435 research outputs found

    Modeling of Condensation Reaction of Aniline to Diphenylamine by PM7 Method

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    Modeling of the condensation reaction to diphenylamine was carried out by PM7 method with acid catalysts: tetrafluoroborate, oxytrifluoroborate and anilinium oxytetratrifluoroborate. The calculated data prove that the formation of a few protonated forms of aniline is possible during the reaction of aniline with acids. Only positively charged p- and o-[sigma]-complexes are capable of further interaction with aniline. The stage of intramolecular proton transfer from the primary to the secondary amino groups of intermediates of aniline reaction with proton aniline ?-complex determines the condensation rate of aniline to diphenylamine with acid catalysts. A catalyst anion can form ionic and ion-dipole complexes with reaction mixture components and can influence the distribution of electron density in reactants and their reactivity with its field

    Application of information technologies in the system of continuous education

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    The article considers the importance of information technologies for the development of the system of continuous education. The possibilities of using the Google service in the educational process are presentedВ статье рассматривается значение информационных технологий для развития системы непрерывного образования. Приведены возможности использования сервиса Google в учебном процесс

    Experience of introduction of information support in management of the quality management system of secondary vocational education institutions

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    The value of information technologies for ensuring effective functioning of management of a quality management system in an educational institution is shown. Experiment of the Verkhnyaya Pyshma mekhaniko-technological technical school «Youth» on introduction of the software product automating processes of management of a quality management system is givenПоказано значение информационных технологий для обеспечения эффективного функционирования управления системой менеджмента качества в образовательном учреждении. Приведен опыт Верхнепышминского механико-технологического техникума «Юность» по внедрению программного продукта, автоматизирующего процессы управления системой менеджмента качеств

    Simulation of radiation fiels from the polluted equipment with math software package MathCAD

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    Описано применение математического пакета Mathcad для решения профессиональных задач в атомной энергетике. Подробно рассмотрено поэтапное решение поставленной задачи по расчету поля воздушной кермы, создо?ое/иого системой радиационно-загрязненного оборудования в помещении.It is described the use of math software package Mathcad to solve professional problems in atomic power engineering. It is considered the solution of the problem of simulation of kerma fields from the radioactively polluted equipment

    The use of information and communication technologies in secondary vocational education institutions

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    The article deals with the importance and possibilities of information and communication technologies in the training of specialists in secondary vocational educationВ статье рассматриваются значение и возможности информационно-коммуникационных технологий при подготовке специалистов в системе среднего профессионального образовани

    Modular training program with the use of information technology in the system of continuous

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    The article deals with the importance of information technology in the modular training program for the development of continuing education. The possibilities of modular competence approach with the use of information technologies are givenВ статье рассматривается значение информационных технологий при модульной программе обучения для развития системы непрерывного образования. Приведены возможности модульно-компетентостного подхода с использованием информационных технологи

    Evaluation of the adaptive potential of first-graders with normal speech development and speech disorders

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    The objective of our research was to evaluate and compare the results of the study of physical development, somatic health, and adaptive capabilities of younger students with normal speech development and speech disorders during entering the school. The physical development of students was assessed using the somatometric, somatoscopic, and physiometric method

    Postgraduate Students’ Individual Educational Paths: Design Principles and Implementation Conditions (on the Example of a Technical University)

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    The article addresses the importance of introducing individual educational paths (IEP) in training research and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies. The idea of an individual approach of learning is enshrined in a number of documents including the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. However, in practice, there are obstacles to the implementation of IEP: the presence of regulatory documents governing the organization of the educational process in higher education, the predominance of the group form of organizing classes, the unpreparedness of teachers for the implementation of the personalized learning model. We find it reasonable to start the implementation of IEP at the level of postgraduate training, given the relative small number of students, as well as their cognitive independence and well-developed educational skills. The design of the IEP will make it possible to better take into account the initial competencies of postgraduate students, their cognitive needs and goals in further career advancement (orientation towards teaching, research, production activities), which are largely determined by the nature and level of professional education.The article reveals the specifics of the training of research and pedagogical personnel in the postgraduate study of a technical university, identifies the factors that have an impact on the way postgraduate students build their learning trajectories, substantiates the principles of IEP design, and describes the stages of personalized learning technology. The research data on the readiness of postgraduate students to design IEP on their own are presented. The results of the survey of post graduate students and their supervisors indicate that there are sufficient grounds for the successful implementation of a personalized learning model using IEP. Postgraduate students of a technical university are well versed in information resources, actively use University’s services of the electronic educational environment. They are able to determine the goals of educational and scientific activities, assess their competencies, and analyze achievements and failures. Most of scientific advisors are ready to assist postgraduate students in IEP designing. The article analyzes the difficulties that universities may encounter when introducing a new teaching model, and substantiates the conditions for the successful implementation of IEP in postgraduate studies


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    The article shows the peculiar features of state regulation of providing foreign students with educational services in Ukrainian universities. A comparative analysis of the current legislation towards certain aspects of the state regulation of educational services in terms of foreign students training and retraining was made. The necessity was proven and examples of possible tools for improving, at the state level, administrative methods for granting permission for the establishment and conduct of foreign students training and retraining by amending the existing procedure for licensing the provision of educational services in Ukrainian universities were given.В статье раскрыты особенности государственного регулирования предоставления образовательных услуг иностранцам высшими учебными заведениями Украины. Проведенный сравнительный анализ действующего законодательства по отдельным аспектам государственного регулирования предоставления образовательных услуг в части подготовки и переподготовки иностранцев. Осуществлено обоснование необходимости и приведены возможные инструменты совершенствования на государственном уровне административных методов предоставления разрешений на подготовку и переподготовку иностранцев путем внесения изменений в существующую процедуру лицензирования предоставления образовательных услуг высшими учебными заведениями.У статті розкрито особливості державного регулювання надання освітніх послуг іноземцям закладами вищої освіти України. Проведено порівняльний аналіз чинного законодавства щодо окремих аспектів державного регулювання надання освітніх послуг в частині підготовки та перепідготовки іноземців. Здійснено обґрунтування необхідності та наведено можливі інструменти удосконалення на державному рівні адміністративних методів надання дозволів на започаткування та провадження підготовки та перепідготовки іноземців шляхом внесення змін до існуючої процедури ліцензування надання освітніх послуг закладами вищої освіти

    Ecological and Economic Advantages of Remote Heat Supply from Reactor Plant of Advanced Safety BN-1200

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    The heat supply based on the combined heat and power production is the basis of rational use of energy resources. This will increase the efficiency of existing nuclear power plants (NPP) and give a significant cut in the nitrogen oxide and greenhousegases emissions from burning fossil fuels. The data of the remote heat transport are summarized. The technical, economic, and ecological preconditions determining the long-distance transportation of heat possibility are given. The estimation of the efficiency of long-distance transport of heat from NPP is made. A variant of a scheme of Ekaterinburg heat supply from Beloyarsk NPP is given. Keywords: nuclear power plant, efficiency, the heat supply based on the combined heat and power production, waste heat, heat pump, radiation safet