2,252 research outputs found

    The impact of shocks on the chemistry of molecular clouds: high resolution images of chemical differentiation along the NGC1333-IRAS2A outflow

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    This paper presents a detailed study of the chemistry in the outflow associated with the low-mass protostar NGC1333-IRAS2A down to 3" (650 AU) scales. Millimeter-wavelength aperture-synthesis observations from the OVRO and BIMA interferometers and (sub)millimeter single-dish observations from the Onsala 20m telescope and CSO are presented. The interaction of the highly collimated protostellar outflow with a molecular condensation ~15000 AU from the central protostar is clearly traced by molecular species such as HCN, SiO, SO, CS, and CH3OH. Especially SiO traces a narrow high velocity component at the interface between the outflow and the molecular condensation. Multi-transition single-dish observations are used to distinguish the chemistry of the shock from that of the molecular condensation and to address the physical conditions therein. Statistical equilibrium calculations reveal temperatures of 20 and 70 K for the quiescent and shocked components, respectively, and densities near 10^6 cm^{-3}. Significant abundance enhancements of two to four orders of magnitude are found in the shocked region for molecules such as CH3OH, SiO and the sulfur-bearing molecules. HCO+ is seen only in the aftermath of the shock consistent with models where it is destroyed through release of H2O from grain mantles in the shock. N2H+ shows narrow lines, not affected by the outflow but rather probing the ambient cloud. Differences in abundances of HCN, H2CO and CS are seen between different outflow regions and are suggested to be related to differences in the atomic carbon abundance. Compared to the warm inner parts of protostellar envelopes, higher abundances of in particular CH3OH and SiO are found in the outflows, which may be related to density differences between the regions.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    The compact far infrared emission from the young stellar object IRAS 16293-2422

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    High resolution far IR observations at 50 and 100 microns were made of the young stellar object (YSO), IRAS 16293-2422. The observations are part of a systematic high resolution study of nearby YSO's. The purpose is to obtain resolution in the far IR comparable to that at other wavelengths. Until recently, the high resolution that has been available in the far IR has been from either IRAS (angular resolution of approx 4 min) or the KAO using standard FIR photometry (approx 35 sec). With scanning techniques, it is possible to obtain 10 sec resolution on bright sources. Such a resolution is necessary to better determine the physical conditions of the YSO, and to compare with model of star formation. In order to better constrain the models for the source, the YSO was observed at both 50 and 100 microns on several flights in 1988 April from the KAO. Estimates are presented of the size both along the major and minor axis of the disk, as well as estimates of the dust temperature and 100 micron opacity for the YSO

    3-D Tracking and Visualization of Hundreds of Pt-Co Fuel Cell Nanocatalysts During Electrochemical Aging

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    We present an electron tomography method that allows for the identification of hundreds of electrocatalyst nanoparticles with one-to-one correspondence before and after electrochemical aging. This method allows us to track, in three-dimensions (3-D), the trajectories and morphologies of each Pt-Co nanocatalyst on a fuel cell carbon support. The use of atomic-scale electron energy loss spectroscopic imaging enables the correlation of performance degradation of the catalyst with changes in particle/inter-particle morphologies, particle-support interactions and the near-surface chemical composition. We found that, aging of the catalysts under normal fuel cell operating conditions (potential scans from +0.6 V to +1.0 V for 30,000 cycles) gives rise to coarsening of the nanoparticles, mainly through coalescence, which in turn leads to the loss of performance. The observed coalescence events were found to be the result of nanoparticle migration on the carbon support during potential cycling. This method provides detailed insights into how nanocatalyst degradation occurs in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), and suggests that minimization of particle movement can potentially slow down the coarsening of the particles, and the corresponding performance degradation.Comment: Nano Letters, accepte

