7 research outputs found

    Orbital evolution under action of fast interstellar gas flow

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    Orbital evolution of an interplanetary dust particle under action of an interstellar gas flow is investigated. Secular time derivatives of the particle orbital elements, for arbitrary orbit orientation, are presented. An important result concerns secular evolution of semi-major axis. Secular semi-major axis of the particle on a bound orbit decreases under the action of fast interstellar gas flow. Possible types of evolution of other Keplerian orbital elements are discussed. The paper compares influences of the Poynting-Robertson effect, the radial solar wind and the interstellar gas flow on dynamics of the dust particle in outer planetary region of the Solar System and beyond it, up to 100 AU. Evolution of putative dust ring in the zone of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt is studied. Also non-radial solar wind and gravitational effect of major planets may play an important role. Low inclination orbits of micron-sized dust particles in the belt are not stable due to fast increase of eccentricity caused by the interstellar gas flow and subsequent planetary perturbations - the increase of eccentricity leads to planet crossing orbits of the particles. Gravitational and non-gravitational effects are treated in a way which fully respects physics. As a consequence, some of the published results turned out to be incorrect. Moreover, the paper treats the problem in a more general way than it has been presented up to now. The influence of the fast interstellar neutral gas flow might not be ignored in modeling of evolution of dust particles beyond planets.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    The non-radial component of the solar wind and motion of dust near mean motion resonances with planets

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    We investigate the effect of solar wind and solar electromagnetic radiation on the dynamics of spherical cosmic dust particles. We also consider the non-radial component of the solar wind velocity, in the reference frame of the Sun. We apply the equation of motion to the motion of dust grains near commensurability resonances with a planet – mean motion orbital resonance (MMR; a particle is in resonance with a planet when the ratio of their mean motions is approximately the ratio of two small integers) – and possible capture of the grains in the resonances. Up to now, only nonspherical grains, under action of the electromagnetic radiation of the central star, were known to exhibit an increase of semimajor axis before capture into the MMR. This paper shows that the same result can be generated by the non-radial component of the solar wind even for spherical dust particles. Spherical dust grains enable the treatment of the problem in an analytic way (at least partially), which is not the case for the effect of electromagnetic radiation on nonspherical dust grains. The situation treated in the paper presents the second known case when resonant trapping of a cosmic body occurs for diverging orbits. The paper presents the first case of secular evolution of the eccentricity of a body captured in the resonance derived in an analytic way for a body characterized by a diverging orbit

    Eccentricity evolution in mean motion resonance and non-radial solar wind

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    Eccentricity evolution of a dust particle in a mean motion orbital resonance with a planet in circular orbit is investigated. The action of solar electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation, including non-radial components of the solar wind velocity, is taken into account. Various types of eccentricity evolution depend on the angle between the radial direction and the direction of the solar wind velocity. The evolution changes at the analytically derived angles. Its application to exosolar systems is included