6,019 research outputs found

    Recruitment, Preparation, Retention: A case study of computing culture at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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    Computer science is seeing a decline in enrollment at all levels of education, including undergraduate and graduate study. This paper reports on the results of a study conducted at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign which evaluated students attitudes regarding three areas which can contribute to improved enrollment in the Department of Computer Science: Recruitment, preparation and retention. The results of our study saw two themes. First, the department's tight research focus appears to draw significant attention from other activities -- such as teaching, service, and other community-building activities -- that are necessary for a department's excellence. Yet, as demonstrated by our second theme, one partial solution is to better promote such activities already employed by the department to its students and faculty. Based on our results, we make recommendations for improvements and enhancements based on the current state of practice at peer institutions.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figures. For better quality figures, please download the .pdf from http://www.cs.uiuc.edu/research/techreports.php?report=UIUCDCS-R-2007-281

    NRSM 370.R01: Collaboration in Natural Resource Decisions

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    Community level impacts of Microstegium vimineum on arthropod community structure and foodweb dynamics in a temperate deciduous forest.

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    Invasion by non-native primary producers are generally expected to lead to a decline in native species richness, however in some cases, these invasions can actually lead to an increase in diversity and abundance of certain groups of organisms. Arthropods are extremely sensitive to changes in the plant community, particularly herbivores, and the response of these primary consumers can influence predator populations. Microstegium vimineum is an invasive C4 grass that has developed strong populations in the understory of temperate deciduous forests along the east coast of the U.S. This work evaluates the influence that this invader may have on insect and spider abundance and diversity, including changes at the trophic group and functional guild levels. Additionally we evaluate the impacts of both an increase in invasion density and a decrease in native plant diversity on arthropod community structure. In general, we find a significant increase in herbivore abundance, primarily as a result in the increased abundances of concealed chewers, free-living chewers and free-living sap feeders. Free-living sap-feeders also showed an increase in biomass. Spider abundance and diversity also increased in association with invasion by M. vimineum. Both active hunters and sit-and-wait predators showed significant increases in invaded sites. The ratio of adult:immature spiders however had a negative relationship with invasion. These changes in the arthropod community appear to be related to both changes in vegetation structure as well as changes in plant biomass. We found increased abundances in our treatments in which invasion density increased and decreases in the arthropod community in sites where native plants were removed from the system. We also show some support for the idea that carnivores, specifically spiders, may respond more strongly to changes in vegetative complexity, while herbivores, specifically leaf hoppers, may respond more strongly to changes in plant biomass

    WILD 291.01: Human Dimensions of Wildlife

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    NRSM 574.01: Human Dimensions of Natural Resources

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    MT SCORP: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System: Outdoor Recreation and Resident Health

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    The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) provides state-based data on health and risk behaviors among adults. Several supplemental outdoor recreation related questions were included in the 2011 questionnaire to assist with the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan process and are analyzed in this report

    Early diffusion evidence of retrograde transsynaptic degeneration in the human visual system

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    We investigated whether diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) indices of white matter integrity would offer early markers of retrograde transsynaptic degeneration (RTD) in the visual system after stroke Objective: We investigated whether diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) indices of white matter integrity would offer early markers of retrograde transsynaptic degeneration (RTD) in the visual system after stroke. Methods: We performed a prospective longitudinal analysis of the sensitivity of DTI markers of optic tract health in 12 patients with postsynaptic visual pathway stroke, 12 stroke controls, and 28 healthy controls. We examined group differences in (1) optic tract fractional anisotropy (FA-asymmetry), (2) perimetric measures of visual impairment, and (3) the relationship between FA-asymmetry and perimetric assessment. Results: FA-asymmetry was higher in patients with visual pathway lesions than in control groups. These differences were evident 3 months from the time of injury and did not change significantly at 12 months. Perimetric measures showed evidence of impairment in participants with visual pathway stroke but not in control groups. A significant association was observed between FA-asymmetry and perimetric measures at 3 months, which persisted at 12 months. Conclusions: DTI markers of RTD are apparent 3 months from the time of injury. This represents the earliest noninvasive evidence of RTD in any species. Furthermore, these measures associate with measures of visual impairment. DTI measures offer a reproducible, noninvasive, and sensitive method of investigating RTD and its role in visual impairment

    Anisotropic sub-Doppler laser cooling in dysprosium magneto-optical traps

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    Magneto-optical traps (MOTs) of Er and Dy have recently been shown to exhibit population-wide sub-Doppler cooling due to their near degeneracy of excited and ground state Lande g factors. We discuss here an additional, unusual intra-MOT sub-Doppler cooling mechanism that appears when the total Dy MOT cooling laser intensity and magnetic quadrupole gradient increase beyond critical values. Specifically, anisotropically sub-Doppler-cooled cores appear, and their orientation with respect to the quadrupole axis flips at a critical ratio of the MOT laser intensity along the quadrupole axis versus that in the plane of symmetry. This phenomenon can be traced to a loss of the velocity-selective resonance at zero velocity in the cooling force along directions in which the atomic polarization is oriented by the quadrupole field. We present data characterizing this anisotropic laser cooling phenomenon and discuss a qualitative model for its origin based on the extraordinarily large Dy magnetic moment and Dy's near degenerate g factors.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Coherent Control of Trapped Bosons

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    We investigate the quantum behavior of a mesoscopic two-boson system produced by number-squeezing ultracold gases of alkali metal atoms. The quantum Poincare maps of the wavefunctions are affected by chaos in those regions of the phase space where the classical dynamics produces features that are comparable to hbar. We also investigate the possibility for quantum control in the dynamics of excitations in these systems. Controlled excitations are mediated by pulsed signals that cause Stimulated Raman Adiabatic passage (STIRAP) from the ground state to a state of higher energy. The dynamics of this transition is affected by chaos caused by the pulses in certain regions of the phase space. A transition to chaos can thus provide a method of controlling STIRAP.Comment: 17 figures, Appended a paragraph on section 1 and explained details behind the hamiltonian on section

    Nonlinear force-free modelling: influence of inaccuracies in the measured magnetic vector

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    Context: Solar magnetic fields are regularly extrapolated into the corona starting from photospheric magnetic measurements that can suffer from significant uncertainties. Aims: Here we study how inaccuracies introduced into the maps of the photospheric magnetic vector from the inversion of ideal and noisy Stokes parameters influence the extrapolation of nonlinear force-free magnetic fields. Methods: We compute nonlinear force-free magnetic fields based on simulated vector magnetograms, which have been produced by the inversion of Stokes profiles, computed froma 3-D radiation MHD simulation snapshot. These extrapolations are compared with extrapolations starting directly from the field in the MHD simulations, which is our reference. We investigate how line formation and instrumental effects such as noise, limited spatial resolution and the effect of employing a filter instrument influence the resulting magnetic field structure. The comparison is done qualitatively by visual inspection of the magnetic field distribution and quantitatively by different metrics. Results: The reconstructed field is most accurate if ideal Stokes data are inverted and becomes less accurate if instrumental effects and noise are included. The results demonstrate that the non-linear force-free field extrapolation method tested here is relatively insensitive to the effects of noise in measured polarization spectra at levels consistent with present-day instruments. Conclusions heading: Our results show that we can reconstruct the coronal magnetic field as a nonlinear force-free field from realistic photospheric measurements with an accuracy of a few percent, at least in the absence of sunspots.Comment: A&A, accepted, 9 Pages, 4 Figure
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