384 research outputs found

    The effective electrical conductivity of a two-phase liquid-metal flow

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    Electrical conductivity of two phase liquid metal flow in magnetohydrodynamic generato

    Assessment of entrepreneurial territorial attractiveness by the ranking method

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    The relevance of the researched problem is caused by existence of differentiation in development of separate regional units (urban districts and municipalities) within the region. The aim of this article is to offer a method, which determines the level of differentiation in development of various components of the region, and also in producing a set of recommendations for local government administration to achieve higher level in development of their territories. The leading approach to the research of this problem is the ranking method of regional units according to cumulative socioeconomic potential and integral risk. The results of the research are: the estimation procedure for entrepreneurial territorial attractiveness is offered and tried out, with the use of municipal formations of the Samara region as an example; the advantages and “bottlenecks” in development of the concrete urban district are educed; specific measures for realization of advantages and (or) elimination of “bottlenecks” are offered. The materials of the research can be useful for developing strategy for improvement of the region by regional public authorities, for leveling-off of social and economic differentiation of separate regional units, and also for developing of scientifically based municipal programs of support and development of entrepreneurship. © 2016 Karpova et al

    Influence of ionic balance on the process of microcrystal AgBr (111) maturing

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    The research of the effect of photosensitivity level increase found in the process of maturing microcrystals AgBr with octahedron facets (111) without addition of sulphur containing additives (natural maturing) is carried out. It is stated that formation of sensitivity centres occurs during modification of AgBr (111) microcrystal form owing to difference of chemical potentials of microcrystal sides. Thus, the direct proofs of silver nature of sensitivity centres at maturing of AgBr (111) microcrystals in the conditions involved are obtained. The reasons of absence of natural maturing for AgBr microcrystals of a cubic facet (100) and flat AgBr (Т-МC) microcrystals are discussed


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    Production kinetics and some functional properties of long-lived marrow plasma cells were studied in mice immunized with T-independent type 2 antigens. Alpha (1→3) dextran was used as an antigen for immunization. The mice were immunized by dextran, and the numbers of IgM antibody producing cells were determined by ELISPOT method. The cell phenotype was determined by cytofluorimetric technique. In the area of normal bone marrow lymphocytes ~4% of T and ~85% of B cells were detected. About 35% of the cells expressed a plasmocyte marker (CD138); 3% were CD138+IgM+, and about 6% of the lymphocytes were double-positive for CD138+IgA+. Among spleen lymphocytes, 50% of T and 47% of B cells were detected. About 1.5% lymphocytes were CD138+, and 0.5% were positive for CD138 and IgM. Time kinetics of antibody-producing cells in bone marrow and spleen was different. In spleen populations, the peak amounts of antibody-secreting cells have been shown on the day 4; the process abated by the day 28. Vice versa, the numbers of the antibody-producing cells in bone marrow started to increase on the day 4. The process reached its maximum on day 14, and after 28th day became stationary. The in vitro experiments have shown that supplementation of bone marrow cells from immune mice with dextran did not influence their functional activity. It was previously shown for cells responding to T-dependent antigens only. A specific marker for the long-lived plasma cells is still unknown. However, these cells possess a common CD138 marker specific for all plasma cells. A method for isolation of bone marrow CD138+ cells was developed. The CD138+ cells were of 87-97% purity, being enriched in long-lived bone marrow cells, and produced monospecific antibodies

    Peculiarities of the antioxidant status of adolescents with arterial hypertension

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    One of the most topical problems in the field of healthcare is to solve the issues of an early diagnosis, timely prevention and effective treatment of cardiovascular diseases, which include arterial hypertension (the AH]. Prevalence of EAH in the pediatric population in Russia amounts to 20 %. Despite the fact that the mechanisms of the disease were studied in detail, metabolic changes that led to its early deve^ment in teenagers were still not entirely clear. In the Clinic of FSBSI Scientific Center for Family Health Problems and Human Reproduction (Irkutsk], clinical and functional examination of 48 male adolescents aged 14-17 years, of which 25 patients with stable arterial hypertension and 23 adolescents without somatic pathology with normal blood pressure, was conducted. Antioxidant status was studied in blood plasma and hemolysate. A comparative analysis of the following indicators was conducted: total antioxidant activity, superoxide dismutase activity, level of retinol and α-tocopherol, glutathione system parameters. Patients with stable arterial hypertension were recorded with level of overall antioxidant activity in blood 29 % higher than the benchmark, decreased superoxide dismutase activity by 11 % and content of а-tocopherol by 44 %. Retinol concentration in teenagers with hypertension was two times higher than the content of this indicator in the control group (р = 0.00]. Decrease in the antioxidant levels was found in adolescents with arterial hypertension that can be the cause of the oxidative stress development