    Simian immunodeficiency virus infection in wild-caught chimpanzees from Cameroon

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    Simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVcpz) infecting chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in west central Africa are the closest relatives to all major variants of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 ([HIV-1]; groups M, N and O), and have thus been implicated as the source of the human infections; however, information concerning the prevalence, geographic distribution, and subspecies association of SIVcpz still remains limited. In this study, we tested 71 wild-caught chimpanzees from Cameroon for evidence of SIVcpz infection. Thirty-nine of these were of the central subspecies (Pan troglodytes troglodytes), and 32 were of the Nigerian subspecies (Pan troglodytes vellerosus), as determined by mitochondrial DNA analysis. Serological analysis determined that one P. t. troglodytes ape (CAM13) harbored serum antibodies that cross-reacted strongly with HIV-1 antigens; all other apes were seronegative. To characterize the newly identified virus, 14 partially overlapping viral fragments were amplified from fecal virion RNA and concatenated to yield a complete SIVcpz genome (9,284 bp). Phylogenetic analyses revealed that SIVcpzCAM13 fell well within the radiation of the SIVcpzPtt group of viruses, as part of a clade including all other SIVcpzPtt strains as well as HIV-1 groups M and N. However, SIVcpzCAM13 clustered most closely with SIVcpzGAB1 from Gabon rather than with SIVcpzCAM3 and SIVcpzCAM5 from Cameroon, indicating the existence of divergent SIVcpzPtt lineages within the same geographic region. These data, together with evidence of recombination among ancestral SIVcpzPtt lineages, indicate long-standing endemic infection of central chimpanzees and reaffirm a west central African origin of HIV-1. Whether P. t. vellerosus apes are naturally infected with SIVcpz requires further study

    CARMA Large Area Star Formation Survey: Observational Analysis of Filaments in the Serpens South Molecular Cloud

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    We present the N2H+(J=1-0) map of the Serpens South molecular cloud obtained as part of the CARMA Large Area Star Formation Survey (CLASSy). The observations cover 250 square arcminutes and fully sample structures from 3000 AU to 3 pc with a velocity resolution of 0.16 km/s, and they can be used to constrain the origin and evolution of molecular cloud filaments. The spatial distribution of the N2H+ emission is characterized by long filaments that resemble those observed in the dust continuum emission by Herschel. However, the gas filaments are typically narrower such that, in some cases, two or three quasi-parallel N2H+ filaments comprise a single observed dust continuum filament. The difference between the dust and gas filament widths casts doubt on Herschel ability to resolve the Serpens South filaments. Some molecular filaments show velocity gradients along their major axis, and two are characterized by a steep velocity gradient in the direction perpendicular to the filament axis. The observed velocity gradient along one of these filaments was previously postulated as evidence for mass infall toward the central cluster, but these kind of gradients can be interpreted as projection of large-scale turbulence.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, published in ApJL (July 2014

    Modelling timing and tempo of adrenarche in a prospective cohort study

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    To better understand how health risk processes are linked to adrenarche, measures of adrenarcheal timing and tempo are needed. Our objective was to describe and classify adrenal trajectories, in terms of timing and tempo, in a population of children transitioning to adolescence with repeated measurements of salivary dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), DHEAsulphate, and testosterone. We analysed data from the Childhood to Adolescence Transition Study (CATS), a longitudinal study of 1239 participants, recruited at 8-9 years old and followed up annually. Saliva samples were assayed for adrenal hormones. Linear mixedeffect models with subject-specific random intercepts and slopes were used to model longitudinal hormone trajectories by sex and derive measures of adrenarcheal timing and tempo. The median values for all hormones were higher at each consecutive study wave for both sexes, and higher for females than males. For all hormones, between-individual variation in hormone levels at age 9 (timing) was moderately large and similar for females and males. Between-individual variation in hormone progression over time (tempo) was of moderate magnitude compared with the population average age-slope, which itself was small compared with overall hormone level at each age. This suggests that between-individual variation in tempo was less important for modelling hormone trajectories. Between-individual variation in timing was more important for determining relative adrenal hormonal level in childhood than tempo. This finding suggests that adrenal hormonal levels at age 8-9 years can be used to predict relative levels in early adolescence (up to 13 years)

    A multi-wavelength analysis for interferometric (sub-)mm observations of protoplanetary disks: radial constraints on the dust properties and the disk structure

