34 research outputs found

    Об одном подходе к решению смешанных задач теории упругости

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    Herein, a miscellaneous contact problem of the theory of elasticity in the upper half-plane is considered. The boundary is a real semi-axis separated into four parts, on each of which the boundary conditions are set for the real or imaginary part of two desired analytical functions. Using new unknown functions, the problem is reduced to an inhomogeneous Riemann boundary value problem with a piecewise constant 2 × 2 matrix and four singular points. A differential equation of the Fuchs class with four singular points is constructed, the residue matrices of which are found by the logarithm method of the product of matrices. The single solution of the problem is represented in terms of Cauchy-type integrals when the solvability condition is met.Рассмотрена смешанная контактная задача теории упругости в верхней полуплоскости. Границей является действительная полуось, разделенная на четыре части, на каждой из которых заданы граничные условия для действительной или мнимой части двух искомых аналитических функций. С помощью новых неизвестных функций задача сведена к неоднородной краевой задаче Римана с 2 × 2 кусочно-постоянной матрицей и четырьмя особыми точками. Построено дифференциальное уравнение класса Фукса с четырьмя особыми точками, матрицы-вычеты которого найдены «методом логарифмирования» произведения матриц. Единственное решение задачи выражено через интегралы типа Коши при выполнении одного условия разрешимости

    Dynamic adaptation of mesenchymal stem cell physiology upon exposure to surface micropatterns

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    Human mesenchymal stem (hMSCs) are defined as multi-potent colony-forming cells expressing a specific subset of plasma membrane markers when grown on flat tissue culture polystyrene. However, as soon as hMSCs are used for transplantation, they are exposed to a 3D environment, which can strongly impact cell physiology and influence proliferation, differentiation and metabolism. Strategies to control in vivo hMSC behavior, for instance in stem cell transplantation or cancer treatment, are skewed by the un-physiological flatness of the standard well plates. Even though it is common knowledge that cells behave differently in vitro compared to in vivo, only little is known about the underlying adaptation processes. Here, we used micrometer-scale defined surface topographies as a model to describe the phenotype of hMSCs during this adaptation to their new environment. We used well established techniques to compare hMSCs cultured on flat and topographically enhanced polystyreneand observed dramatically changed cell morphologies accompanied by shrinkage of cytoplasm and nucleus, a decreased overall cellular metabolism, and slower cell cycle progression resulting in a lower proliferation rate in cells exposed to surface topographies. We hypothesized that this reduction in proliferation rate effects their sensitivity to certain cancer drugs, which was confirmed by higher survival rate of hMSCs cultured on topographies exposed to paclitaxel. Thus, micro-topographies can be used as a model system to mimic the natural cell micro-environment, and be a powerful tool to optimize cell treatment in vitro


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    Objective of research: To detect and identify by molecular and genetic methods isolates Anaplasma marginale circulating on the territory of Moscow region. Materials and methods: Blood samples were taken from cattle on the territory of Moscow region in 2015. DNA was isolated from whole blood by the kit «Sorb-M». Identification of animals infected with A. marginale and estimation of the parasitemia level were carried out by real-time PCR methods. Typing of A. marginale strains was performed by modifying the primer structure. The received gene fragments were cloned in Escherichia сoli cells. Targeted selection of recombinant clones of E. coli was conducted by PCR methods using standard primers M13 with the following analysis of reaction products by 1,5% agarose gel electrophoresis. Results and discussion: It was shown that seven of thirty animals were carriers of A. marginale strains; levels of parasitemia range from 3,6 × 103 to 5,4 × 105 per 1 ml blood. The analysis of msp4 gene sequence of A. marginale isolates shows their belonging to two already known genotypes. The results obtained can be used for epidemiological monitoring of anaplasmosis on the territory of Moscow region as well as taken into account for development of vaccines.Цель исследования - выявить и идентифицировать с помощью молекулярно-генетических методов изоляты Anaplasma marginale, циркулирующие на территории Московской области. Материалы и методы. Образцы крови крупного рогатого скота были отобраны в 2015 г. на территории Московской области. ДНК выделяли из цельной крови с помощью набора Sorb-M. Выявление животных, инфицированных A. marginale , и оценку уровня паразитемии проводили методом ПЦР в реальном времени, разработанным нами ранее. Типирование штаммов A. marginale осуществляли на основе метода с модификацией в части структуры праймеров. Полученные фрагменты гена были клонированы в клетках Escherichia сoli . Поиск целевых рекомбинантных клонов E. coli проводили методом ПЦР с использованием стандартных праймеров M13 с последующим анализом продуктов реакции электрофорезом в 1,5%-ном агарозном геле. Результаты и обсуждение. Показано, что семь из тридцати исследованных животных являлись носителями A. marginale с уровнем паразитемии в пределах 3,6 × 103-5,4 × 105 на 1мл крови. Типирование обнаруженных изолятов на основе нуклеотидных последовательностей гена msp4 выявило их принадлежность к двум уже известным генотипам. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы при проведении эпидемиологического мониторинга анаплазмоза на территории Московской области, а также учитываться при разработке вакцин

    Data-analysis strategies for image-based cell profiling

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    Image-based cell profiling is a high-throughput strategy for the quantification of phenotypic differences among a variety of cell populations. It paves the way to studying biological systems on a large scale by using chemical and genetic perturbations. The general workflow for this technology involves image acquisition with high-throughput microscopy systems and subsequent image processing and analysis. Here, we introduce the steps required to create high-quality image-based (i.e., morphological) profiles from a collection of microscopy images. We recommend techniques that have proven useful in each stage of the data analysis process, on the basis of the experience of 20 laboratories worldwide that are refining their image-based cell-profiling methodologies in pursuit of biological discovery. The recommended techniques cover alternatives that may suit various biological goals, experimental designs, and laboratories' preferences.Peer reviewe


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    Objective of research: To detect and identify by molecular and genetic methods isolates Anaplasma marginale circulating on the territory of Moscow region. Materials and methods: Blood samples were taken from cattle on the territory of Moscow region in 2015. DNA was isolated from whole blood by the kit «Sorb-M». Identification of animals infected with A. marginale and estimation of the parasitemia level were carried out by real-time PCR methods. Typing of A. marginale strains was performed by modifying the primer structure. The received gene fragments were cloned in Escherichia сoli cells. Targeted selection of recombinant clones of E. coli was conducted by PCR methods using standard primers M13 with the following analysis of reaction products by 1,5% agarose gel electrophoresis. Results and discussion: It was shown that seven of thirty animals were carriers of A. marginale strains; levels of parasitemia range from 3,6 × 103 to 5,4 × 105 per 1 ml blood. The analysis of msp4 gene sequence of A. marginale isolates shows their belonging to two already known genotypes. The results obtained can be used for epidemiological monitoring of anaplasmosis on the territory of Moscow region as well as taken into account for development of vaccines