    Characterization of resistance of winter wheat varieties to Fusarium head blight

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    In this study, naturally and artificially inoculated winter wheat varieties were studied with respect to their productivity and resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB). We used the following set of disease assessment parameters: the percentage of visually and latent Fusarium-damaged grains (FDG); the DNA content of Fusarium fungi; the productivity of inoculated plants compared with non-inoculated plants; and the amount of mycotoxins in the grain. In case of naturally infected grains, the average FDG was found to be about 6.1 % (range of 0–15 %). The amount of DNA of Fusarium graminearum was found to be in the range of (1.1–42.7) × 10–5 ng/ng wheat DNA. The mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) was detected in 15 samples of grain from plants that were grown under natural infection. The maximum DON amount was found to be 420 μg/kg. Fumonisin B1 (FB1) was not be detected in naturally infected grain. In case of artificially inoculated plants, the average FDG was found to be 25.8 % (2–54 %). The amount of F. graminearum DNA was found to be significantly higher (4.24– 49.8) × 10–3 ng/ng than it was detected in grain of non-inoculated plants. The wheat varieties inoculated with F. graminearum contained DON in high amounts from 20255 to 79245 μg/kg. Furthermore, a significant amount of FB1 was detected in all wheat varieties in the range of 980–20326 μg/kg. Among the analysed wheat varieties, Adel was characterized to be the most resistant to fungal infection as well as to the contamination by mycotoxins. Antonina, Lebed and Pamyat varieties were classified more relatively resistant than that of other varieties, and Utrish variety was found to be the most susceptible to FHB. The similar resistance of wheat varieties against F. graminearum and F. verticillioides infection was recorded, and the interactions between the fungi during the colonization of grain were shown

    Concerning the Application of Heterologous Preparations in Practical Healthcare

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    The paper presents the data on the assessment of the demand for heterologous drugs and highlights the need for their use in practical healthcare. Currently, 15 heterologous immunoglobulins and sera are registered in the Russian Federation. Nine of them are against bacterial and viral infections (anthrax, diphtheria, tetanus, botulism, rabies, anti-gangrenous), one – against snake venom, five other – anti-thymocyte immunoglobulins produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers. Analysis of the data has demonstrated that anti-rabies immunoglobulin, anti-diphtheria and anti-botulinic sera, A, B and E type are the most in-demand. Production of other therapeutic drugs from this group, for instance, anti-gangrenous serum, tends to decline. Adequate provision of medical curative and preventive institutions with these preparations is a significant element in timely treatment of infectious diseases such as anthrax, diphtheria, tetanus, botulism, rabies, as well as snake bites. In prophylaxis and treatment of certain diseases (emergency aid in case of anthrax, rabies, venomous snake bites) heterologous preparations still oftentimes do not have an alternative. The key problem in regulation of heterologous preparation circulation is absence of quality, efficacy and safety criteria applicable to other immunobiological preparations. Development of unified requirements to standardization of heterologous sera and immunoglobulins of various specificity, principles of efficacy and safety evaluation is necessary for harmonization of current guidelines on medical use. Earlier elaborated by WHO approaches to heterologous sera to venoms of snakes can be used for monitoring and harmonization of normative legal documents on the improvement, evaluation of quality, efficacy and safety of alternative drugs being in circulation in the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation

