5 research outputs found

    Mathematical simulation indexes of evaluation of occupational injuries in the coal industry

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    Досліджено тенденції змін показників оцінювання виробничого травматизму на підприємствах вугільної галузі і визначено їх прогнозні значення. Побудовано математичні багатофакторні моделі, які описують залежність показників оцінювання виробничого травматизму від обсягу видобутку вугілля та інших факторів, що впливають на рівень виробничого травматизму у вугільній галузі.Changes of trend parameters of evaluation of occupational injuries in coal industry were investigated and their predicted values were determined. The mathematical multivariate models, which describe the dependence of the estimates of occupational injuries in coal industry and other factors affecting the level of occupational injuries, were built.Исследованы тенденции изменений показателей оценивания производственного травматизма в угольной отрасли и определены их прогнозные значения. Построены математические многофакторные модели, которые описывают зависимость показателей оценки производственного травматизма от объемов добычи угля и других факторов, влиящих на уровень производственного травматизма в угольной отрасли

    The role of occupational safety management at enterprises and the factors contributing to its unsatisfactory condition

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    The relevance of the researched problem lies in the fact that today industrial injuries and accidents at workplace are a fairly common problem. Since lives and health of employees, as well as production process efficiency, depend on ensuring workplace safety, occupational safety management becomes an important and integral component of industrial health and safety. The management of enterprises should be guided by the principle of life and health of employees being the most important value. There are certain methods of occupational safety management, such as economic, organisational, administrative-legal and social-psychological, which enable to create safe conditions at workplace. With their help, safe working conditions can be significantly improved and therefore efficiency of production process can be increased. In this regard, this article is aimed at defining the concept of occupational safety as an essential element of industrial health and safety. It also taps into the main components that make up an integrated occupational safety system and methods of occupational safety management, which must be taken into account by the management of an enterprise, institution, organisation and the government, the latter also controlling implementation of legislative regulations at workplace, as the economic situation in the country depends to a large extent on the level of production processes functionality. In addition, analysis of existing international standards in the labour protection field has been carried out, their features and scope of application have been considered. On the basis of the revealed data, specific recommendations have been developed, namely, advancement of prosocial behavior, technical upgrade, conduct of briefings and trainings aimed at increasing occupational safety. The research was carried out on the basis of general scientific and special methods of cognition, such as analogy, factor analysis, comparison, structural analysis, expert assessments and opinions, analysis of the causes of industrial injuries and various industrial diseases. The authors investigated the evolution of management and administration in labor protection and industrial safety, their interconnection and interdependence. The result of this scientific work is an understanding of the importance of compliance with safety rules at workplaces, of negative consequences that may arise from non-compliance with legislative regulations and international standards developed by the international community regarding occupational safety. A variety of management methods that can be used during set up of production process, as well as development of recommendations that will help to improve the current situation in labour safety, ensuring protection of labour rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of employees, enacted in most countries by Constitution, have been discussed. Having analysed the fact that currently the state of guaranteeing safe working conditions for employees is in a critical situation, industrial injuries and accidents at enterprises have become widespread. We can come to a conclusion that it is necessary to legislate this situation, to strengthen the legal responsibility of management and employees for non-compliance with safety rules during production proces

    Specifics of modern security requirements for software of electronic machine control systems

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    Необхідний рівень безпеки машин і механізмів досягається за рахунок використання відповідних систем управління безпекою промислового обладнання, в тому числі програмованих електронних. Такі системи зазвичай включають в себе різноманітні охоронні пристрої для управління налаштуваннями промислового обладнання. Оскільки електронні системи управління в даний час вважаються найбільш перспективними системами управління в цій області, вивчення параметрів безпеки їх прикладної підтримки визначає актуальність даного дослідження. У цьому дослідженні проаналізовано основні вимоги стандартів IEC 61508 та IEC 62061 на відповідність сучасним вимогам безпеки вбудованого та прикладного програмного забезпечення для електронних систем управління машинами та механізмами. Дане дослідження пропонує алгоритм покрокового впровадження програмного забезпечення для електронних систем управління машинами відповідно до базових стандартів безпеки як для вбудованого, так і прикладного програмного забезпечення. Тестування визначено як основний метод перевірки прикладного програмного забезпечення. За результатами аналізу було встановлено, що специфікація вимог безпеки, як вбудованого, так і прикладного програмного забезпечення, повинна висвітлювати необхідні характеристики кожної підсистеми, надаючи інформацію, що дозволяє вибрати обладнання, що відповідає існуючим вимогам безпеки. Наводяться відповідні рекомендації щодо специфіки практичного застосування цих стандартів.The required level of safety of machines and mechanisms is achieved through the use of appropriate safety management systems for industrial equipment, including programmable electronic ones. Such systems usually include a variety of security devices for managing industrial equipment settings. Since electronic control systems are currently considered the most promising control systems in this area, the study of the security parameters of their application support determines the relevance of this study. This study analyses the main requirements of IEC 61508 and IEC 62061 standards for compliance with modern safety requirements of embedded and applied software for electronic control systems of machines and mechanisms. This study proposes an algorithm for step-by-step implementation of software for electronic machine control systems in accordance with basic security standards for both built-in and application software. Testing has been determined as the main method of verification of application software. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the specification of security requirements, both built-in and application software, should highlight the necessary characteristics of each subsystem, providing information that allows choosing the equipment that meets existing security requirements. Relevant recommendations are given on the specifics of practical application of these standards

