343 research outputs found


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    On 24-25 of September, 2013, the International Research and Practice Conference of Cole Crops was held in the All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding and Seed Production, in terms of which the meeting of the research and methodologycal commission and open field day have been conducted.24-25 сентября 2013 года во Всероссийском НИИ селекции и семеноводства овощных культур прошла Международная научно-практическая конференция «Современные тенденции развития селекции и семеноводства капустных культур», в рамках которой было проведено заседание научно-методической комиссии по селекции и семеноводству капустных культур и открытый День поля


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    The description of new varieties and F1 hybrids of different species and subspecies of cole crops of VNIISSOK's breeding are representedДано описание новых сортов и гибридов F1 различных видов и разновидностей капусты селекции ВНИИССОК


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    The cabbage certainly is the major crop in Russia. Its spreading is caused by highly valuable horticultural characteristics. On the market the popular varieties of head cabbage originated at VNIISSOK, such as ‘Ijulskaya 3200’, ‘Nomer Perviy Gribovskiy 147’, ‘Slava 1305’, ‘Podarok’, ‘Moskovskaya pozdnaya 15’, ‘Gako 741’, ‘Vertu 1340’ are appreciated. Hybrids of cabbage are the most valuable for production, due to their high yield ability, uniformity and quality comparing with cultivars. Recently, early-late maturing heterotic hybrids of white head cabbage, originated at VNIISSOK have been developed. These hybrids can be used throughout a year by means of consecutive cultivation and suitable for fresh consumption, long-storage and processing.Капуста в нашей стране по праву является главной овощной культурой. Широкому распространению этой культуры способствует ее ценные хозяйственные свойства. На потребительском рынке по-прежнему востребованы широко распространенные сорта капусты белокочанной и других разновидностей селекции ВНИИССОК – Июньская 3200, Номер первый грибовский 147, Слава 1305, Подарок, Московская поздняя 15, Гако 741, Вертю 1340 и др. Для современного овощеводства особую ценность представляют гетерозисные гибриды, отличающиеся от сортов более высокой урожайностью, выравненностью и другими хозяйственно ценными признаками. За последнее время во ВНИИССОК созданы гетерозисные гибриды капусты белокочанной, с помощью которых можно создать конвейер потребления продукции круглый год: представлены гибриды от раннеспелых до позднеспелых, предназначенные для свежего потребления, продолжительного хранения и переработки.

    The creation of methodology of technical universities students’ intellectual skills formation and development in the foreign language course

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    The aim of the article is to justify the need to consider the problem of students’ speech-and-thinking skills development in the process of foreign language learning. Taking into account the peculiarities of cognitive processes provides awareness of information perception and reliable memorization of educational material. This provides using cognitive and informational methods of exploration scientific material. The authors come to the conclusion that to form skills of information understanding students must be able to recognize a problem, memorize essential speech phenomena, and realize their phonetic, acoustic, morphological and syntactic content. So to solve this problem we should offer students some tasks, which include the stage of conversion the text into the structures of inner speech.peer-reviewe

    The packing density and the coordination number of regular spherical packing

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    The article shows the receiving of density equation of regular spherical packing functioning as an effective coordination number and dimension of space on the basis of six-dimensional physical space determinatio

    Mathematical model of coordination number of spherical packing

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    The article considers a mathematical model of the coordination number, which allows obtaining an equation for multi component spherical packing in the entire range of its change. The resulting model can be used in both 2-d and 3-d spaces. The concept of the coordination index is introduced as a function of the inter-particle distance related to a single particle located near the central particle. The model provides unambiguous compliance between the simulated and calculated data on the coordination numbers of the spherical packin

    Simulation of the coordination number of random sphere packing

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    Given article presents a generalized equation for calculating the average coordination number from the density of a random sphere packing, supplemented by a dependence on the threshold value of the interparticle distance in two- and three-dimensional spaces. It is shown that the calculation of the average coordination numbers according to the proposed equation gives an unambiguous correspondence between the simulated, calculated and experimental data for threshold values of more than 1.02 particle diameters. An explanation of the weak dependence of the average coordinate number on the packing density for small threshold values of the interparticle distance is given in this wor

    Economic behavior of the ural students in the context of growing consumer claims

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    The thematic justification is provided by the fact, that together with transition toward market economy in Russia there appeared a definite rupture between theoretical developments of a phenomenon “economic behavior” by the economists and applied, empiric knowledge achieved as a result of numerous social surveys, that leads to a diffusion of social knowledge and the criteria of social analysis of economic life of the society. The objective of the article is an analysis of social economic factors, value orientations, motives and purposes of economic behavior of modern Russian young people in the main spheres of their vital activity, i.e. production, family and domestic, social, cultural and political spheres. The defining methods of investigation are social surveys and formalized interviews, that allow to find out predominant life purposes, value orientations, motives of behavior and actions of young people in the process of their everyday activity within the boundaries of four social institutions of the society: a parents’ family, a school, an institution of higher education, a plant. In the article we analyze the main social economic contradictions following ontogenetic growing-up and social and vocational socialization of young people (pupils, students, young specialists) in the conditions of the Ural cities, towns and villages. We show a discord between value orientations to the production labor and too high customer claims of students. The achieved substantiations of the principles of project realization concerning creation and transforming of regional youth politics in a whole, and educational politics, in particular, can provide increasing of effectiveness of a real investment of the youth into forward development of Russian social medium. © 2018 by the authors