5,141 research outputs found

    Properties of the ionized gas in HH202. I: Results from integral field spectroscopy with PMAS

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    We present results from integral field spectroscopy with the Potsdam multi-Aperture Spectrograph of the head of the Herbig-Haro object HH 202 with a spatial sampling of 1"x1". We have obtained maps of different emission lines, physical conditions --such as electron temperature and density-- and ionic abundances from recombination and collisionally excited lines. We present the first map of the Balmer temperature and of the temperature fluctuation parameter, t^2. We have calculated the t^2 in the plane of the sky, which is substantially smaller than that determined along the line of sight. We have mapped the abundance discrepancy factor of O^{2+}, ADF(O^{2+}), finding its maximum value at the HH 202-S position. We have explored the relations between the ADF(O^{2+}) and the electron density, the Balmer and [O III] temperatures, the ionization degree as well as the t^2 parameter. We do not find clear correlations between these properties and the results seem to support that the ADF and t^2 are independent phenomena. We have found a weak negative correlation between the O^{2+} abundance determined from recombination lines and the temperature, which is the expected behaviour in an ionized nebula, hence it seems that there is not evidence for the presence of super-metal rich droplets in H II regions.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Measuring x-ray polarization in the presence of systematic effects: Known background

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    The prospects for accomplishing x-ray polarization measurements of astronomical sources have grown in recent years, after a hiatus of more than 37 years. Unfortunately, accompanying this long hiatus has been some confusion over the statistical uncertainties associated with x-ray polarization measurements of these sources. We have initiated a program to perform the detailed calculations that will offer insights into the uncertainties associated with x-ray polarization measurements. Here we describe a mathematical formalism for determining the 1- and 2-parameter errors in the magnitude and position angle of x-ray (linear) polarization in the presence of a (polarized or unpolarized) background. We further review relevant statistics-including clearly distinguishing between the Minimum Detectable Polarization (MDP) and the accuracy of a polarization measurement.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, for SPIE conference proceeding

    On understanding the figures of merit for detection and measurement of x-ray polarization

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    The prospects for accomplishing X-ray polarization measurements appear to have grown in recent years after a more than 35-year hiatus. Unfortunately, this long hiatus has brought with it some confusion over the statistical uncertainties associated with polarization measurements of astronomical sources. The heart of this confusion stems from a misunderstanding (or potential misunderstanding) of a standard figure of merit-the minimum detectable polarization (MDP)-that one of us introduced many years ago. We review the relevant statistics, and quantify the differences between the MDP and the uncertainty of an actual polarization measurement. We discuss the implications for future missions.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to be presented at SPIE conference 7732 (paper 13), corrected typo

    Using ACIS on the Chandra X-ray Observatory as a particle radiation monitor

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    The Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) is one of two focal-plane instruments on the Chandra X-ray Observatory. During initial radiation-belt passes, the exposed ACIS suffered significant radiation damage from trapped soft protons scattering off the x-ray telescope's mirrors. The primary effect of this damage was to increase the charge-transfer inefficiency (CTI) of the ACIS 8 front-illuminated CCDs. Subsequently, the Chandra team implemented procedures to remove the ACIS from the telescope's focus during high-radiation events: planned protection during radiation-belt transits; autonomous protection triggered by an on-board radiation monitor; and manual intervention based upon assessment of space-weather conditions. However, as Chandra's multilayer insulation ages, elevated temperatures have reduced the effectiveness of the on-board radiation monitor for autonomous protection. Here we investigate using the ACIS CCDs themselves as a radiation monitor. We explore the 10-year database to evaluate the CCDs' response to particle radiation and to compare this response with other radiation data and environment models.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Proc. SPIE vol. 773

