157 research outputs found

    Classification of a supersolid: Trial wavefunctions, Symmetry breakings and Excitation spectra

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    A state of matter is characterized by its symmetry breaking and elementary excitations. A supersolid is a state which breaks both translational symmetry and internal U(1) U(1) symmetry. Here, we review some past and recent works in phenomenological Ginsburg-Landau theories, ground state trial wavefunctions and microscopic numerical calculations. We also write down a new effective supersolid Hamiltonian on a lattice. The eigenstates of the Hamiltonian contains both the ground state wavefunction and all the excited states (supersolidon) wavefunctions. We contrast various kinds of supersolids in both continuous systems and on lattices, both condensed matter and cold atom systems. We provide additional new insights in studying their order parameters, symmetry breaking patterns, the excitation spectra and detection methods.Comment: REVTEX4, 19 pages, 3 figure

    Superfluids and Supersolids on Frustrated 2D Lattices

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    We study the ground state of hard-core bosons with nearest-neighbor hopping and nearest-neighbor interactions on the triangular and Kagom\'e lattices by mapping to a system of spins (S=12S={1\over2}), which we analyze using spin-wave theory. We find that the both lattices display superfluid and supersolid (a coexistence of superfluid and solid) order as the parameters and filling are varied. Quantum fluctuations seem large enough in the Kagom\'e system to raise the interesting possibility of a disordered ground state.Comment: Latex format, 24 figures available by email upon request. Submitted to Physical Review

    Quantum-Phase Transitions of Interacting Bosons and the Supersolid Phase

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    We investigate the properties of strongly interacting bosons in two dimensions at zero temperature using mean-field theory, a variational Ansatz for the ground state wave function, and Monte Carlo methods. With on-site and short-range interactions a rich phase diagram is obtained. Apart from the homogeneous superfluid and Mott-insulating phases, inhomogeneous charge-density wave phases appear, that are stabilized by the finite-range interaction. Furthermore, our analysis demonstrates the existence of a supersolid phase, in which both long-range order (related to the charge-density wave) and off-diagonal long-range order coexist. We also obtain the critical exponents for the various phase transitions.Comment: RevTex, 20 pages, 10 PostScript figures include

    Solid 4He and the Supersolid Phase: from Theoretical Speculation to the Discovery of a New State of Matter? A Review of the Past and Present Status of Research

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    The possibility of a supersolid state of matter, i.e., a crystalline solid exhibiting superfluid properties, first appeared in theoretical studies about forty years ago. After a long period of little interest due to the lack of experimental evidence, it has attracted strong experimental and theoretical attention in the last few years since Kim and Chan (Penn State, USA) reported evidence for nonclassical rotational inertia effects, a typical signature of superfluidity, in samples of solid 4He. Since this "first observation", other experimental groups have observed such effects in the response to the rotation of samples of crystalline helium, and it has become clear that the response of the solid is extremely sensitive to growth conditions, annealing processes, and 3He impurities. A peak in the specific heat in the same range of temperatures has been reported as well as anomalies in the elastic behaviour of solid 4He with a strong resemblance to the phenomena revealed by torsional oscillator experiments. Very recently, the observation of unusual mass transport in hcp solid 4He has also been reported, suggesting superflow. From the theoretical point of view, powerful simulation methods have been used to study solid 4He, but the interpretation of the data is still rather difficult; dealing with the question of supersolidity means that one has to face not only the problem of the coexistence of quantum coherence phenomena and crystalline order, exploring the realm of spontaneous symmetry breaking and quantum field theory, but also the problem of the role of disorder, i.e., how defects, such as vacancies, impurities, dislocations, and grain boundaries, participate in the phase transition mechanism.Comment: Published on J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol.77, No.11, p.11101

    "i'm not really afraid of Osama Bin Laden!" fear of terrorism in dutch children

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    We examined to what extent children in The Netherlands are affected by the threat of terrorism. For this purpose, a sample of school children living in Rotterdam or adjacent satellites (N = 216) completed a fear survey that included a number of terrorism-related items, and were confronted with ambiguous vignettes to measure threat-related interpretation bias. The results demonstrated that although a number of terrorism-related items (i.e., bombing attacks, explosions in a bus or subway) listed high in a ranking of most intense childhood fears, very few children made terrorist-related interpretations of ambiguous situations

    Reactive and Regulative Temperament in Youths: Psychometric Evaluation of the Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire-Revised

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    The present study examined the psychometric properties of the self-report version of the Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire-Revised (EATQ-R), which is a scale for measuring reactive and regulative temperament traits, in a large sample of children and adolescents (N = 1,055). The results indicated that the internal consistency was acceptable for most EATQ-R temperament scales. Further, principal components analysis of the instrument yielded a structure with nine components, which generally reflected the temperament scales of the EATQ-R. The test–retest stability of the scale was moderate to good, whereas the parent–child agreement was rather low. Finally, the scale correlated in a theoretically meaningful way with children’s self-reports of personality and psychopathology. It can be concluded that the EATQ-R is a useful scale for measuring aspects of reactive and regulative temperament in children and adolescents, although there is certainly room for improving the instrument