709 research outputs found

    Dephasing of entangled electron-hole pairs in a degenerate electron gas

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    A tunnel barrier in a degenerate electron gas was recently discovered as a source of entangled electron-hole pairs. Here, we investigate the loss of entanglement by dephasing. We calculate both the maximal violation E_max of the Bell inequality and the degree of entanglement (concurrence) C. If the initially maximally entangled electron-hole pair is in a Bell state, then the Bell inequality is violated for arbitrary strong dephasing. The same relation E_max=2\sqrt{1+C^{2}} then holds as in the absence of dephasing. More generally, for a maximally entangled superposition of Bell states, the Bell inequality is satisfied for a finite dephasing strength and the entanglement vanishes for somewhat stronger (but still finite) dephasing strength. There is then no one-to-one relation between E_max and C.Comment: 7 pages with 3 figures, special style file included; To appear in a special issue on "Quantum Computation at the Atomic Scale" in Turkish Journal of Physic

    Frequency-dependent transport through a quantum dot in the Kondo regime

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    We study the AC conductance and equilibrium current fluctuations of a Coulomb blockaded quantum dot. A relation between the equilibrium spectral function and the linear AC conductance is derived which is valid for frequencies well below the charging energy of the quantum dot. Frequency-dependent transport measurements can thus give experimental access to the Kondo peak in the equilibrium spectral function of a quantum dot. We illustrate this in detail for typical experimental parameters using the numerical renormalization group method in combination with the Kubo formalism.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Hydrodynamic approach to coherent nuclear spin transport

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    We develop a linear response formalism for nuclear spin diffusion in a dipolar coupled solid. The theory applies to the high-temperature, long-wavelength regime studied in the recent experiments of Boutis et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 137201 (2004)], which provided direct measurement of interspin energy diffusion in such a system. A systematic expansion of Kubo's formula in the flip-flop term of the Hamiltonian is used to calculate the diffusion coefficients. We show that this approach is equivalent to the method of Lowe and Gade [Phys. Rev. 156, 817 (1967)] and Kaplan [Phys. Rev. B 2, 4578 (1970)], but has several calculational and conceptual advantages. Although the lowest orders in this expansion agree with the experimental results for magnetization diffusion, this is not the case for energy diffusion. Possible reasons for this disparity are suggested.Comment: 7 pages, REVTeX4; Published Versio

    Quantum teleportation by particle-hole annihilation in the Fermi sea

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    A tunnel barrier in a degenerate electron gas was recently discovered as a source of entangled particle-hole excitations. The entanglement is produced by elastic tunneling events, without requiring electron-electron interactions. Here we investigate the inverse process, the annihilation of an electron and a hole by elastic scattering. We find that this process leads to teleportation of the (unknown) state of the annihilated electron to a second, distant electron -- if the latter was previously entangled with the annihilated hole. We propose an experiment, involving low-frequency noise measurements on a two-dimensional electron gas in a high magnetic field, to detect teleportation of electrons and holes in the two lowest Landau levels.Comment: 5 pages including 2 figures; [2017: fixed broken postscript figures

    Full Counting Statistics of Spin Currents

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    We discuss how to detect fluctuating spin currents and derive full counting statistics of electron spin transfers. It is interesting to consider several detectors in series that simultaneously monitor different components of the spins transferred. We have found that in general the statistics of the measurement outcomes cannot be explained with the projection postulate and essentially depends on the quantum dynamics of the detectors.Comment: twocolumns, 4 pages, 2 figure

    DC-transport in superconducting point contacts: a full counting statistics view

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    We present a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the dc transport properties of superconducting point contacts. We determine the full counting statistics for these junctions, which allows us to calculate not only the current or the noise, but all the cumulants of the current distribution. We show how the knowledge of the statistics of charge transfer provides an unprecedented level of understanding of the different transport properties for a great variety of situations. We illustrate our results with the analysis of junctions between BCS superconductors, contacts between superconductors with pair-breaking mechanisms and short diffusive bridges. We also discuss the temperature dependence of the different cumulants and show the differences with normal contacts.Comment: revtex4, 20 pages, 15 figure

    Inelastic Interaction Corrections and Universal Relations for Full Counting Statistics

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    We analyze in detail the interaction correction to Full Counting Statistics (FCS) of electron transfer in a quantum contact originating from the electromagnetic environment surrounding the contact. The correction can be presented as a sum of two terms, corresponding to elastic/inelastic electron transfer. Here we primarily focus on the inelastic correction. For our analysis, it is important to understand more general -- universal -- relations imposed on FCS only by quantum mechanics and statistics with no regard for a concrete realization of a contact. So we derive and analyze these relations. We reveal that for FCS the universal relations can be presented in a form of detailed balance. We also present several useful formulas for the cumulants. To facilitate the experimental observation of the effect, we evaluate cumulants of FCS at finite voltage and temperature. Several analytical results obtained are supplemented by numerical calculations for the first three cumulants at various transmission eigenvalues.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Electron transport and current fluctuations in short coherent conductors

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    Employing a real time effective action formalism we analyze electron transport and current fluctuations in comparatively short coherent conductors in the presence of electron-electron interactions. We demonstrate that, while Coulomb interaction tends to suppress electron transport, it may {\it strongly enhance} shot noise in scatterers with highly transparent conducting channels. This effect of excess noise is governed by the Coulomb gap observed in the current-voltage characteristics of such scatterers. We also analyze the frequency dispersion of higher current cumulants and emphasize a direct relation between electron-electron interaction effects and current fluctuations in disordered mesoscopic conductors.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Continuous virus inactivation using a packed-bed reactor

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    A critical unit operation in integrated continuous biomanufacturing is continuous virus inactivation. These reactors must provide sufficient minimum inactivation time and must have a narrow residence time. The narrow residence time is required to avoid a too short or too long incubation. Too short incubation may result in insufficient inactivation, too long may result in partial product destruction. We have developed a packed-bed continuous virus inactivation reactor (CVIR, Figure 1) with significant advantages over other continuous processing approaches, namely scalability, ease of operation and being truly continuous with undisrupted mass flow. The residence time distribution of our reactor is smaller compared to a coiled flow inverter or a jig in a box reactor. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract
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