269 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of the adhesive interface

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    Diffusion of Mn interstitials in (Ga,Mn)As epitaxial layers

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    Magnetic properties of thin (Ga,Mn)As layers improve during annealing by out-diffusion of interstitial Mn ions to a free surface. Out-diffused Mn atoms participate in the growth of a Mn-rich surface layer and a saturation of this layer causes an inhibition of the out-diffusion. We combine high-resolution x-ray diffraction with x-ray absorption spectroscopy and a numerical solution of the diffusion problem for the study of the out-diffusion of Mn interstitials during a sequence of annealing steps. Our data demonstrate that the out-diffusion of the interstitials is substantially affected by the internal electric field caused by an inhomogeneous distribution of charges in the (Ga,Mn)As layer.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Preliminary measurements of lumbar spine kinematics and stiffness

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    The purpose of the presented study was the experimental measurement of lumbar spine stiffness and its range of motion. The dependence of torsion moment of lumbar spine segment on deflection of flexion, extension and torsion was observed during experiments. Stiffness of spine segment was determined from measured data. Human lumbar spine was used for verification of the experimental technique. The sample consisted of one lumbar vertebrae composed by five vertebral bodies and four intervertebral discs. All muscles were removed, however all ligaments were preserved. Experiments were ca rried out on the test system MTS 858.2 MiniBionix, where loading by axial force and torsion moment is possible at the same time. Special Modular Bionix Spine Test Fixator, attached to the test system was used for the measurements. Loading was controlled kinematically (gradual turning) by keeping the axial force equal zero. Measurement was timedependent. The results of these experiments are going to be used as input data for creating a model of artificial lumbar spine and new type of artificial disc replacement

    Evolutionary and geographical history of the Leishmania donovani complex with a revision of current taxonomy.

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    Leishmaniasis is a geographically widespread severe disease, with an increasing incidence of two million cases per year and 350 million people from 88 countries at risk. The causative agents are species of Leishmania, a protozoan flagellate. Visceral leishmaniasis, the most severe form of the disease, lethal if untreated, is caused by species of the Leishmania donovani complex. These species are morphologically indistinguishable but have been identified by molecular methods, predominantly multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. We have conducted a multifactorial genetic analysis that includes DNA sequences of protein-coding genes as well as noncoding segments, microsatellites, restriction-fragment length polymorphisms, and randomly amplified polymorphic DNAs, for a total of approximately 18,000 characters for each of 25 geographically representative strains. Genotype is strongly correlated with geographical (continental) origin, but not with current taxonomy or clinical outcome. We propose a new taxonomy, in which Leishmania infantum and L. donovani are the only recognized species of the L. donovani complex, and we present an evolutionary hypothesis for the origin and dispersal of the species. The genus Leishmania may have originated in South America, but diversified after migration into Asia. L. donovani and L. infantum diverged approximately 1 Mya, with further divergence of infraspecific genetic groups between 0.4 and 0.8 Mya. The prevailing mode of reproduction is clonal, but there is evidence of genetic exchange between strains, particularly in Africa

    Production and characterization of micro-size pores for ion track etching applications

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    For many years the applications of ion track etch materials have increased considerably, like charged particles detection, molecular identification with nanopores, ion track filters, magnetic studies with nanowires and so on. Over the materials generally used as track detector, the Poly-Allyl-Diglycol Carbonate (PADC), offers many advantages, like its nearly 100 % detection efficiency for charged particle, a high resistance to harsh environment, the lowest detection threshold, a high abrasion resistance and a low production costs. All of these properties have made it particularly attractive material, even if due to its brittleness, obtaining a thin film (less than 500 μm) is still a challenge. In this work, PADC foils have been exposed to a-particles emitted by a thin radioactive source of 241Am and to C ions from the Tandetron 4130 MC accelerator. The latent tracks generated in the polymer have been developed using a standard etching procedure in 6.25 NaOH solution. The dependence of the ion tracks' geometry on the ion beam energy and fluence has been evaluated combining the information obtained through a semiautomatic computer script that selects the etched ion tracks according to their diameter and mean grey value and nanometric resolution images by atomic force microscopy

    Comparison of Catalysts in the Point of View of Pellet Stove Flue Gas Purification

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    Monolithic catalysts are used as a method for the flue gases purifying by oxidation of gas products from incomplete combustion. This study is focused on three different types of monolithic catalysts and quantification of their degree of influence on mass concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) and organic gaseous compounds (OGCs) in real small-scale wood pellet stove. Catalysts were placed right behind the stove at the flue gas outlet. The comparison consisted of quantification of their influence on the selected pollutants during the few-hours steady operation of the small-scale pellet stove. Reference values of the selected pollutants were defined during the combustion test without a catalyst installed. In this article, three catalysts based on different active compounds: WO3–V2O5, Pd and Pt were tested. The palladium-based catalyst has proven the best degree of conversion of CO (almost 78%). The platinum-based catalyst has proven the best degree of conversion of OGC (almost 64%). Due to a big degree of clogging by solid particles of all catalysts during the tests, it is impossible to operate the chosen stove with tested types of catalysts in normal operation at home conditions. Without any type of periodical cleaning (every few hours), there is a serious danger of leakage of the flue gas out of the stove. Further investigations should evaluate the degree of clogging in a long-term operation and should propose a method to avoid any danger of the flue gas leaking caused by the catalysts.This article was prepared within OP RDE, the project ‘Research on the identification of combustion of unsuitable fuels and systems of self-diagnostics of boilers combusting solid fuels for domestic heating’, identification code CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_069/0010049, with the financial support from the European Regional Development Fund. This article was also prepared within the project SP2019/83 ‘Monitoring the operating parameters of a small combustion equipment and determining its effect on condensation of water in the flue gas’ and was elaborated in the framework of the grant program ‘Support for Science and Research in the Moravia-Silesia Region 2018’, (RRC/10/2018), financed from the budget of the Moravian-Silesian Region

    Farsighted Risk Mitigation of Lateral Movement Using Dynamic Cognitive Honeypots

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    Lateral movement of advanced persistent threats has posed a severe security challenge. Due to the stealthy and persistent nature of the lateral movement, defenders need to consider time and spatial locations holistically to discover latent attack paths across a large time-scale and achieve long-term security for the target assets. In this work, we propose a time-expanded random network to model the stochastic service links in the user-host enterprise network and the adversarial lateral movement. We design cognitive honeypots at idle production nodes and disguise honey links as service links to detect and deter the adversarial lateral movement. The location of the honeypot changes randomly at different times and increases the honeypots' stealthiness. Since the defender does not know whether, when, and where the initial intrusion and the lateral movement occur, the honeypot policy aims to reduce the target assets' Long-Term Vulnerability (LTV) for proactive and persistent protection. We further characterize three tradeoffs, i.e., the probability of interference, the stealthiness level, and the roaming cost. To counter the curse of multiple attack paths, we propose an iterative algorithm and approximate the LTV with the union bound for computationally efficient deployment of cognitive honeypots. The results of the vulnerability analysis illustrate the bounds, trends, and a residue of LTV when the adversarial lateral movement has infinite duration. Besides honeypot policies, we obtain a critical threshold of compromisability to guide the design and modification of the current system parameters for a higher level of long-term security. We show that the target node can achieve zero vulnerability under infinite stages of lateral movement if the probability of movement deterrence is not less than the threshold