3,687 research outputs found

    Діагностика формування національного характеру у студентів

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    У статті визначено критерії, показники та рівні сформованості національного характеру у студентів, а також представлені результати емпіричного вивчення досліджуваного феномена. (In this article criteria, indicators and levels of the student’s developed national character have been defined and the results concerning empirical study of the researched phenomenon have been presented.

    ПСИХОЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ФОРМУВАННЯ НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО ХАРАКТЕРУ У СТУДЕНТІВ (Psycholinguistic peculiarities of the students’ national character formation)

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    Дисертаційне дослідження присвячене визначенню психолінгвістичних особливостей формування національного характеру у студентів у контексті оволодіння іноземною мовою. У дисертації проаналізовано теоретико-методологічні засади дослідження проблеми національного характеру та виявлено механізми його формування, обґрунтовано роль міжкультурного порівняльного підходу у формуванні національного характеру у студентів. Зроблено спробу представити процес формування національного характеру як комплексного та інтегрального феномена, що включає в себе сукупність пізнавальної, емоційно-ціннісної та практично-дієвої складових; побудовано концептуальну модель формування національного характеру із урахуванням психолінгвістичних особливостей. Розроблено критерії, показники та рівні сформованості національного характеру та сконструйовано експериментальну програму формування національного характеру у студентів із урахуванням психолінгвістичних особливостей у контексті реалізації міжкультурного порівняльного підходу (The dissertation focuses on defining psycholinguistic peculiarities of the students’ national character formation in the context of second language acquisition. In this research the notion of national character is viewed as a system of national community’s attitudes to objective reality, which becomes apparent in a specific lifestyle of its representatives as well as peculiarities of culture, traditions, customs etc. In the context of psychological personality conceptions a system of attitudes is regarded as a triad of emotional, axiological (cognitive), and behavioral elements, which helps substantiate that the process of the national character formation is connected with the changes in emotional, cognitive personality spheres as well as concerns its practical strategies and tactics. Thus, national character is studied as a complex and structural phenomenon which consists of a theoretical level of knowledge, emotional and axiological concepts and attitudes as well as practical strategies and tactics, all of which function as dialectic correlation and indissoluble unity. The process of the national character formation foresees the development of its cognitive, emotional and axiological, as well as practical and active components, raising personality level of national self-consciousness and awareness of its national psychotype. The main mechanisms of the national character formation are national and cultural identification which can be realized by studying national and cultural values and ideals as well as by students’ understanding of their cultural uniqueness. Second language acquisition foresees not only studying categories of a language code, but penetration into cultural field and national character of foreign nationalities. In such a way, second language acquisition creates effective conditions of the national character formation because this process means studying and perceiving foreign cultural peculiarities which is impossible without realizing the essence of native cultural phenomena. Intercultural comparative approach in the conditions of second language acquisition based on the contrast and comparative analysis of foreign and native cultural phenomena helps students understand deeper peculiarities of their national spirit, encourages actualization of the needs for widening and deepening theoretical knowledge about national and cultural heritage of their national community, national self-identification and self-determination, as well as their self-realization in the sphere of national culture. Experimental programme of the students’ national character formation based on psycholinguistic peculiarities in the context of using intercultural comparative approach was constructed. The key aspect of intercultural comparative approach in the conditions of second language acquisition was the study of national features in the light of two or more cultures which stimulated actualization of students’ knowledge and understanding of their cultural elements as well as deeper perception of their national psychological characteristics. The main components of the experimental programme were language units (words, phrases, sentences) as well as verbal and nonverbal national and cultural texts which contained information about history, traditions, cultural realias, and national peculiarities of foreign people. Organizational moment of the experimental programme foresaw using different forms of student’s work such as individual, pair, group etc. The experimental teaching process also included innovative methods of psychological and pedagogical activity aimed at forming structural components of the national character, namely discussions and various stimulating exercises like brainstorming, culture capsule, culture cluster as well as projects were used to develop cognitive component; role plays and games – emotional and axiological component; problematic situations, comparative analysis of behavioural models, speech etiquette formulas, nonverbal behaviour – practical and active component

    Психолінгвістичні особливості формування національного характеру в контексті міжкультурного порівняльного підходу

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    У статті висвітлено психолінгвістичні особливості формування національного характеру у студентів у контексті реалізації міжкультурного порівняльного підходу в процесі оволодіння іноземною мовою. Подано основні аспекти організації діалогу культур в рамках впровадження експериментальної програми. (In this article psycholinguistic peculiarities of the student’s national character formation in the context of realizing intercultural comparative approach in the process of foreign language acquisition have been highlighted. The main aspects of organizing the dialogue of cultures within the framework of implementing experimental program have been given.

