117 research outputs found

    From classroom reality to virtual classroom: the role of teacher-created scripts in the development of classroom simulation technology

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    This paper describes a specific kind of teacher narrative (the teacher created script) to support the design of a classroom simulation to be used in pre-service teacher education. We intend to share our experiences in exploring and developing the kind of narrative text which can be developed from a large reservoir of ethnographically generated data collected from the teachers and classrooms we have closely observed and documented over the last two decades. In particular, we explore the role which these narratives play within the development of the kind of classroom simulation we have produced. Reflection has long been acknowledged as a useful process for teachers to engage with. Also, the notion of formalising such reflections through writing has been acknowledged as a way to share, refine and articulate teaching practice. As stated by Barth (2001:66) “
with written words come the innermost secrets of schools”. This prototype simulation allows the user to adopt the role of a Kindergarten teacher using a daily literacy teaching episode we refer to as “days of the week” and encourages the user to reflect upon the decisions they make about the organisation and implementation of this recurring teaching experience. The range of options that occur in this simulation stem from the teacher-created script we developed drawing from our own teaching experiences and classroom-based research to shape this virtual classroom

    Young children’s at-home digital experiences and interactions: an ethnographic study

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    IntroductionYoung children are increasingly provided with opportunities to interact with digital technologies in their homes. Despite an accumulating body of research on children’s digital interactions, little is known about how these are situated within the social and cultural context in which they take place. In this exploratory study, we aim to extend existing knowledge by offering a contextualised understanding of children’s digital experiences. To do this, we draw on Activity Theory as a conceptual framework to explore how various social and cultural factors influence and interact to shape children’s opportunities and interactions with digital technologies.MethodThis study draws upon ethnographic and ‘day in the life’ methodologies to gain rich insight into children’s situated digital experiences. Along with other traditional ethnographic methodologies, children aged between 3 and 6 years from 5 families were provided with wearable chest-mounted video cameras to capture their usual daily play activities at home – which included, but was not limited to, digital activities.ResultsData on digital interactions is presented for the five participating families, and through the presentation of two purposively selected in-depth illustrative examples, we demonstrate how children’s digital interactions are part of a larger activity system situated within the social and cultural contexts of their homes. We also elaborate on children’s natural inclination to interact playfully with digital technologies.DiscussionThis study extends on current knowledges about the contextual influences of children’s digital experiences and has important implications for parents and families trying to navigate the complexities of their children’s digital lives

    A Reflexive Approach to Teaching Writing: Enablements and Constraints in Primary School Classrooms

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this recordWriting requires a high level of nuanced decision-making related to language, purpose, audience, and medium. Writing teachers thus need a deep understanding of language, process, and pedagogy, and of the interface between them. This article draws on reflexivity theory to interrogate the pedagogical priorities and perspectives of 19 writing teachers in primary classrooms across Australia. Data are composed of teacher interview transcripts and nuanced time analyses of classroom observation videos. Findings show that teachers experience both enabling and constraining conditions that emerge in different ways in different contexts. Enablements include high motivations to teach writing and a reflective and collaborative approach to practice. However, constraints were evident in areas of time management, dominance of teacher talk, teachers’ scope and confidence in their knowledge and practice, and a perceived lack of professional support for writing pedagogy. The article concludes with recommendations for a reflexive approach to managing these emergences in the teaching of writing.Australian Research Counci

    Characterization of the near-Earth Asteroid 2002NY40

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    In August 2002, the near-Earth asteroid 2002 NY40, made its closest approach to the Earth. This provided an opportunity to study a near-Earth asteroid with a variety of instruments. Several of the telescopes at the Maui Space Surveillance System were trained at the asteroid and collected adaptive optics images, photometry and spectroscopy. Analysis of the imagery reveals the asteroid is triangular shaped with significant self-shadowing. The photometry reveals a 20-hour period and the spectroscopy shows that the asteroid is a Q-type

    Project manager-to-project allocations in practice: an empirical study of the decision-making practices of a multi-project based organization

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    Empirical studies that examine how managers make project manager-to-project (PM2P) allocation decisions in multi-project settings are currently limited. Such decisions are crucial to organizational success. An empirical study of the PM2P practice, conducted in the context of Botswana, revealed ineffective processes in terms of optimality in decision-making. A conceptual model to guide effective PM2P practices was developed. The focus of this study is on deploying the model as a lens to study the PM2P practices of a large organization, with a view to identify and illustrate strengths and weaknesses. A case study was undertaken in the mining industry, where core activities in terms of projects are underground mineral explorations at identified geographical regions. A semi-structured interview protocol was used to collect data from 15 informants, using an enumeration. Integrated analysis of both data types (using univariate descriptive analysis for the quantitative data, content and thematic analysis for the qualitative data) revealed strengths in PM2P practices, demonstrated by informants’ recognition of some important criteria to be considered. The key weaknesses were exemplified by a lack of effective management tools and techniques to match project managers to projects. The findings provide a novel perspective through which improvements in working practices can be made

    Development, implementation and evaluation of the digital transformation of renal services in Wales: the journey from local to national

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    Background Treatment for people with kidney disease is often associated with complicated combinations of medicines. Logistical challenges with traditiona paper-based prescribing means that these patients are particularly susceptible to medication-relation errors and harm. Aim To improve the quality of care that people with kidney disease receive across Wales through a Value-Based digital transformation programme. Setting Renal units within the National Welsh Renal Clinical Network (WRCN). Development A novel Electronic Prescribing & Medicines Administration (EPMA) system, integrated into a patient care record and linked to a patient portal was developed in South West Wales (SWW) region of the WRCN, enabled by the Welsh Government (WG) Efficiency Through Technology Fund. National upscale was enabled through the WG Transformation Fund. Implementation EPMA was designed and rolled out initially in SWW region of the WRCN (2018). A dedicated delivery team used the blueprint to finalise and implement a strategy for successful national roll-out eventually across all Wales (completed 2021). Evaluation A multi-factorial approach was employed, as both the technology itself and the healthcare system within which it would be introduced, were complex. Continuous cycles of action research involving informal and formal qualitative interviews with service-users ensured that EPMA was accessible and optimally engaging to all target stakeholders (patients and staff). Results confirmed that EPMA was successful in improving the quality of care that people with kidney disease receive across Wales, contributed to Value-Based outcomes, and put people who deliver and access care at the heart of transformation. Conclusion Key findings of this study align directly with the national design principles to drive change and transformation, put forward by the WG in their plan for Health and Social Care: prevention and early intervention; safety; independence; voice; seamless care

    Authentic Learning Supported by Technology: Ten suggestions and cases of integration in classrooms

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    Technology use in classrooms is often employed for all the wrong reasons—such as convenience, pressure from school administrators, the belief that students need to be entertained, and so on. In this paper, we argue that technology presents the opportunity to employ powerful cognitive tools that can be used by students to solve complex and authentic problems. In order for this to occur, however, technology needs to be used in theoretically sound ways, and it needs to be used by students rather than teachers. We present ten practical ways for technology to be used effectively and meaningfully in school classrooms that are based on principles of authentic learning
