15,989 research outputs found

    Optimum shape of a blunt forebody in hypersonic flow

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    The optimum shape of a blunt forebody attached to a symmetric wedge or cone is determined. The length of the forebody, its semi-thickness or base radius, the nose radius and the radius of the fillet joining the forebody to the wedge or cone are specified. The optimum shape is composed of simple curves. Thus experimental models can be built readily to investigate the utilization of aerodynamic heating for boundary layer control. The optimum shape based on the modified Newtonian theory can also serve as the preliminary shape for the numerical solution of the optimum shape using the governing equations for a compressible inviscid or viscous flow

    Sonic boom research

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    It is demonstrated that a supersonic airplane configuration weighing over half a million pounds while creating a maximum sonic boom of less than 1 p.s.f. can be designed. New experimental techniques are developed in the wind tunnel and experiments for the sonic boom measurements were carried out. Theoretical analyses were performed for the effects of sonic boom on structures and pollution problems associated with supersonic flights were investigated. Numerical programs were generated for the sonic boom propagations from the near field of an airplane in supersonic flight at high altitude to the ground, taking into account the nonlinear effects and the asymmetric effects due to lift and the spacewise distributions of lift and volume

    Sonic boom research

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    A computer program for CDC 6600 is developed for the nonlinear sonic boom analysis including the asymmetric effect of lift near the vertical plane of symmetry. The program is written in FORTRAN 4 language. This program carries out the numerical integration of the nonlinear governing equations from the input data at a finite distance from the airplane configuration at a flight altitude to yield the pressure signitude at ground. The required input data and the format for the output are described. A complete program listing and a sample calculation are given

    Diffraction of a plane wave by a three-dimensional corner

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    By the superposition of the conical solution for the diffraction of a plane pulse by a three dimensional corner, the solution for a general incident plane wave is constructed. A numerical program is presented for the computation of the pressure distribution on the surface due to an incident plane wave of any wave form and at any incident angle. Numerical examples are presented to show the pressure signature at several points on the surface due to incident wave with a front shock wave, two shock waves in succession, or a compression wave with same peak pressure. The examples show that when the distance of a point on the surface from the edges or the vertex is comparable to the distance for the front pressure raise to reach the maximum, the peak pressure at that point can be much less than that given by a regular reflection, because the diffracted wave front arrives at that point prior to the arrival of the peak incident wave

    Density-Dependent Response of an Ultracold Plasma to Few-Cycle Radio-Frequency Pulses

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    Ultracold neutral plasmas exhibit a density-dependent resonant response to applied radio-frequency (RF) fields in the frequency range of several MHz to hundreds of MHz for achievable densities. We have conducted measurements where short bursts of RF were applied to these plasmas, with pulse durations as short as two cycles. We still observed a density-dependent resonant response to these short pulses. However, the too rapid timescale of the response, the dependence of the response on the sign of the driving field, the response as the number of pulses was increased, and the difference in plasma response to radial and axially applied RF fields are inconsistent with the plasma response being due to local resonant heating of electrons in the plasma. Instead, our results are consistent with rapid energy transfer from collective motion of the entire electron cloud to electrons in high-energy orbits. In addition to providing a potentially more robust way to measure ultracold neutral plasma densities, these measurements demonstrate the importance of collective motion in the energy transport in these systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Minimum Energy Path to Membrane Pore Formation and Rupture

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    We combine dynamic self-consistent field theory with the string method to calculate the minimum energy path to membrane pore formation and rupture. In the regime where nucleation can occur on experimentally relevant time scales, the structure of the critical nucleus is between a solvophilic stalk and a locally thinned membrane. Classical nucleation theory fails to capture these molecular details and significantly overestimates the free energy barrier. Our results suggest that thermally nucleated rupture may be an important factor for the low rupture strains observed in lipid membranes

    A Kinetic Model for the Enzymatic Action of Cellulase

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    We develop a mechanochemical model for the dynamics of cellulase, a two-domain enzyme connected by a peptide linker, as it extracts and hydrolyzes a cellulose polymer from a crystalline substrate. We consider two random walkers, representing the catalytic domain (CD) and the carbohydrate binding module (CBM), whose rates for stepping are biased by the coupling through the linker and the energy required to lift the cellulose polymer from the crystalline surface. Our results show that the linker length and stiffness play a critical role in the cooperative action of the CD and CBM domains and that, for a given linker length, the steady-state hydrolysis shows a maximum at some intermediate linker stiffness. The maximum hydrolysis rate corresponds to a transition of the linker from a compressed to an extended conformation, where the system exhibits maximum fluctuation, as measured by the variance of the separation distance between the two domains and the dispersion around the mean hydrolysis speed. In the range of experimentally known values of the parameters of our model, improving the intrinsic hydrolytic activity of the CD leads to a proportional increase in the overall hydrolysis rate