    Lipid profile in menopausal women of two ethnic groups

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    Background. The hormonal alteration in menopause can lead to changes in the lipid metabolism parameters. The results of studies on this issue are ambiguous and suggest ethno-specific changes in the lipid profile. Aim: comparative assessment of lipid metabolism parameters in women of Caucasian and Asian races in peri- and postmenopause. Materials and methods. 146 women of Caucasian (ethnic group - Russian (n = 82)) and Asian (ethnic group - Buryats (n = 64)) races participated as volunteers in the prospective non-randomized study for the period 2012-2016. Each ethnic group was divided into three subgroups - women of reproductive age, women in perimenopause, and in postmenopause, according to the gynecological status. The lipid metabolism parameters were determined by the enzymatic method on a biochemical analyzer BTS-330. When analyzing the intergroup differences for independent samples, nonparametric criteria were used. Results. In Russian perimenopausal women, compared with women of reproductive age, we registered an increase in triglycerol levels by 1.90 times (p < 0.05) and cholesterol of very low density lipoproteins by 2.10 times (p < 0.05), followed by an increase of total cholesterol levels by 1.22 times (p < 0.05) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol by 1.40 times (p < 0.05) in postmenopausal period. In representatives of the Buryat ethnos, the changes in the lipid metabolism parameters were detected only in postmenopause, they consisted in increased total cholesterol levels - by 1.31 times (p < 0.05) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol - by 1.45 times (p < 0.05). Conclusions. Changes in the lipid profile in menopause are more pronounced in representatives of the Russian ethnic group

    Lines resistant to downy mildew in the sunflower genetic collection at VIR

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    Background. Downy mildew (DM) caused by the fungus Plasmopara halstedii (Farl) Berl. &amp; De Toni) is one of the most harmful diseases of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Due to the pathogen’s attacks, annual seed harvest losses range between 30% and 70%. Lines resistant to new races of the pathogen should be obtained for the development of commercial sunflower hybrids.Materials and methods. Downy mildew resistance of 323 lines and 10 cultivars from the sunflower collection was assessed in the field at the Kuban Experiment Station of VIR in 2017–2018. Line VIR 845, susceptible during all years of observations, was used as a control. Resistance genes were identified by means of the molecular analysis using diagnostic markers of the Plarg, Pl6 and Pl8 genes that confer resistance to many known P. halstedii races.Results. The founder varieties of VIR’s lines were susceptible to a varying extent. Thirty-nine lines were resistant in 2016 and 2018; among those, 36 lines were susceptible in 2017. Presumably, a more virulent P. halstedii race became widespread in 2017, compared to the races that prevailed in 2016 and 2018, so the genes that determined resistance in 2016 and 2018 turned out to be ineffective. Lines ТА 716-18, VIR 768, and VIR 800, having originated from interspecific hybrids, exhibited absence of pathogenic damage during 3 years of the trials. Molecular markers of the Plarg, Pl6 and Pl8 genes were detected in most lines that demonstrated resistance in 2016 and 2018. There were no markers in lines VIR 768 and VIR 800, whereas in ТА 716-18 the markers of Plarg and Pl8 were present.Conclusion. As a result of the long-term studies, a trait-specific genetic collection was established for sunflower. It comprises genotyped lines with various effective DM resistance genes. Lines ТА 716-18, VIR 768 and VIR 800 appeared highly resistant to the pathogen and probably possess new resistance genes/alleles introgressed from wild species

    Crystal structure and properties of novel oxide Sm0.9Ca1.1Fe0.7Co0.3O4–δ

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    Received: 13.11.2018. Accepted: 05.12.2018. Published: 31.12.2018.Sm0.9Ca1.1Fe0.7Co0.3O4–δ oxide with the K2NiF4‑type structure was prepared using a glycerin-nitrate technique. The XRD pattern of Sm0.9Ca1.1Fe0.7Co0.3O4–δ was refined by the Rietveld method within an orthorhombic structure (space group Bmab). The electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, and thermal expansion of Sm0.9Ca1.1Fe0.7Co0.3O4–δ were measured depending on temperature in air. The change of oxygen nonstoichiometry determined by TGA in air does not exceed 0.01. The oxygen content in Sm0.9Ca1.1Fe0.7Co0.3O4–δ determined by the reduction in a hydrogen flux is equal to 3.96 ± 0.01. The positive value of Seebeck coefficient indicates that the predominant charge carriers in the oxide studied are electron holes.This work was supported in parts by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, agreement 02.A03.21.0006