27,549 research outputs found
Deformation and crystallization of Zr-based amorphous alloys in homogeneous flow regime
The purpose of this study is to experimentally investigate the interaction of inelastic deformation and microstructural changes of two Zr-based bulk metallic glasses (BMGs): Zr_(41.25)Ti_(13.75)Cu_(12.5)Ni_(10)Be_(22.5) (commercially designated as Vitreloy 1 or Vit1) and Zr_(46.75)Ti_(8.25)Cu_(7.5)Ni_(10)Be_(27.5) (Vitreloy 4, Vit4). High-temperature uniaxial compression tests were performed on the two Zr alloys at various strain rates, followed by structural characterization using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Two distinct modes of mechanically induced atomic disordering in the two alloys were observed, with Vit1 featuring clear phase separation and crystallization after deformation as observed with TEM, while Vit4 showing only structural relaxation with no crystallization. The influence of the structural changes on the mechanical behaviors of the two materials was further investigated by jump-in-strain-rate tests, and flow softening was observed in Vit4. A free volume theory was applied to explain the deformation behaviors, and the activation volumes were calculated for both alloys
On the origin of the Fermi arc phenomena in the underdoped cuprates: signature of KT-type superconducting transition
We study the effect of thermal phase fluctuation on the electron spectral
function in a d-wave superconductor with Monte Carlo simulation.
The phase degree of freedom is modeled by a XY-type model with build-in d-wave
character. We find a ridge-like structure emerges abruptly on the underlying
Fermi surface in above the KT-transition temperature of the XY
model. Such a ridge-like structure, which shares the same characters with the
Fermi arc observed in the pseudogap phase of the underdoped cuprates, is found
to be caused by the vortex-like phase fluctuation of the XY model.Comment: 5 page
Crescent Singularities in Crumpled Sheets
We examine the crescent singularity of a developable cone in a setting
similar to that studied by Cerda et al [Nature 401, 46 (1999)]. Stretching is
localized in a core region near the pushing tip and bending dominates the outer
region. Two types of stresses in the outer region are identified and shown to
scale differently with the distance to the tip. Energies of the d-cone are
estimated and the conditions for the scaling of core region size R_c are
discussed. Tests of the pushing force equation and direct geometrical
measurements provide numerical evidence that core size scales as R_c ~ h^{1/3}
R^{2/3}, where h is the thickness of sheet and R is the supporting container
radius, in agreement with the proposition of Cerda et al. We give arguments
that this observed scaling law should not represent the asymptotic behavior.
Other properties are also studied and tested numerically, consistent with our
analysis.Comment: 13 pages with 8 figures, revtex. To appear in PR
Catastrophic Photo-z Errors and the Dark Energy Parameter Estimates with Cosmic Shear
We study the impact of catastrophic errors occurring in the photometric
redshifts of galaxies on cosmological parameter estimates with cosmic shear
tomography. We consider a fiducial survey with 9-filter set and perform photo-z
measurement simulations. It is found that a fraction of 1% galaxies at
z_{spec}~0.4 is misidentified to be at z_{phot}~3.5. We then employ both chi^2
fitting method and the extension of Fisher matrix formalism to evaluate the
bias on the equation of state parameters of dark energy, w_0 and w_a, induced
by those catastrophic outliers. By comparing the results from both methods, we
verify that the estimation of w_0 and w_a from the fiducial 5-bin tomographic
analyses can be significantly biased. To minimize the impact of this bias, two
strategies can be followed: (A) the cosmic shear analysis is restricted to
0.5<z<2.5 where catastrophic redshift errors are expected to be insignificant;
(B) a spectroscopic survey is conducted for galaxies with 3<z_{phot}<4. We find
that the number of spectroscopic redshifts needed scales as N_{spec} \propto
f_{cata}\times A where f_{cata}=1% is the fraction of catastrophic redshift
errors (assuming a 9-filter photometric survey) and A is the survey area. For
A=1000 {deg}^2, we find that N_{spec}>320 and 860 respectively in order to
reduce the joint bias in (w_0,w_a) to be smaller than 2\sigma and 1\sigma. This
spectroscopic survey (option B) will improve the Figure of Merit of option A by
a factor \times 1.5 thus making such a survey strongly desirable.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. Revised version, as accepted for publication in
Spontaneous curvature cancellation in forced thin sheets
In this paper we report numerically observed spontaneous vanishing of mean
curvature on a developable cone made by pushing a thin elastic sheet into a
circular container. We show that this feature is independent of thickness of
the sheet, the supporting radius and the amount of deflection. Several variants
of developable cone are studied to examine the necessary conditions that lead
to the vanishing of mean curvature. It is found that the presence of
appropriate amount of radial stress is necessary. The developable cone geometry
somehow produces the right amount of radial stress to induce just enough radial
curvature to cancel the conical azimuthal curvature. In addition, the circular
symmetry of supporting container edge plays an important role. With an
elliptical supporting edge, the radial curvature overcompensates the azimuthal
curvature near the minor axis and undercompensates near the major axis. Our
numerical finding is verified by a crude experiment using a reflective plastic
sheet. We expect this finding to have broad importance in describing the
general geometrical properties of forced crumpling of thin sheets.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, revtex
On Singularity formation for the L^2-critical Boson star equation
We prove a general, non-perturbative result about finite-time blowup
solutions for the -critical boson star equation in 3 space dimensions. Under
the sole assumption that the solution blows up in at finite time, we
show that has a unique weak limit in and that has a
unique weak limit in the sense of measures. Moreover, we prove that the
limiting measure exhibits minimal mass concentration. A central ingredient used
in the proof is a "finite speed of propagation" property, which puts a strong
rigidity on the blowup behavior of .
As the second main result, we prove that any radial finite-time blowup
solution converges strongly in away from the origin. For radial
solutions, this result establishes a large data blowup conjecture for the
-critical boson star equation, similar to a conjecture which was
originally formulated by F. Merle and P. Raphael for the -critical
nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation in [CMP 253 (2005), 675-704].
We also discuss some extensions of our results to other -critical
theories of gravitational collapse, in particular to critical Hartree-type
equations.Comment: 24 pages. Accepted in Nonlinearit
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