    The Problem of Multiculturalism and National Tolerance in Foreign Psychological Theory

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    Статтю присвячено розгляду проблеми мультикультуралізму та національної толерантності відповідно до закордонних психологічних теорій. Аналіз зазначеної проблематики представлено крізь призму розгляду психологічних феноменів національної ідентичності та ідентифікації, групової ідентичності, а також акультараційних стратегій. Охарактеризовано змістову сутність мультикультуралізму та моделей його функціонування в суспільстві. The article is devoted to considering the problem of multiculturalism and national tolerance in accordance with foreign psychological theories. The analysis concerning these issues is given through the prism of studying such psychological phenomena as national identity and identification, group identity, and acculturation strategies as well. The article also deals with the description of multiculturalism semantic essence and its function models

    Factors Affecting Nest Site Location in Gila Woodpeckers

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    We investigated the locations of Gila Woodpecker (Melanerpes uropygialis) nest sites in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona. A significantly greater proportion of saguaro cacti in arroyos had woodpecker holes than did those on hillsides, ridgetops or desert flats. Saguaros used for nest-hole excavation were taller and more likely to have branches than randomly chosen saguaros. Both active and inactive nest holes were nonrandomly oriented, with the mean vectors of orientation being in northwesterly directions. Variation in nest-hole orientation probably is not due to seasonal differences in excavations because the orientation of spring active (late March) nest holes was not significantly different from that of inactive holes. Some variation in nest-hole orientation is attributable to the structure of the saguaros

    Coherent radiation of an ultra-relativistic charged particle channeled in a periodically bent crystal

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    We suggest a new type of the undulator radiation which is generated by an ultra-relativistic particle channeled along a periodically bent crystallographic plane or axis. The electromagnetic radiation arises mainly due to the bending of the particle's trajectory, which follows the shape of the channel. The parameters of this undulator, which totally define the spectrum and the angular distribution of the radiation (both spontaneous and stimulated), depend on the type of the crystal and the crystallographic plane (axis), on the type of a projectile and its energy, and on the shape of the bent channel, and, thus, can be varied significantly by varying these characteristics. As an example, we consider the acoustically induced radiation (AIR) which is generated by ultra-relativistic particles channeled in a crystal which is bent by a transverse acoustic wave. The AIR mechanism allows to make the undulator with the main parameters varying in wide ranges, which are inaccessible in the undulators based on the motion of particles in the periodic magnetic fields and also in the field of the laser radiation. The intensity of AIR can be easily made larger than the intensity of the radiation in a linear crystal and can be varied in a wide range by varying the frequency and the amplitude of the acoustic wave in the crystal. A possibility to generate stimulated emission of high-energy photons (in keV - MeV region) is also discussed.Comment: published in J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 24 (1998) L45-L53, http://www.iop.or

    Assessment of quality and safety of red caviar of salmon fish

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    The health of the body largely depends on the necessary goods in the human diet. Therefore, quality and safety indicators are essential in monitoring their suitability. Red salmon caviar is no exception; it is considered a valuable food product and, due to its high price – a delicacy. Typically, this type of product must meet all regulatory requirements, which allows it to be safely used in the human diet. In terms of nutritional value, red caviar contains complete proteins, easily digestible fats, minerals, and vitamins, and its content is superior to that of some types of food products, even fish meat. The article presents the results of studies of organoleptic, physico-chemical, and microbiological indicators and the content of preservatives in salmon red granular salted caviar of 1st and 2nd grades sold in retail chains and markets in the Kyiv region. The study was carried out in laboratory conditions at the Research Institute of Food Technologies and Technologies for processing livestock products of the BNAU and the central testing state laboratory of the State Consumer Service (Vishnevoe). All indicators were determined using different methods intended for each indicator. Therefore, it was found that the organoleptic indicators of red caviar in both varieties corresponded to standard values. The mass fraction of sodium chloride and hexamine was within the normal range and did not exceed the standard indicators: sodium chloride – 8,57 % and 7,14 %, respectively (grades 1 and 2); methenamine – 70 % and 60 %, respectively (grades 1 and 2). According to microbiological indicators, the experimental samples showed that the number of MAFAnM did not exceed 1×102 CFU/g in both varieties, and the presence of yeast and mold fungi was detected no more than 10 CFU 1,0 g, which is 3 times less than the norm. The content of preservatives E200 1st and 2nd grades of red caviar was 0,07 % and 0,04 %, and E210 (1st and 2nd grades) 0,05 % and 0,03 %. Thus, all studied samples of red granular salmon caviar meet standard values for all indicators of quality and food safety