    Method for Predicting the Dissemination of Hazardous Substances in the Soil During Long-term Storage of Galvanic Waste

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    The problem of production waste storage in open areas of an enterprise with a galvanic shop for the production of chips and microchips has been investigated. The composition of the sludge obtained after sewage treatment of the production of the copper line was investigated. The aim of the article is to develop a mathematical model for predicting the distribution of compounds with heavy metals in the soil during long-term storage of galvanic sludge in open areas. Modeling the process of movement of salts from the earth's surface into the lower layers of the aeration zone occurs according to the laws of molecular diffusion. The method is developed on the basis of a mathematical model that makes it possible to estimate the spread over the depth of the ground and level of soil salinity over time using initial information about soil structure and its characteristics (molecular diffusion coefficient, volume humidity), annual volumes and conditions of sludge storage in the enterprise. Restrictions are set: the presence of harmful substances on the soil surface with a concentration that exceeds the permissible level; inadmissibility of harmful substances to aquifers. The practical use of the method made it possible to identify the main dangers during long-term storage of galvanic waste in open areas. The dynamics of soil salinity levels and the depth of penetration of heavy metals increase over twenty years of conservation has been determined, as well as the possibility of hazardous compounds entering groundwater has been assessed. Polyvinyl chloride packaging has a maximum life span of 15 years. Waste should not be stored in packages and in closed areas for more than 10 years. According to the prediction results, it can be stated that storage in landfills of galvanic waste for more than 15 years leads to significant salinization of the soil and creates conditions for an emergency situation, which is caused by harmful substances entering the water horizons. Recommendations for improving storage conditions are given and the need for recycling of industrial waste is substantiate

    Development of the effective information and analytical support of the OSH management system

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    Purpose: Studying urgent problems in the OSH management field in the in European countries to create effective information and analytical support for the OSH management system. Design/methodology/approach: An analytical review of open sources, a comparative analysis of the legislative framework of different countries and logical conclusions based on existing opportunities at the current stage of development of the country were used to study current problems in the field of labour protection management and find ways to create effective information and analytical support. Improved IS "Vizit" was tested for 2018-2019: to identify undeclared labour, the dynamics of various types of labour violations has been studied; to predict the load of inspectors, the quarterly dynamics of inspection actions was studied; the accumulated statistics were processed using multiple regressions; for 22 enterprises, employees of all levels were remotely trained in labour protection issues. Findings: Information and analytical support for the OSH management system has been developed. On the basis of indirect signs it allows to identify undeclared work cases, to predict the labour inspectors’ inspection activities by quarters, to provide effective distance learning of enterprise employees and labour inspectors. The distance learning system for labour protection was tested at 22 enterprises: the head of the enterprise, the heads of departments and employees of the enterprise passed the training. Since 2018 (start to use of this information and analytical support), the dynamics of inspection actions and various types of labour violations have been monitored. Research limitations/implications: Information and analytical support was tested on the example of Ukrainian labour legislation. However, it can be adapted to the legislation of another country. Practical implications: The proposed information and analytical support using indirect evidences provides an opportunity to identify undeclared work and that significantly reduces the inspection visits number in order to monitor and detect violations of the law; makes it possible to predict the inspection activities and the workload of labour inspectors; contributes to the organizations managers and employees’ effective training, and the inspectors training remotely (and therefore is less costly). Originality/value: A non-standard approach to the identification of undeclared work on indirect grounds using information and analytical support for the OSH management system is proposed