4,669 research outputs found
Deliberation and Decision-Making Process in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Do Individual Opinions Matter?
The work is focused on the adjudicatory nature of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and investigates its model of deliberation, considering three basic schemes: per curiam, seriatim and hybrid. In order to identify an institutional pattern, the importance of individual opinions is analyzed through the quantitative performance of each category of judge (ad hoc and regular), as well as each type of adjudicative activity (judgments and advisory opinions). The quantitative data is also useful to better understand the explicit assimilation of separate opinions to the core reasoning of future cases. As a result, it has been possible to identify relevant aspects applicable to the main problem of whether individual opinions really matter to the Inter-American Court’s decision-making process
Economic Evidence of Willingness to Pay for the National Animal Identification System in the US
This article investigates the willingness to pay for the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) in the US. It is assumed that with the NAIS in place, consumers' risk perception about zoonosis, BSE or mad cow and residues in meat may be mitigated. Therefore, food safety indices for beef, pork and poultry summing the number of references to meat safety found in the top fifty English language news articles in circulation in the US have been constructed. These indices were incorporated in generalized almost ideal demand systems to estimate the effect of those food safety scares on the demand for meat in the US. It has been found that food safety impacts upon the final demand for meat in the US are small and do not show lagged effects. Using the preferred model, three scenarios have been constructed on the basis of hypothesized impacts of the NAIS on consumers' food safety concerns about meat. Finally, the differences in the predicted total revenue for beef, pork and poultry between scenarios are used as gross measures of the NAIS' economic value to the meat sector. The main conclusion is that if the defense of the NAIS is based on its effect on the demand side of the market for meats it is expected that the US Federal government will need to pay for a great part of the costs with the NAIS; otherwise the NAIS is likely to be economically unfeasible in the US.Animal Identification System, Food Safety, System of Demand Equations, Meat Industry, USA, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Livestock Production/Industries, C22, Q11, Q13, Q18,
Esse artigo investiga os efeitos de notícias a respeito do mau da vaca louca ou BSE sobre o consumo das carnes bovina, suína e de aves nos EUA. Presume-se que o sistema nacional de identificação animal (NAIS) poderia em tese atenuar a percepção de risco dos consumidores sobre contrair o mau da vaca louca ao consumir carnes. Sistemas de equações de demanda são estimados incorporando-se, como proxy da percepção de risco do consumidor, três séries de índices de segurança do alimento separadamente construídos para as carnes bovina, suína e de aves considerando-se notícias veiculadas sobre BSE ou mau da vaca louca na imprensa escrita. Essas séries de índices são construídos somando-se o número de referências nos principais jornais norte americanos à problemas de food safety relacionados com cada uma das carnes. Utiliza-se o melhor modelo estimado, escolhido com base em testes de especificação, para se construir três cenários simulando-se respectivamente os casos em que o NAIS não está implementado, está implementado apenas para bovinos, e está implementado para suínos e bovinos. Utilizando-se as diferenças entre as receitas estimadas para cada cenário e para cada tipo de carne como uma medida do potencial ganho advindo da implementação do NAIS, conclui-se que o impacto do mau da vaca louca sobre o consumo de carnes nos EUA seria suficiente para cobrir os custos com a implementação do NAIS. Naturalmente, esse resultado fica condicionado a quanto dos ganhos com o NAIS seriam transmitidos aos pecuaristas que são aqueles que, em última instância, arcarão com os custos de implementação e manutenção do NAIS.----------------------------------------------This article investigates the willingness to pay for the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) in the US. We assume that with the NAIS in place, consumers’ concerns about Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease will be reduced and by inference consumers will be willing to pay for the NAIS. To estimate this level of willingness to pay a generalized almost ideal demand system including beef, pork and poultry is estimated, including indexes of perception of BSE based on news coverage of BSE in the U.S. We found that while news indexes of BSE were not individually significant, that they were jointly significant in test of preferred models. Using the preferred model, we constructed three scenarios on the basis of hypothesized impacts of the NAIS on consumers' food safety concerns about meat. Our conclusion is that the impact of BSE on consumer demand for meat was in itself sufficient to cover previously estimated costs of implementing the NAIS. However, it does so at the expense of pork and poultry which lose consumption relative to beef if the NAIS reduces consumers concerns as assumed. Other disease and pathogen potential would be expected to further enhance its value.Sistema nacional de identificação animal, segurança do alimento, sistema de equações de demanda, setor de carnes, EUA, Animal Identification System, Food Safety, System of Demand Equations, Meat Industry, USA, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Livestock Production/Industries,
Porque se mobilizam os Professores? Juízos Plurais sobre o que é ser ?um profissional de ensino
A comunicação visa empreender, no quadro da Sociologia Pragmática de Boltanski e Thévenot, uma primeira abordagem ao movimento de contestação dos professores ao Estatuto da Carreira Docente (ECD) aprovado em 2007 enquanto questão intimamenteligadaà problemática de juízos morais e políticos plurais sobre o que é ser professor num contexto de incerteza.Procura-se apresentar alguns dos resultados das primeiras análises de dados empíricos recolhidos (através de fontes documentais e entrevistasrealizadas junto de porta-vozes dos professores o representantes sindicais da classe profissional) de forma a compreender que regimes de justificaçãoforam mobilizados para justificar as sucessivas críticas aos princípios de justiça que presidiram à reforma do ECD e para a receptibilidade da denúncia pública de injustiçaatravés da referência a ordens de grandeza decaráctermoral e político
Finite Temperature Phase Diagram of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Imbalanced Fermi Gases Beyond Mean-Field
We investigate the superfluid transition temperature of quasi-two-dimensional
imbalanced Fermi gases beyond the mean-field approximation, through the
second-order (or induced) interaction effects. For a balanced Fermi system the
transition temperature is suppressed by a factor . For imbalanced
Fermi systems, the polarization and transition temperature of the tricritical
point are significantly reduced as the two-body binding energy
increases.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
Breeding tropical forages
Brazil has the largest commercial beef cattle herd and is the main beef exporter in the world. Cultivated pastures arethe basis for the Brazilian beef production, and occupy an area of 101.4 million hectares. However, very few forage cultivars arecommercially available, and the majority of these are of apomictic reproduction, thus genetically homogeneous. Tropical foragebreeding is at its infancy, but much investment and efforts have been applied in the last three decades and some new cultivars havebeen released. In this paper, origin of different species, modes of reproduction, breeding programs and targets are discussed andthe resulting new cultivars released are presented
Agricultura de precisão e alguns aspectos sobre o manejo sítio-específico do nitrogênio em sistemas agrícolas.
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