12,085 research outputs found

    Eye-controlled ''teletypewriter''

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    Oculometer provides dynamic measurement of subject's look direction, and its outputs can be used to generate visual display of his look pattern and/or to cause equipment operation associated with his lookpoint at given times. Measured eye-direction information could be used as control input at man/machine interface

    The use of Kodak aerochrome infrared color film, type 2443, as a remote sensing tool

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    An infrared color film, Kodak Aerochrome, type 2443, has replaced the 8443 film. The 2443 has lower contrast than the 8443 film, and allows deeper probing into areas that appear as solid black shadows on the 8443 film. The cyan layer of 2443 is approximately 1 1/2 stops slower, at a density of 1.4, than the yellow and magenta emulsion layers

    Apparent movement phenomena on CRT displays - Threshold determinations of apparent movements of pulsed light sources

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    Apparent movement phenomena on cathode ray tube displays - threshold determinations of apparent movements of pulsed light source

    Quantum limited particle sensing in optical tweezers

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    Particle sensing in optical tweezers systems provides information on the position, velocity and force of the specimen particles. The conventional quadrant detection scheme is applied ubiquitously in optical tweezers experiments to quantify these parameters. In this paper we show that quadrant detection is non-optimal for particle sensing in optical tweezers and propose an alternative optimal particle sensing scheme based on spatial homodyne detection. A formalism for particle sensing in terms of transverse spatial modes is developed and numerical simulations of the efficacy of both quadrant and spatial homodyne detection are shown. We demonstrate that an order of magnitude improvement in particle sensing sensitivity can be achieved using spatial homodyne over quadrant detection.Comment: Submitted to Biophys

    Collisions of boosted black holes: perturbation theory prediction of gravitational radiation

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    We consider general relativistic Cauchy data representing two nonspinning, equal-mass black holes boosted toward each other. When the black holes are close enough to each other and their momentum is sufficiently high, an encompassing apparent horizon is present so the system can be viewed as a single, perturbed black hole. We employ gauge-invariant perturbation theory, and integrate the Zerilli equation to analyze these time-asymmetric data sets and compute gravitational wave forms and emitted energies. When coupled with a simple Newtonian analysis of the infall trajectory, we find striking agreement between the perturbation calculation of emitted energies and the results of fully general relativistic numerical simulations of time-symmetric initial data.Comment: 5 pages (RevTex 3.0 with 3 uuencoded figures), CRSR-107

    Teleportation as a Depolarizing Quantum Channel, Relative Entropy and Classical Capacity

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    We show that standard teleportation with an arbitrary mixed state resource is equivalent to a generalized depolarizing channel with probabilities given by the maximally entangled components of the resource. This enables the usage of any quantum channel as a generalized depolarizing channel without additional twirling operations. It also provides a nontrivial upper bound on the entanglement of a class of mixed states. Our result allows a consistent and statistically motivated quantification of teleportation success in terms of the relative entropy and this quantification can be related to a classical capacity.Comment: Version published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Sagnac Interferometer Enhanced Particle Tracking in Optical Tweezers

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    A setup is proposed to enhance tracking of very small particles, by using optical tweezers embedded within a Sagnac interferometer. The achievable signal-to-noise ratio is shown to be enhanced over that for a standard optical tweezers setup. The enhancement factor increases asymptotically as the interferometer visibility approaches 100%, but is capped at a maximum given by the ratio of the trapping field intensity to the detector saturation threshold. For an achievable visibility of 99%, the signal-to-noise ratio is enhanced by a factor of 200, and the minimum trackable particle size is 2.4 times smaller than without the interferometer

    A mass balance for 137Cs and 90Sr in the North Atlantic Ocean

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    The total inventory of 137Cs(3272 kCi) and 90Sr(2257 kCi) in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1972, as well as the subinventories in the 0 to 1000 m, 1000 to 2000 m, 2000 m to bottom layers, continental shelf waters and bottom sediments, have been estimated. We have been careful to provide reliable estimates of uncertainty for each of these values. We have also estimated the inputs of 137Cs to the Atlantic Ocean as direct fallout (2065 kCi), or as ocean current transport (240 kCi) since the start of large scale nuclear testing...

    A multipurpose large volume sea-water sampler

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    The need for large volumes of sea-water, from all depths, for radioisotope studies with carbon-14, tritium or fission-products, has resulted in the development of a variety of sampling devices…
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