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    Theoretical models of grain growth predict dust properties to change as a function of protoplanetary disk radius, mass, age and other physical conditions. We lay down the methodology for a multi-wavelength analysis of (sub-)mm and cm continuum interferometric observations to constrain self-consistently the disk structure and the radial variation of the dust properties. The computational architecture is massively parallel and highly modular. The analysis is based on the simultaneous fit in the uv-plane of observations at several wavelengths with a model for the disk thermal emission and for the dust opacity. The observed flux density at the different wavelengths is fitted by posing constraints on the disk structure and on the radial variation of the grain size distribution. We apply the analysis to observations of three protoplanetary disks (AS 209, FT Tau, DR Tau) for which a combination of spatially resolved observations in the range ~0.88mm to ~10mm is available (from SMA, CARMA, and VLA), finding evidence of a decreasing maximum dust grain size (a_max) with radius. We derive large a_max values up to 1 cm in the inner disk between 15 and 30 AU and smaller grains with a_max~1 mm in the outer disk (R > 80AU). In this paper we develop a multi-wavelength analysis that will allow this missing quantity to be constrained for statistically relevant samples of disks and to investigate possible correlations with disk or stellar parameters.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Electron Accumulation and Emergent Magnetism in LaMnO3/SrTiO3 Heterostructures

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    Emergent phenomena at polar-nonpolar oxide interfaces have been studied intensely in pursuit of next-generation oxide electronics and spintronics. Here we report the disentanglement of critical thicknesses for electron reconstruction and the emergence of ferromagnetism in polar-mismatched LaMnO3/SrTiO3 (001) heterostructures. Using a combination of element-specific X-ray absorption spectroscopy and dichroism, and first-principles calculations, interfacial electron accumulation and ferromagnetism have been observed within the polar, antiferromagnetic insulator LaMnO3. Our results show that the critical thickness for the onset of electron accumulation is as thin as 2 unit cells (UC), significantly thinner than the observed critical thickness for ferromagnetism of 5 UC. The absence of ferromagnetism below 5 UC is likely induced by electron over-accumulation. In turn, by controlling the doping of the LaMnO3, we are able to neutralize the excessive electrons from the polar mismatch in ultrathin LaMnO3 films and thus enable ferromagnetism in films as thin as 3 UC, extending the limits of our ability to synthesize and tailor emergent phenomena at interfaces and demonstrating manipulation of the electronic and magnetic structures of materials at the shortest length scales.Comment: Accepted by Phys. Rev. Let

    CARMA Large Area Star Formation Survey: Project Overview with Analysis of Dense Gas Structure and Kinematics in Barnard 1

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    We present details of the CARMA Large Area Star Formation Survey (CLASSy), while focusing on observations of Barnard 1. CLASSy is a CARMA Key Project that spectrally imaged N2H+, HCO+, and HCN (J=1-0 transitions) across over 800 square arcminutes of the Perseus and Serpens Molecular Clouds. The observations have angular resolution near 7" and spectral resolution near 0.16 km/s. We imaged ~150 square arcminutes of Barnard 1, focusing on the main core, and the B1 Ridge and clumps to its southwest. N2H+ shows the strongest emission, with morphology similar to cool dust in the region, while HCO+ and HCN trace several molecular outflows from a collection of protostars in the main core. We identify a range of kinematic complexity, with N2H+ velocity dispersions ranging from ~0.05-0.50 km/s across the field. Simultaneous continuum mapping at 3 mm reveals six compact object detections, three of which are new detections. A new non-binary dendrogram algorithm is used to analyze dense gas structures in the N2H+ position-position-velocity (PPV) cube. The projected sizes of dendrogram-identified structures range from about 0.01-0.34 pc. Size-linewidth relations using those structures show that non-thermal line-of-sight velocity dispersion varies weakly with projected size, while rms variation in the centroid velocity rises steeply with projected size. Comparing these relations, we propose that all dense gas structures in Barnard 1 have comparable depths into the sky, around 0.1-0.2 pc; this suggests that over-dense, parsec-scale regions within molecular clouds are better described as flattened structures rather than spherical collections of gas. Science-ready PPV cubes for Barnard 1 molecular emission are available for download.Comment: Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), 51 pages, 27 figures (some with reduced resolution in this preprint); Project website is at http://carma.astro.umd.edu/class