491 research outputs found

    Negative moments of characteristic polynomials of random GOE matrices and singularity-dominated strong fluctuations

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    We calculate the negative integer moments of the (regularized) characteristic polynomials of N x N random matrices taken from the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE) in the limit as NN \to \infty. The results agree nontrivially with a recent conjecture of Berry & Keating motivated by techniques developed in the theory of singularity-dominated strong fluctuations. This is the first example where nontrivial predictions obtained using these techniques have been proved.Comment: 13 page

    Two-point correlations of the Gaussian symplectic ensemble from periodic orbits

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    We determine the asymptotics of the two-point correlation function for quantum systems with half-integer spin which show chaotic behaviour in the classical limit using a method introduced by Bogomolny and Keating [Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996) 1472-1475]. For time-reversal invariant systems we obtain the leading terms of the two-point correlation function of the Gaussian symplectic ensemble. Special attention has to be paid to the role of Kramers' degeneracy.Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    Geometric phase effects for wavepacket revivals

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    The study of wavepacket revivals is extended to the case of Hamiltonians which are made time-dependent through the adiabatic cycling of some parameters. It is shown that the quantal geometric phase (Berry's phase) causes the revived packet to be displaced along the classical trajectory, by an amount equal to the classical geometric phase (Hannay's angle), in one degree of freedom. A physical example illustrating this effect in three degrees of freedom is mentioned.Comment: Revtex, 11 pages, no figures

    Real roots of Random Polynomials: Universality close to accumulation points

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    We identify the scaling region of a width O(n^{-1}) in the vicinity of the accumulation points t=±1t=\pm 1 of the real roots of a random Kac-like polynomial of large degree n. We argue that the density of the real roots in this region tends to a universal form shared by all polynomials with independent, identically distributed coefficients c_i, as long as the second moment \sigma=E(c_i^2) is finite. In particular, we reveal a gradual (in contrast to the previously reported abrupt) and quite nontrivial suppression of the number of real roots for coefficients with a nonzero mean value \mu_n = E(c_i) scaled as \mu_n\sim n^{-1/2}.Comment: Some minor mistakes that crept through into publication have been removed. 10 pages, 12 eps figures. This version contains all updates, clearer pictures and some more thorough explanation

    Geometrical theory of diffraction and spectral statistics

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    We investigate the influence of diffraction on the statistics of energy levels in quantum systems with a chaotic classical limit. By applying the geometrical theory of diffraction we show that diffraction on singularities of the potential can lead to modifications in semiclassical approximations for spectral statistics that persist in the semiclassical limit 0\hbar \to 0. This result is obtained by deriving a classical sum rule for trajectories that connect two points in coordinate space.Comment: 14 pages, no figure, to appear in J. Phys.

    Adaptive mesh refinement method for the reduction of computational costs while simulating slug flow

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    Microchannel flow boiling has been the focus of many experimental and numerical investigations due to the high heat transfer coefficients that it can induce. However, experimental research has been limited due to the small scales involved, leading researchers to employ computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to resolve the dearth of research on microchannel flow boiling. Conventional CFD methods use a fine uniform mesh to capture the small scales and gradients, such as the liquid-vapour interface. This method has a large computational cost, and as a result, most research reported in the literature has been limited to two-dimensional axisymmetric domains. An interface-tracking adaptive mesh refinement model was created in this study to overcome the limitation of high computational costs without losing accuracy. This model dynamically refined the mesh only in the regions of interest and allowed a coarser mesh in the rest of the domain. This novel approach was able to recreate previously published results with a maximum error of 6.7%, while using less than 1.6% of the mesh elements. Several simulations were conducted in ANSYS Fluent 19.1 to determine the optimal settings for this new method to maintain accuracy and reduce cell count. These settings were determined as three levels of refinement (δL = 3), four refined cells on either side of the interface (δM = 4), and was implemented every five time steps (δT = 5). Finally, a case study was conducted to illustrate the possibility of simulating two-phase flow in microchannels in three dimensions with this method.ThermaSMART project of the European Commission, the Edinburgh Compute & Data Facility (ECDF) and the Centre for High Performance Computing (CHPC), South Africa.https://www.elsevier.com/locate/ichmt2023-10-23hj2022Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineerin

    Mutual Coherence of Polarized Light in Disordered Media: Two-Frequency Method Extended

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    The paper addresses the two-point correlations of electromagnetic waves in general random, bi-anisotropic media whose constitutive tensors are complex Hermitian, positive- or negative-definite matrices. A simplified version of the two-frequency Wigner distribution (2f-WD) for polarized waves is introduced and the closed form Wigner-Moyal equation is derived from the Maxwell equations. In the weak-disorder regime with an arbitrarily varying background the two-frequency radiative transfer (2f-RT) equations for the associated 2×22\times 2 coherence matrices are derived from the Wigner-Moyal equation by using the multiple scale expansion. In birefringent media, the coherence matrix becomes a scalar and the 2f-RT equations take the scalar form due to the absence of depolarization. A paraxial approximation is developed for spatialy anisotropic media. Examples of isotropic, chiral, uniaxial and gyrotropic media are discussed

    The spectral form factor is not self-averaging

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    The spectral form factor, k(t), is the Fourier transform of the two level correlation function C(x), which is the averaged probability for finding two energy levels spaced x mean level spacings apart. The average is over a piece of the spectrum of width W in the neighborhood of energy E0. An additional ensemble average is traditionally carried out, as in random matrix theory. Recently a theoretical calculation of k(t) for a single system, with an energy average only, found interesting nonuniversal semiclassical effects at times t approximately unity in units of {Planck's constant) /(mean level spacing). This is of great interest if k(t) is self-averaging, i.e, if the properties of a typical member of the ensemble are the same as the ensemble average properties. We here argue that this is not always the case, and that for many important systems an ensemble average is essential to see detailed properties of k(t). In other systems, notably the Riemann zeta function, it is likely possible to see the properties by an analysis of the spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, no figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett., permanent e-mail address, [email protected]

    Notes on Conformal Invisibility Devices

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    As a consequence of the wave nature of light, invisibility devices based on isotropic media cannot be perfect. The principal distortions of invisibility are due to reflections and time delays. Reflections can be made exponentially small for devices that are large in comparison with the wavelength of light. Time delays are unavoidable and will result in wave-front dislocations. This paper considers invisibility devices based on optical conformal mapping. The paper shows that the time delays do not depend on the directions and impact parameters of incident light rays, although the refractive-index profile of any conformal invisibility device is necessarily asymmetric. The distortions of images are thus uniform, which reduces the risk of detection. The paper also shows how the ideas of invisibility devices are connected to the transmutation of force, the stereographic projection and Escheresque tilings of the plane

    Semiclassical Approach to Parametric Spectral Correlation with Spin 1/2

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    The spectral correlation of a chaotic system with spin 1/2 is universally described by the GSE (Gaussian Symplectic Ensemble) of random matrices in the semiclassical limit. In semiclassical theory, the spectral form factor is expressed in terms of the periodic orbits and the spin state is simulated by the uniform distribution on a sphere. In this paper, instead of the uniform distribution, we introduce Brownian motion on a sphere to yield the parametric motion of the energy levels. As a result, the small time expansion of the form factor is obtained and found to be in agreement with the prediction of parametric random matrices in the transition within the GSE universality class. Moreover, by starting the Brownian motion from a point distribution on the sphere, we gradually increase the effect of the spin and calculate the form factor describing the transition from the GOE (Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble) class to the GSE class.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure