228 research outputs found

    Hyperstrong Radio-Wave Scattering in the Galactic Center. II. A Likelihood Analysis of Free Electrons in the Galactic Center

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    The scattering diameters of Sgr A* and several nearby OH masers (~ 1" at 1 GHz) indicate that a region of enhanced scattering is along the line of sight to the Galactic center. We combine radio-wave scattering data and free-free emission and absorption measurements in a likelihood analysis that constrains the following parameters of the GC scattering region: The GC-scattering region separation, d; the angular extent of the region, \psi_l; the outer scale on which density fluctuations occur, l_0; and the gas temperature, T. The maximum likelihood estimates of these parameters are d = 133_{-80}^{+200} pc, 0.5 degrees <= \psi_l <~ 1 degrees, and (l_0/1 pc)^{2/3}T^{-1/2} = 10^{-7 +/- 0.8}. As host media for the scattering, we consider the photoionized surface layers of molecular clouds and the interfaces between molecular clouds and the 10^7 K ambient gas. We are unable to make an unambiguous determination, but we favor an interface model in which the scattering medium is hot (T ~ 10^6 K) and dense (n_e ~ 10 cm^{-3}). The GC scattering region produces a 1 GHz scattering diameter for an extragalactic source of 90", if the region is a single screen, or 180", if the region wraps around the GC, as appears probable. We modify the Taylor-Cordes model for the Galactic distribution of free electrons in order to include an explicit GC component. Pulsars seen through this region will have a dispersion measure of approximately 2000 pc cm^{-3}, of which 75% arises from the GC component. We stress the uniqueness of the GC scattering region, probably resulting from the high-pressure environment in the GC.Comment: 39 pages with 9 PostScript figures; LaTeX2e with AASTeX macro aaspp4, to be published in Ap

    Calibration and assessment of electrochemical air quality sensors by co-location with regulatory-grade instruments

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    The use of low-cost air quality sensors for air pollution research has outpaced our understanding of their capabilities and limitations under real-world conditions, and there is thus a critical need for understanding and optimizing the performance of such sensors in the field. Here we describe the deployment, calibration, and evaluation of electrochemical sensors on the island of Hawai'i, which is an ideal test bed for characterizing such sensors due to its large and variable sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) levels and lack of other co-pollutants. Nine custom-built SO 2 sensors were co-located with two Hawaii Department of Health Air Quality stations over the course of 5 months, enabling comparison of sensor output with regulatory-grade instruments under a range of realistic environmental conditions. Calibration using a nonparametric algorithm (k nearest neighbors) was found to have excellent performance (RMSE 0.997) across a wide dynamic range in SO 2 ( 2ppm). However, since nonparametric algorithms generally cannot extrapolate to conditions beyond those outside the training set, we introduce a new hybrid linear-nonparametric algorithm, enabling accurate measurements even when pollutant levels are higher than encountered during calibration. We find no significant change in instrument sensitivity toward SO 2 after 18 weeks and demonstrate that calibration accuracy remains high when a sensor is calibrated at one location and then moved to another. The performance of electrochemical SO 2 sensors is also strong at lower SO 2 mixing ratios ( < 25ppb), for which they exhibit an error of less than 2.5ppb. While some specific results of this study (calibration accuracy, performance of the various algorithms, etc.) may differ for measurements of other pollutant species in other areas (e.g., polluted urban regions), the calibration and validation approaches described here should be widely applicable to a range of pollutants, sensors, and environments.United States. Environmental Protection Agency (Grant RD-83618301

    Coupling of organic and inorganic aerosol systems and the effect on gas-particle partitioning in the southeastern US

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    Several models were used to describe the partitioning of ammonia, water, and organic compounds between the gas and particle phases for conditions in the southeastern US during summer 2013. Existing equilibrium models and frameworks were found to be sufficient, although additional improvements in terms of estimating pure-species vapor pressures are needed. Thermodynamic model predictions were consistent, to first order, with a molar ratio of ammonium to sulfate of approximately 1.6 to 1.8 (ratio of ammonium to 2  ×  sulfate, R_(N∕2S)  ≈  0.8 to 0.9) with approximately 70 % of total ammonia and ammonium (NH_x) in the particle. Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization Network (SEARCH) gas and aerosol and Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS) Monitor for AeRosols and Gases in Ambient air (MARGA) aerosol measurements were consistent with these conditions. CMAQv5.2 regional chemical transport model predictions did not reflect these conditions due to a factor of 3 overestimate of the nonvolatile cations. In addition, gas-phase ammonia was overestimated in the CMAQ model leading to an even lower fraction of total ammonia in the particle. Chemical Speciation Network (CSN) and aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) measurements indicated less ammonium per sulfate than SEARCH and MARGA measurements and were inconsistent with thermodynamic model predictions. Organic compounds were predicted to be present to some extent in the same phase as inorganic constituents, modifying their activity and resulting in a decrease in [H^+]_(air) (H^+ in µg m^(−3) air), increase in ammonia partitioning to the gas phase, and increase in pH compared to complete organic vs. inorganic liquid–liquid phase separation. In addition, accounting for nonideal mixing modified the pH such that a fully interactive inorganic–organic system had a pH roughly 0.7 units higher than predicted using traditional methods (pH  =  1.5 vs. 0.7). Particle-phase interactions of organic and inorganic compounds were found to increase partitioning towards the particle phase (vs. gas phase) for highly oxygenated (O : C  ≥  0.6) compounds including several isoprene-derived tracers as well as levoglucosan but decrease particle-phase partitioning for low O : C, monoterpene-derived species

    New Evidence for Mass Loss from delta Cephei from HI 21-cm Line Observations

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    Recently published Spitzer observations of the classical Cepheid archetype delta Cephei revealed an extended dusty nebula surrounding this star and its hot companion. The infrared emission resembles a bow shock aligned with the direction of space motion of the star, indicating that delta Cep is undergoing mass-loss through a stellar wind. Here we report HI 21-cm line observations with the VLA to search for neutral atomic hydrogen associated with this wind. Our VLA data reveal a spatially extended HI nebula (~13' or 1 pc across) surrounding the position of delta Cep. The nebula has a head-tail morphology, consistent with circumstellar ejecta shaped by the interaction between a stellar wind and the ISM. We directly measure a mass of circumstellar hydrogen M_HI\approx0.07M_odot, although the total HI mass may be larger. The HI data imply a stellar wind with an outflow velocity V_o=35.6\pm1.2 km/s and a mass-loss rate of M_dot=(1.0\pm0.8)x10**-6 M_dot/yr. We have computed theoretical evolutionary tracks that include mass loss across the instability strip and show that a mass-loss rate of this magnitude, sustained over the preceding Cepheid lifetime of delta Cep, could be sufficient to resolve a significant fraction of the discrepancy between the pulsation and evolutionary masses for this star. (abridged)Comment: ApJ, in press (January 1, 2012). Version with full resolution figures available at http://www.haystack.mit.edu/hay/staff/lmatthew/matthews_deltaCep.pd

    G359.87+0.18: An FR II Radio Galaxy 15 Arcminutes from Sgr A*. Implications for the Scattering Region in the Galactic Center

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    G359.87+0.18 is an enigmatic object located 15' from Sgr A*. It has been variously classified as an extragalactic source, Galactic jet source, and young supernova remnant. We present new observations of G359.87+0.18 between 0.33 and 15 GHz and use these to argue that this source is an Faranoff-Riley II radio galaxy. We are able to place a crude limit on its redshift of z > 0.1. The source has a spectral index \alpha < -1 (S \propto \nu^\alpha), suggestive of a radio galaxy with a redshift z >~ 2. The scattering diameters of Sgr A* and several nearby OH masers (~ 1" at 1 GHz) indicate that a region of enhanced scattering is along the line of sight to the Galactic center. If the region covers the Galactic center uniformly, the implied diameter for a background source is at least 600" at 0.33 GHz, in contrast with the observed 20" diameter of G359.87+0.18. Using the scattering diameter of a nearby OH maser OH 359.762+0.120 and the widths of two, nearby, non-thermal threads, G0.08+0.15 and G359.79+0.17, we show that a uniform scattering region should cover G359.87+0.18. We therefore conclude that the Galactic center scattering region is inhomogeneous on a scale of 5' (~ 10 pc at a distance of 8.5 kpc). This scale is comparable to the size scale of molecular clouds in the Galactic center. The close agreement between these two lengths scales is an indication that the scattering region is linked intimately to the Galactic center molecular clouds.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ, vol. 515, LaTeX2e manuscript using aaspp4 macro, 19 pages, 8 figures in 11 PostScript file

    Using Advanced Mass Spectrometry Techniques to Fully Characterize Atmospheric Organic Carbon: Current Capabilities and Remaining Gaps

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    Organic compounds in the atmosphere vary widely in their molecular composition and chemical properties, so no single instrument can reasonably measure the entire range of ambient compounds. Over the past decade, a new generation of in-situ, field-deployable mass spectrometers has dramatically improved our ability to detect, identify, and quantify these organic compounds, but no systematic approach has been developed to assess the extent to which currently available tools capture the entire space of chemical identity and properties that is expected in the atmosphere. Reduced-parameter frameworks that have been developed to describe atmospheric mixtures are exploited here to characterize the range of chemical properties accessed by a suite of instruments. Multiple chemical spaces (e.g. oxidation state of carbon vs. volatility, and oxygen number vs. carbon number) were populated with ions measured by several mass spectrometers, with gas- and particle-phase -pinene oxidation products serving as the test mixture of organic compounds. Few gaps are observed in the coverage of the parameter spaces by the instruments employed in this work, though the full extent to which comprehensive measurement was achieved is difficult to assess due to uncertainty in the composition of the mixture. Overlaps between individual ions and regions in parameter space were identified, both between gas- and particle-phase measurements, and within each phase. These overlaps were conservatively found to account for little (<10%) of the measured mass. However, challenges in identifying overlaps and in accurately converting molecular formulas into chemical properties (such as volatility or reactivity) highlight a continued need to incorporate structural information into atmospheric measurements

    Coupling of organic and inorganic aerosol systems and the effect on gas-particle partitioning in the southeastern US

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    Several models were used to describe the partitioning of ammonia, water, and organic compounds between the gas and particle phases for conditions in the southeastern US during summer 2013. Existing equilibrium models and frameworks were found to be sufficient, although additional improvements in terms of estimating pure-species vapor pressures are needed. Thermodynamic model predictions were consistent, to first order, with a molar ratio of ammonium to sulfate of approximately 1.6 to 1.8 (ratio of ammonium to 2  ×  sulfate, R_(N∕2S)  ≈  0.8 to 0.9) with approximately 70 % of total ammonia and ammonium (NH_x) in the particle. Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization Network (SEARCH) gas and aerosol and Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS) Monitor for AeRosols and Gases in Ambient air (MARGA) aerosol measurements were consistent with these conditions. CMAQv5.2 regional chemical transport model predictions did not reflect these conditions due to a factor of 3 overestimate of the nonvolatile cations. In addition, gas-phase ammonia was overestimated in the CMAQ model leading to an even lower fraction of total ammonia in the particle. Chemical Speciation Network (CSN) and aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) measurements indicated less ammonium per sulfate than SEARCH and MARGA measurements and were inconsistent with thermodynamic model predictions. Organic compounds were predicted to be present to some extent in the same phase as inorganic constituents, modifying their activity and resulting in a decrease in [H^+]_(air) (H^+ in µg m^(−3) air), increase in ammonia partitioning to the gas phase, and increase in pH compared to complete organic vs. inorganic liquid–liquid phase separation. In addition, accounting for nonideal mixing modified the pH such that a fully interactive inorganic–organic system had a pH roughly 0.7 units higher than predicted using traditional methods (pH  =  1.5 vs. 0.7). Particle-phase interactions of organic and inorganic compounds were found to increase partitioning towards the particle phase (vs. gas phase) for highly oxygenated (O : C  ≥  0.6) compounds including several isoprene-derived tracers as well as levoglucosan but decrease particle-phase partitioning for low O : C, monoterpene-derived species

    A Tale of Many Cities: Universal Patterns in Human Urban Mobility

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    The advent of geographic online social networks such as Foursquare, where users voluntarily signal their current location, opens the door to powerful studies on human movement. In particular the fine granularity of the location data, with GPS accuracy down to 10 meters, and the worldwide scale of Foursquare adoption are unprecedented. In this paper we study urban mobility patterns of people in several metropolitan cities around the globe by analyzing a large set of Foursquare users. Surprisingly, while there are variations in human movement in different cities, our analysis shows that those are predominantly due to different distributions of places across different urban environments. Moreover, a universal law for human mobility is identified, which isolates as a key component the rank-distance, factoring in the number of places between origin and destination, rather than pure physical distance, as considered in some previous works. Building on our findings, we also show how a rank-based movement model accurately captures real human movements in different cities