    Pumping up the [N I] nebular lines

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    The optical [N I] doublet near 5200 {\AA} is anomalously strong in a variety of emission-line objects. We compute a detailed photoionization model and use it to show that pumping by far-ultraviolet (FUV) stellar radiation previously posited as a general explanation applies to the Orion Nebula (M42) and its companion M43; but, it is unlikely to explain planetary nebulae and supernova remnants. Our models establish that the observed nearly constant equivalent width of [N I] with respect to the dust-scattered stellar continuum depends primarily on three factors: the FUV to visual-band flux ratio of the stellar population; the optical properties of the dust; and the line broadening where the pumping occurs. In contrast, the intensity ratio [N I]/H{\beta} depends primarily on the FUV to extreme-ultraviolet ratio, which varies strongly with the spectral type of the exciting star. This is consistent with the observed difference of a factor of five between M42 and M43, which are excited by an O7 and B0.5 star respectively. We derive a non-thermal broadening of order 5 km/s for the [N I] pumping zone and show that the broadening mechanism must be different from the large-scale turbulent motions that have been suggested to explain the line-widths in this H II region. A mechanism is required that operates at scales of a few astronomical units, which may be driven by thermal instabilities of neutral gas in the range 1000 to 3000 K. In an appendix, we describe how collisional and radiative processes are treated in the detailed model N I atom now included in the Cloudy plasma code.Comment: ApJ in press. 8 pages of main paper plus 11 pages of appendices, with 13 figures and 12 table

    Methods of optimizing X-ray optical prescriptions for wide-field applications

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    We are working on the development of a method for optimizing wide-field X-ray telescope mirror prescriptions, including polynomial coefficients, mirror shell relative displacements, and (assuming 4 focal plane detectors) detector placement along the optical axis and detector tilt. With our methods, we hope to reduce number of Monte-Carlo ray traces required to search the multi-dimensional design parameter space, and to lessen the complexity of finding the optimum design parameters in that space. Regarding higher order polynomial terms as small perturbations of an underlying Wolter I optic design, we begin by using the results of Monte-Carlo ray traces to devise trial analytic functions, for an individual Wolter I mirror shell, that can be used to represent the spatial resolution on an arbitrary focal surface. We then introduce a notation and tools for Monte-Carlo ray tracing of a polynomial mirror shell prescription which permits the polynomial coefficients to remain symbolic. In principle, given a set of parameters defining the underlying Wolter I optics, a single set of Monte-Carlo ray traces are then sufficient to determine the polymonial coefficients through the solution of a large set of linear equations in the symbolic coefficients. We describe the present status of this development effort.Comment: 14 pages, to be presented at SPIE conference 7732 (paper 93

    Statistical Uncertainties in Temperature Diagnostics for Hot Coronal Plasma Using the ASCA SIS

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    Statistical uncertainties in determining the temperatures of hot (0.5 keV to 10 keV) coronal plasmas are investigated. The statistical precision of various spectral temperature diagnostics is established by analyzing synthetic ASCA Solid-state Imaging Spectrometer (SIS) CCD spectra. The diagnostics considered are the ratio of hydrogen-like to helium-like line complexes of Z≥14Z\ge14 elements, line-free portions of the continuum, and the entire spectrum. While fits to the entire spectrum yield the highest statistical precision, it is argued that fits to the line-free continuum are less susceptible to atomic data uncertainties but lead to a modest increase in statistical uncertainty over full spectral fits. Temperatures deduced from line ratios can have similar accuracy but only over a narrow range of temperatures. Convenient estimates of statistical accuracies for the various temperature diagnostics are provided which may be used in planning ASCA SIS observations.Comment: postscript file of 8 pages+3 figures; 4 files tarred, compressed and uuencoded. To appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letters; contents copyright 1994 American Astronomical Societ

    Using ACIS on the Chandra X-ray Observatory as a particle radiation monitor II

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    The Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer is an instrument on the Chandra X-ray Observatory. CCDs are vulnerable to radiation damage, particularly by soft protons in the radiation belts and solar storms. The Chandra team has implemented procedures to protect ACIS during high-radiation events including autonomous protection triggered by an on-board radiation monitor. Elevated temperatures have reduced the effectiveness of the on-board monitor. The ACIS team has developed an algorithm which uses data from the CCDs themselves to detect periods of high radiation and a flight software patch to apply this algorithm is currently active on-board the instrument. In this paper, we explore the ACIS response to particle radiation through comparisons to a number of external measures of the radiation environment. We hope to better understand the efficiency of the algorithm as a function of the flux and spectrum of the particles and the time-profile of the radiation event.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Proc. SPIE 8443, "Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray
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