6,306 research outputs found

    The Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule and Current Algebras

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    The status of the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rules for polarized inclusive photo-production on nucleons is reviewed. It is shown that results from currently available data compare favorably with an estimate based on an extended current algebra. Implications for integrals of spin-dependent structure functions are also briefly discussed.Comment: 8 Page

    Instantaneous ionization rate as a functional derivative

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    We describe an approach defining instantaneous ionization rate (IIR) as a functional derivative of the total ionization probability. The definition is based on physical quantities which are directly measurable, such as the total ionization probability and the waveform of the pulse. The definition is, therefore, unambiguous and does not suffer from gauge non-invariance. We compute IIR by solving numerically the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom in a strong laser field. We find that the IIR lags behind the electric field, but this lag is entirely due to the long tail effect of the Coulomb field. In agreement with the previous results using attoclock methodology, therefore, the IIR we define does not show measurable delay in strong field tunnel ionization

    Flow Vision for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles via an Artificial Lateral Line

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    Most fish have the capability of sensing flows and nearby movements even in dark or murky conditions by using the lateral line organs. This enables them to perform a variety of underwater activities, such as localizing prey, avoiding predators, navigating in narrow spaces, and schooling. To emulate this capability for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, we developed an artificial lateral line using an array of Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) flow sensors. The signals collected via the artificial lateral line are then processed by an adaptive beamforming algorithm developed from Capon\u27s method. The system produces 3D images of source locations for different hydrodynamic activities, including the vibration of a dipole source and the movement of a tail-flicking crayfish. A self-calibration algorithm provides the capability of self-adaptation to different environments. Lastly, we give a Cramer-Rao bound on the theoretical performance limit which is consistent with experimental results

    Noncommutativity, generalized uncertainty principle and FRW cosmology

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    We consider the effects of noncommutativity and the generalized uncertainty principle on the FRW cosmology with a scalar field. We show that, the cosmological constant problem and removability of initial curvature singularity find natural solutions in this scenarios.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in IJT

    Universal Torsion-Induced Interaction from Large Extra Dimensions

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    We consider the Kaluza-Klein (KK) scenario in which only gravity exists in the bulk. Without the assumption of symmetric connection, the presence of brane fermions induces torsion. The result is a universal axial contact interaction that dominates those induced by KK gravitons. This enhancement arises from a large spin density on the brane. Using a global fit to Z-pole observables, we find the 3 sigma bound on the scale of quantum gravity to be 28 TeV for n=2. If Dirac or light sterile neutrinos are present, the data from SN1987A increase the bound to \sqrt{n}M_S >= 210 TeV.Comment: 9 pages REVTeX, 1 postscript figure, uses axodraw.st

    Invariant Regularization of Anomaly-Free Chiral Theories

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    We present a generalization of the Frolov-Slavnov invariant regularization scheme for chiral fermion theories in curved spacetimes. local gauge symmetries of the theory, including local Lorentz invariance. The perturbative scheme works for arbitrary representations which satisfy the chiral gauge anomaly and the mixed Lorentz-gauge anomaly cancellation conditions. Anomalous theories on the other hand manifest themselves by having divergent fermion loops which remain unregularized by the scheme. Since the invariant scheme is promoted to also include local Lorentz invariance, spectator fields which do not couple to gravity cannot be, and are not, introduced. Furthermore, the scheme is truly chiral (Weyl) in that all fields, including the regulators, are left-handed; and only the left-handed spin connection is needed. The scheme is, therefore, well suited for the study of the interaction of matter with all four known forces in a completely chiral fashion. In contrast with the vectorlike formulation, the degeneracy between the Adler-Bell-Jackiw current and the fermion number current in the bare action is preserved by the chiral regularization scheme.Comment: 28pgs, LaTeX. Typos corrected. Further remarks on singlet current

    Spin and Rotations in Galois Field Quantum Mechanics

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    We discuss the properties of Galois Field Quantum Mechanics constructed on a vector space over the finite Galois field GF(q). In particular, we look at 2-level systems analogous to spin, and discuss how SO(3) rotations could be embodied in such a system. We also consider two-particle `spin' correlations and show that the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) inequality is nonetheless not violated in this model.Comment: 21 pages, 11 pdf figures, LaTeX. Uses iopart.cls. Revised introduction. Additional reference

    Massive torsion modes, chiral gravity, and the Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly

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    Regularization of quantum field theories introduces a mass scale which breaks axial rotational and scaling invariances. We demonstrate from first principles that axial torsion and torsion trace modes have non-transverse vacuum polarization tensors, and become massive as a result. The underlying reasons are similar to those responsible for the Adler-Bell-Jackiw (ABJ) and scaling anomalies. Since these are the only torsion components that can couple minimally to spin 1/2 particles, the anomalous generation of masses for these modes, naturally of the order of the regulator scale, may help to explain why torsion and its associated effects, including CPT violation in chiral gravity, have so far escaped detection. As a simpler manifestation of the reasons underpinning the ABJ anomaly than triangle diagrams, the vacuum polarization demonstration is also pedagogically useful. In addition it is shown that the teleparallel limit of a Weyl fermion theory coupled only to the left-handed spin connection leads to a counter term which is the Samuel-Jacobson-Smolin action of chiral gravity in four dimensions.Comment: 7 pages, RevTeX fil

    Successful Yukawa structures in Warped Extra Dimensions

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    For a RS model, with SM fields in the bulk and the Higgs boson on the TeV-brane, we suggest two specific structures for the Yukawa couplings, one based on a permutation symmetry and the other on the Universal Strength of Yukawa couplings hypothesis (USY). In USY, all Yukawa couplings have equal strength and the difference in the Yukawa structure lies in some complex phase. In both scenarios, all Yukawa couplings are of the same order of magnitude. Thus, the main features of the fermion hierarchies are explained through the RS geometrical mechanism, and not because some Yukawa coupling is extremely small. We find that the RS model is particularly appropriate to incorporate the suggested Yukawa configurations. Indeed, the RS geometrical mechanism of fermion locations along the extra dimension, combined with the two Yukawa scenarios, reproduces all the present experimental data on fermion masses and mixing angles. It is quite remarkable that in the USY case, only two complex phases of definite value +-Pi/2 are sufficient to generate the known neutrino mass differences, while at same time, permitting large leptonic mixing in agreement with experiment.Comment: 11 page
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