2,414 research outputs found

    Thermocapillary Flow on Superhydrophobic Surfaces

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    A liquid in Cassie-Baxter state above a structured superhydrophobic surface is ideally suited for surface driven transport due to its large free surface fraction in close contact to a solid. We investigate thermal Marangoni flow over a superhydrophobic array of fins oriented parallel or perpendicular to an applied temperature gradient. In the Stokes limit we derive an analytical expression for the bulk flow velocity above the surface and compare it with numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equation. Even for moderate temperature gradients comparatively large flow velocities are induced, suggesting to utilize this principle for microfluidic pumping.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Ecological Macroeconomic Models: Assessing Current Developments

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    Our society faces a dilemma. While continued economic growth is ecologically unsustainable, low or negative rates of economic growth are accompanied by adverse social impacts. Hence there is a need for macroeconomic tools that can help identify socially sustainable post-growth pathways. The emerging field of ecological macroeconomics aims to address this need and features a number of new macroeconomic modelling approaches. This article provides (1) a review of modelling developments in ecological macroeconomics, based on the literature and interviews with researchers, and (2) an analysis of how the different models incorporate policy themes from the post-growth literature. Twenty-two ecological macroeconomic models were analysed and compared to eight policy themes. It was found that environmental interactions and the monetary system were treated most comprehensively. Themes of income inequality, work patterns, indicators of well-being, and disaggregated production were addressed with less detail, while alternative business models and cross-scale interactions were hardly addressed. Overall, the combination of input-output analysis with stock-flow consistent modelling was identified as a promising avenue for developing macroeconomic models for a post-growth economy. However, due to the wide interpretation of what “the economy” entails, future research will benefit from employing a range of approaches

    Stability of a horizontal viscous fluid layer in a vertical time periodic electric field

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    The stability of a horizontal interface between two viscous fluids, one of which is conducting and the other is dielectric, acted upon by a vertical time-periodic electric field is considered. The two fluids are bounded by electrodes separated by a finite distance. By means of Floquet theory, the marginal stability curves are obtained, thereby elucidating the dependency of the critical voltage and wavenumber upon the fluid viscosities. The limit of vanishing viscosities is shown to be in excellent agreement with the marginal stability curves predicted by means of a Mathieu equation. The methodology to obtain the marginal stability curves developed here is applicable to any arbitrary but time periodic-signal, as demonstrated for the case of a signal with two different frequencies. As a special case, the marginal stability curves for an applied ac voltage biased by a dc voltage are depicted. It is shown that the mode coupling caused by the normal stress at the interface due to the electric field leads to appearance of harmonic modes and subharmonic modes. This is in contrast to the application of a voltage with a single frequency which always leads to a harmonic mode. Whether a harmonic or subharmonic mode is the most unstable one depends on details of the excitation signal. It is also shown that the electrode spacing has a distinct effect on the stability bahavior of the system

    Combined Effects of Knowledge About Others' Opinions and Anticipation of Group Discussion on Confirmatory Information Search

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    There is conclusive evidence that information search processes are typically biased in favor of the information seeker’s own opinion (confirmation bias). Less is known about how knowledge about others’ opinions affects this confirmatory information search. In the present study, the authors manipulated feedback about others’ opinions and anticipation of group interaction. As predicted, the effect of knowledge about others’ opinions on confirmatory information search depended on whether participants anticipated interacting with these others. Specifically, minority members anticipating a group discussion exhibited a particularly strong confirmation bias, whereas minority members who did not anticipate a discussion predominantly sought information opposing their opinion. For participants not anticipating group interaction, confidence about the correctness of one’s decision mediated the impact of knowledge about others’ opinions on confirmatory information search. Results are discussed with regard to the debiasing effect of preference heterogeneity on confirmatory information search in groups

    Biased Information Search in Homogeneous Groups: Confidence as a Moderator for the Effect of Anticipated Task Requirements

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    When searching for information, groups that are homogeneous regarding their members’ prediscussion decision preferences show a strong bias for information that supports rather than conflicts with the prevailing opinion (confirmation bias). The present research examined whether homogeneous groups blindly search for information confirming their beliefs irrespective of the anticipated task or whether they are sensitive to the usefulness of new information for this forthcoming task. Results of three experiments show that task sensitivity depends on the groups’ confidence in the correctness of their decision: Moderately confident groups displayed a strong confirmation bias when they anticipated having to give reasons for their decision but showed a balanced information search or even a disconfirmation bias (i.e., predominately seeking conflicting information) when they anticipated having to refute unterarguments. In contrast, highly confident groups demonstrated a strong confirmation bias independent of the anticipated task requirements

