2,799 research outputs found
Quantum critical behaviour of the plateau-insulator transition in the quantum Hall regime
High-field magnetotransport experiments provide an excellent tool to
investigate the plateau-insulator phase transition in the integral quantum Hall
effect. Here we review recent low-temperature high-field magnetotransport
studies carried out on several InGaAs/InP heterostructures and an InGaAs/GaAs
quantum well. We find that the longitudinal resistivity near the
critical filling factor ~ 0.5 follows the universal scaling law
, where . The critical exponent equals ,
which indicates that the plateau-insulator transition falls in a non-Fermi
liquid universality class.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication in Proceedings of the Yamada
Conference LX on Research in High Magnetic Fields (August 16-19, 2006,
Transport properties of single channel quantum wires with an impurity: Influence of finite length and temperature on average current and noise
The inhomogeneous Tomonaga Luttinger liquid model describing an interacting
quantum wire adiabatically coupled to non-interacting leads is analyzed in the
presence of a weak impurity within the wire. Due to strong electronic
correlations in the wire, the effects of impurity backscattering, finite bias,
finite temperature, and finite length lead to characteristic non-monotonic
parameter dependencies of the average current. We discuss oscillations of the
non-linear current voltage characteristics that arise due to reflections of
plasmon modes at the impurity and quasi Andreev reflections at the contacts,
and show how these oscillations are washed out by decoherence at finite
temperature. Furthermore, the finite frequency current noise is investigated in
detail. We find that the effective charge extracted in the shot noise regime in
the weak backscattering limit decisively depends on the noise frequency
relative to , where is the Fermi velocity, the
Tomonaga Luttinger interaction parameter, and the length of the wire. The
interplay of finite bias, finite temperature, and finite length yields rich
structure in the noise spectrum which crucially depends on the
electron-electron interaction. In particular, the excess noise, defined as the
change of the noise due to the applied voltage, can become negative and is
non-vanishing even for noise frequencies larger than the applied voltage, which
are signatures of correlation effects.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figures, published version with minor change
The developed method of "compression" of data of farmakokichnikh researches is with the use of odnokamernoy model. Farmakokichni researches of medical tapes which contain metronidazol are conducted. A high-quality evaluation is additionally conducted them farmakokichnikh paramtters with establishment of the optimum individual modes of dosage.Разработана методика «сжатия» данных фармакокинетических исследований с использованием однокамерной модели. Проведены фармакокинетические исследования лекарственных пленок, содержащих метронидазол. Дополнительно проведена качественная оценка их фармакокинетических параметров с установлением оптимальных индивидуальных режимов дозирования.Розроблена методика «стиснення» даних фармакокінетичних досліджень з використанням однокамерної моделі. Проведені фармакокінетичні дослідження лікарських плівок, що містять метронідазол. Додатково проведено якісне оцінювання їх фармакокінетичних параметрів із встановленням оптимальних індивідуальних режимів дозування
Fractional charge in transport through a 1D correlated insulator of finite length
Transport through a one channel wire of length confined between two leads
is examined when the 1D electron system has an energy gap : induced by the interaction in charge mode (: charge velocity in the
wire). In spinless case the transformation of the leads electrons into the
charge density wave solitons of fractional charge entails a non-trivial low
energy crossover from the Fermi liquid behavior below the crossover energy to the insulator one with the
fractional charge in current vs. voltage, conductance vs. temperature, and in
shot noise. Similar behavior is predicted for the Mott insulator of filling
factor .Comment: 5 twocolumn pages in RevTex, no figure
Threshold features in transport through a 1D constriction
Suppression of electron current through a 1D channel of length
connecting two Fermi liquid reservoirs is studied taking into account the
Umklapp electron-electron interaction induced by a periodic potential. This
interaction causes Hubbard gaps for . In the perturbative
regime where ( charge velocity), and for small deviations
of the electron density from its commensurate values
can diverge with some exponent as voltage or temperature decreases above
, while it goes to zero below . This results
in a nonmonotonous behavior of the conductance.Comment: Final variant published in PRL, 79, 1714; minor correction
In the conditions of swift development of technical progress actual are questions of construction of mathematical models for the use in pharmaceutical researches, and also monitoring of key indexes of similar researches. The elements of mathematical design, which can be applied for the marked questions, are considered in work.В условиях стремительного развития технического прогресса актуальными являются вопросы построения математических моделей для использования в фармацевтических исследованиях, а также мониторинга ключевых показателей подобных исследований. В работе рассмотрены элементы математического моделирования, которые могут быть применены для обозначенных вопросов.В умовах швидкого розвитку технічного прогресу актуальними є питання побудови математичних моделей для використання в фармацевтичних дослідженнях, а також моніторингу ключових показників подібних досліджень. У роботі розглянуті елементи математичного моделювання, що можуть бути застосовані для позначених питань
German Youth Language: Word-Formation Types of Suffix Nouns and Their Semantic Relations
The article is devoted to the study of word-formation types in modern German youth slang and a description of their systemic paradigmatic relations. The research material was a large group of suffix nouns, presented in the dictionaries of youth slang, as well as on youth literature sites. The suffix nouns formed by the word-formation type “producing basis + suffix” are analyzed in the article. The deep connections of motivating and motivated units are revealed, which reflect the logic of the connections of objects of reality in the linguistic consciousness, and the implementation of these relations in word-formation types is also traced. As a result of the analysis of word-formation meanings in the group of German nouns, which are youth slangisms constructed according to the “base + suffix” model, 4 main word-formation types were identified. The analysis proves that the thematic associations of the same word-formation type are in a variety of paradigmatic relationships, which at the lexical level are manifested in the form of synonymy, hypo- and hyperonymy, antonymy and polysemy. The word-formation types of suffix nouns studied in this work allowed to conclude that the intra-type and inter-type semantic relations are manifested most variably in the lexical-semantic field “Human designation”
Current Helicity and Twist as Two Indicators of The Mirror Asymmetry of solar Magnetic Fields
A comparison between the two tracers of magnetic field mirror asymmetry in
solar active regions, twist and current helicity, is presented. It is shown
that for individual active regions these tracers do not possess visible
similarity while averaging by time over the solar cycle, or by latitude,
reveals similarities in their behaviour. The main property of the dataset is
anti-symmetry over the solar equator. Considering the evolution of helical
properties over the solar cycle we find signatures of a possible sign change at
the beginning of the cycle, though more systematic observational data are
required for a definite confirmation. We discuss the role of both tracers in
the context of the solar dynamo theory.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure
International cooperation in combating illicit trafficking in cultural property
The paper discusses the basics of international cooperation in the field of combating illicit trafficking in cultural property. The directions of international cooperation in the field of combating illicit trafficking in cultural property and works of art are considered: interaction between international organizations, representatives of governments of UN member states, non-governmental organizations and the private secto
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