9,227 research outputs found

    Systematic Errors in Cosmic Microwave Background Interferometry

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    Cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization observations will require superb control of systematic errors in order to achieve their full scientific potential, particularly in the case of attempts to detect the B modes that may provide a window on inflation. Interferometry may be a promising way to achieve these goals. This paper presents a formalism for characterizing the effects of a variety of systematic errors on interferometric CMB polarization observations, with particular emphasis on estimates of the B-mode power spectrum. The most severe errors are those that couple the temperature anisotropy signal to polarization; such errors include cross-talk within detectors, misalignment of polarizers, and cross-polarization. In a B mode experiment, the next most serious category of errors are those that mix E and B modes, such as gain fluctuations, pointing errors, and beam shape errors. The paper also indicates which sources of error may cause circular polarization (e.g., from foregrounds) to contaminate the cosmologically interesting linear polarization channels, and conversely whether monitoring of the circular polarization channels may yield useful information about the errors themselves. For all the sources of error considered, estimates of the level of control that will be required for both E and B mode experiments are provided. Both experiments that interfere linear polarizations and those that interfere circular polarizations are considered. The fact that circular experiments simultaneously measure both linear polarization Stokes parameters in each baseline mitigates some sources of error.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The effect of point sources on satellite observations of the cosmic microwave background

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    We study the effect of extragalactic point sources on satellite observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). In order to separate the contributions due to different foreground components, a maximum-entropy method is applied to simulated observations by the Planck Surveyor satellite. In addition to point sources, the simulations include emission from the CMB and the kinetic and thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effects from galaxy clusters, as well as Galactic dust, free-free and synchrotron emission. We find that the main input components are faithfully recovered and, in particular, that the quality of the CMB reconstruction is only slightly reduced by the presence of point sources. In addition, we find that it is possible to recover accurate point source catalogues at each of the Planck Surveyor observing frequencies.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Cosmological applications of a wavelet analysis on the sphere

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    The cosmic microwave background (CMB) is a relic radiation of the Big Bang and as such it contains a wealth of cosmological information. Statistical analyses of the CMB, in conjunction with other cosmological observables, represent some of the most powerful techniques available to cosmologists for placing strong constraints on the cosmological parameters that describe the origin, content and evolution of the Universe. The last decade has witnessed the introduction of wavelet analyses in cosmology and, in particular, their application to the CMB. We review here spherical wavelet analyses of the CMB that test the standard cosmological concordance model. The assumption that the temperature anisotropies of the CMB are a realisation of a statistically isotropic Gaussian random field on the sphere is questioned. Deviations from both statistical isotropy and Gaussianity are detected in the reviewed works, suggesting more exotic cosmological models may be required to explain our Universe. We also review spherical wavelet analyses that independently provide evidence for dark energy, an exotic component of our Universe of which we know very little currently. The effectiveness of accounting correctly for the geometry of the sphere in the wavelet analysis of full-sky CMB data is demonstrated by the highly significant detections of physical processes and effects that are made in these reviewed works.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures; JFAA invited review, in pres

    Filtering techniques for the detection of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich clusters in multifrequency CMB maps

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    The problem of detecting Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) clusters in multifrequency CMB observations is investigated using a number of filtering techniques. A multifilter approach is introduced, which optimizes the detection of SZ clusters on microwave maps. An alternative method is also investigated, in which maps at different frequencies are combined in an optimal manner so that existing filtering techniques can be applied to the single combined map. The SZ profiles are approximated by the circularly-symmetric template τ(x)=[1+(x/rc)2]λ\tau (x) = [1 +(x/r_c)^2]^{-\lambda}, with λ12\lambda \simeq \tfrac{1}{2} and xxx\equiv |\vec{x}|, where the core radius rcr_c and the overall amplitude of the effect are not fixed a priori, but are determined from the data. The background emission is modelled by a homogeneous and isotropic random field, characterized by a cross-power spectrum Pν1ν2(q)P_{\nu_1 \nu_2}(q) with qqq\equiv |\vec{q}|. The filtering methods are illustrated by application to simulated Planck observations of a 12.8×12.812.8^\circ \times 12.8^\circ patch of sky in 10 frequency channels. Our simulations suggest that the Planck instrument should detect 10000\approx 10000 SZ clusters in 2/3 of the sky. Moreover, we find the catalogue to be complete for fluxes S>170S > 170 mJy at 300 GHz.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures; Corrected figures. Submitted to MNRA

    Limits on Arcminute Scale Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy with the BIMA Array

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    We have used the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland-Association (BIMA) millimeter array outfitted with sensitive cm-wave receivers to search for Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies on arcminute scales. The interferometer was placed in a compact configuration which produces high brightness sensitivity, while providing discrimination against point sources. Operating at a frequency of 28.5 GHz, the FWHM primary beam of the instrument is 6.6 arcminutes. We have made sensitive images of seven fields, five of which where chosen specifically to have low IR dust contrast and be free of bright radio sources. Additional observations with the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) millimeter array were used to assist in the location and removal of radio point sources. Applying a Bayesian analysis to the raw visibility data, we place limits on CMB anisotropy flat-band power Q_flat = 5.6 (+3.0 -5.6) uK and Q_flat < 14.1 uK at 68% and 95% confidence. The sensitivity of this experiment to flat band power peaks at a multipole of l = 5470, which corresponds to an angular scale of approximately 2 arcminutes. The most likely value of Q_flat is similar to the level of the expected secondary anisotropies.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, LaTex, aas2pp4.sty, ApJ submitte

    Trust and Risk Relationship Analysis on a Workflow Basis: A Use Case

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    Trust and risk are often seen in proportion to each other; as such, high trust may induce low risk and vice versa. However, recent research argues that trust and risk relationship is implicit rather than proportional. Considering that trust and risk are implicit, this paper proposes for the first time a novel approach to view trust and risk on a basis of a W3C PROV provenance data model applied in a healthcare domain. We argue that high trust in healthcare domain can be placed in data despite of its high risk, and low trust data can have low risk depending on data quality attributes and its provenance. This is demonstrated by our trust and risk models applied to the BII case study data. The proposed theoretical approach first calculates risk values at each workflow step considering PROV concepts and second, aggregates the final risk score for the whole provenance chain. Different from risk model, trust of a workflow is derived by applying DS/AHP method. The results prove our assumption that trust and risk relationship is implicit