    The Paulsen Problem, Continuous Operator Scaling, and Smoothed Analysis

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    The Paulsen problem is a basic open problem in operator theory: Given vectors u1,
,un∈Rdu_1, \ldots, u_n \in \mathbb R^d that are Ï”\epsilon-nearly satisfying the Parseval's condition and the equal norm condition, is it close to a set of vectors v1,
,vn∈Rdv_1, \ldots, v_n \in \mathbb R^d that exactly satisfy the Parseval's condition and the equal norm condition? Given u1,
,unu_1, \ldots, u_n, the squared distance (to the set of exact solutions) is defined as inf⁥v∑i=1n∄ui−vi∄22\inf_{v} \sum_{i=1}^n \| u_i - v_i \|_2^2 where the infimum is over the set of exact solutions. Previous results show that the squared distance of any Ï”\epsilon-nearly solution is at most O(poly(d,n,Ï”))O({\rm{poly}}(d,n,\epsilon)) and there are Ï”\epsilon-nearly solutions with squared distance at least Ω(dÏ”)\Omega(d\epsilon). The fundamental open question is whether the squared distance can be independent of the number of vectors nn. We answer this question affirmatively by proving that the squared distance of any Ï”\epsilon-nearly solution is O(d13/2Ï”)O(d^{13/2} \epsilon). Our approach is based on a continuous version of the operator scaling algorithm and consists of two parts. First, we define a dynamical system based on operator scaling and use it to prove that the squared distance of any Ï”\epsilon-nearly solution is O(d2nÏ”)O(d^2 n \epsilon). Then, we show that by randomly perturbing the input vectors, the dynamical system will converge faster and the squared distance of an Ï”\epsilon-nearly solution is O(d5/2Ï”)O(d^{5/2} \epsilon) when nn is large enough and Ï”\epsilon is small enough. To analyze the convergence of the dynamical system, we develop some new techniques in lower bounding the operator capacity, a concept introduced by Gurvits to analyze the operator scaling algorithm.Comment: Added Subsection 1.4; Incorporated comments and fixed typos; Minor changes in various place

    Structural Change for a Post-Growth Economy: Investigating the Relationship between Embodied Energy Intensity and Labour Productivity

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    Post-growth economists propose structural changes towards labour-intensive services, such as care or education, to make our economy more sustainable by providing meaningful work and reducing the environmentally damaging production of material goods. Our study investigates the assumption underlying such proposals. Using a multi-regional input-output model we compare the embodied energy intensity and embodied labour productivity across economic sectors in the UK and Germany between 1995 and 2011. We identify five labour-intensive service sectors, which combine low embodied energy intensity with low growth in embodied labour productivity. However, despite their lower embodied energy intensities, our results indicate that large structural changes towards these sectors would only lead to small reductions in energy footprints. Our results also suggest that labour-intensive service sectors in the UK have been characterised by higher rates of price inflation than other sectors. This supports suggestions from the literature that labour-intensive services face challenges from increasing relative prices and costs. We do not find similar results for Germany, which is the result of low overall growth in embodied labour productivity and prices. This highlights that structural change is closely associated with economic growth, which raises the question of how structural changes can be achieved in a non-growing economy

    Testing Conditional Independence of Discrete Distributions

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    We study the problem of testing \emph{conditional independence} for discrete distributions. Specifically, given samples from a discrete random variable (X,Y,Z)(X, Y, Z) on domain [ℓ1]×[ℓ2]×[n][\ell_1]\times[\ell_2] \times [n], we want to distinguish, with probability at least 2/32/3, between the case that XX and YY are conditionally independent given ZZ from the case that (X,Y,Z)(X, Y, Z) is Ï”\epsilon-far, in ℓ1\ell_1-distance, from every distribution that has this property. Conditional independence is a concept of central importance in probability and statistics with a range of applications in various scientific domains. As such, the statistical task of testing conditional independence has been extensively studied in various forms within the statistics and econometrics communities for nearly a century. Perhaps surprisingly, this problem has not been previously considered in the framework of distribution property testing and in particular no tester with sublinear sample complexity is known, even for the important special case that the domains of XX and YY are binary. The main algorithmic result of this work is the first conditional independence tester with {\em sublinear} sample complexity for discrete distributions over [ℓ1]×[ℓ2]×[n][\ell_1]\times[\ell_2] \times [n]. To complement our upper bounds, we prove information-theoretic lower bounds establishing that the sample complexity of our algorithm is optimal, up to constant factors, for a number of settings. Specifically, for the prototypical setting when ℓ1,ℓ2=O(1)\ell_1, \ell_2 = O(1), we show that the sample complexity of testing conditional independence (upper bound and matching lower bound) is \[ \Theta\left({\max\left(n^{1/2}/\epsilon^2,\min\left(n^{7/8}/\epsilon,n^{6/7}/\epsilon^{8/7}\right)\right)}\right)\,. \

    Estimation of global final-stage energy-return-on-investment for fossil fuels with comparison to renewable energy sources

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    Under many scenarios, fossil fuels are projected to remain the dominant energy source until at least 2050. However, harder-to-reach fossil fuels require more energy to extract and, hence, are coming at an increasing ‘energy cost’. Associated declines in fossil fuel energy-return-on-investment ratios at first appear of little concern, given that published estimates for oil, coal and gas are typically above 25:1. However, such ratios are measured at the primary energy stage and should instead be estimated at the final stage where energy enters the economy (for example, electricity and petrol). Here, we calculate global time series (1995–2011) energy-return-on-investment ratios for fossil fuels at both primary and final energy stages. We concur with common primary-stage estimates (~30:1), but find very low ratios at the final stage: around 6:1 and declining. This implies that fossil fuel energy-return-on-investment ratios may be much closer to those of renewables than previously expected and that they could decline precipitously in the near future
