO of a target species: Lp, Bv or Dg) resulted in eleven grazing events for MonoLp and MixLp, ten grazing events for MonoBv and MixBv, and nine grazing events for MonoDg and MixDg in a year. MixBv and MixDg displayed synchronized overlaps of the three species LSWOs during the seasons and across the year. MixLp had Bv and Dg being grazed slightly earlier than their LSWOs. There were no significant differences in annual herbage accumulation for all treatments. Significant differences were found within seasons, and the seasonality of the pasture growth was reduced in the DPCS when compared to their respective Mono establishment. This resulted in a more evenly distributed pasture feed resource throughout the year and can mitigate the negative impacts of extreme climatic events (longer periods of soil water restriction or saturation). The LSWO criterion enabled the successful management of monocultures and DPCS

    Clinical and service implications of a cognitive analytic therapy model of psychosis

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    Cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) is an integrative, interpersonal model of therapy predicated on a radically social concept of self, developed over recent years in the UK by Anthony Ryle. A CAT-based model of psychotic disorder has been developed much more recently based on encouraging early experience in this area. The model describes and accounts for many psychotic experiences and symptoms in terms of distorted, amplified or muddled enactments of normal or ‘neurotic’ reciprocal role procedures (RRPs) and of damage at a meta-procedural level to the structures of the self. Reciprocal role procedures are understood in CAT to represent the outcome of the process of internalization of early, sign-mediated, interpersonal experience and to constitute the basis for all mental activity, normal or otherwise. Enactments of maladaptive RRPs generated by early interpersonal stress are seen in this model to constitute a form of ‘internal expressed emotion’. Joint description of these RRPs and their enactments (both internally and externally) and their subsequent revision is central to the practice of CAT during which they are mapped out through written and diagrammatic reformulations. This model may usefully complement and extend existing approaches, notably recent CBT-based interventions, particularly with ‘difficult’ patients, and generate meaningful and helpful understandings of these disorders for both patients and their treating teams. We suggest that use of a coherent and robust model such as CAT could have important clinical and service implications in terms of developing and researching models of these disorders as well as for the training of multidisciplinary teams in their effective treatment

    Local-density approximation for exchange energy functional in excited-state density functional theory

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    An exchange energy functional is proposed and tested for obtaining a class of excited-state energies using density functional formalism. The functional is the excited-state counterpart of the local-density approximation functional for the ground state. It takes care of the state dependence of the energy functional and leads to highly accurate excitation energies