169 research outputs found

    Infrared neurostimulation in ex-vivo rat sciatic nerve using 1470 nm wavelength.

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    OBJECTIVE: To design and implement a setup for ex-vivo optical stimulation for exploring the effect of several key parameters (optical power and pulse duration), activation features (threshold, spatial selectivity) and recovery characteristics (repeated stimuli) in peripheral nerves. APPROACH: A nerve chamber allowing ex-vivo electrical and optical stimulation was designed and built. A 1470 nm light source was chosen to stimulate the nerve. A photodiode module was implemented for synchronization of the electrical and optical channels. MAIN RESULTS: Compound Neural Action Potentials (CNAPs) were successfully generated with infrared light pulses of 200-2000 µs duration and power in the range of 3-10 W. These parameters determine a radiant exposure for stimulation in the range 1.59-4.78 J/cm2. Recruitment curves were obtained by increasing durations at a constant power level. Neural activation threshold is reached at a mean radiant exposure of 3.16 ± 0.68 J/cm2 and mean pulse energy of 3.79 ± 0.72 mJ. Repetition rates of 2-10 Hz have been explored. In 8 out of 10 sciatic nerves, repeated light stimuli induced a sensitisation effect in that the CNAP amplitude progressively grows, representing an increasing number of recruited fibres. In 2 out of 10 sciatic nerves, CNAPs were composed of a succession of peaks corresponding to different conduction velocities. SIGNIFICANCE: The reported sensitisation effect could shed light on the mechanism underlying Infrared NeuroStimulation (INS). Our results suggest that, in sharp contrast with electrical stimuli, optical pulses could recruit slow fibres early on. This more physiological order of recruitment opens the perspective for specific neuromodulation of fibre population who remained poorly accessible until now. Short high-power light pulses at wavelengths below 1.5 µm offer interesting perspectives for neurostimulation

    Instabilities of one-dimensional stationary solutions of the cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation

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    The two-dimensional cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation admits a large family of one-dimensional bounded traveling-wave solutions. All such solutions may be written in terms of an amplitude and a phase. Solutions with piecewise constant phase have been well studied previously. Some of these solutions were found to be stable with respect to one-dimensional perturbations. No such solutions are stable with respect to two-dimensional perturbations. Here we consider stability of the larger class of solutions whose phase is dependent on the spatial dimension of the one-dimensional wave form. We study the spectral stability of such nontrivial-phase solutions numerically, using Hill's method. We present evidence which suggests that all such nontrivial-phase solutions are unstable with respect to both one- and two-dimensional perturbations. Instability occurs in all cases: for both the elliptic and hyperbolic nonlinear Schrodinger equations, and in the focusing and defocusing case.Comment: Submitted: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Transmural variations in gene expression of stretch-modulated proteins in the rat left ventricle

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    The properties of left ventricular cardiac myocytes vary transmurally. This may be related to the gradients of stress and strain experienced in vivo across the ventricular wall. We tested the hypothesis that within the rat left ventricle there are transmural differences in the expression of genes for proteins that are involved in mechanosensitive pathways and in associated physiological responses. Real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction was used to measure messenger RNA (mRNA) levels of selected targets in sub-epicardial (EPI) and sub-endocardial (ENDO) myocardium. Carbon fibres were attached to single myocytes to stretch them and to record contractility. We observed that the slow positive inotropic response to stretch was not different between EPI and ENDO myocytes and consistent with this, that the mRNA expression of two proteins implicated in the slow response, non-specific cationic mechanosensitive channels (TRPC-1) and Na/H exchanger, were not different. However, mRNA levels of other targets, e.g. the mechanosensitive K+ channel TREK-1, Brain Natriuretic Peptide and Endothelin-1 receptor B, were significantly greater in ENDO than EPI. No targets had significantly greater mRNA levels in EPI than ENDO. On the basis of these findings, we suggest that the response of the ventricle to stretch will depend upon both the regional differences in stimuli and the relative expression of the mechanosensitive targets and that generally, stretch sensitivity is predicted to be greater in ENDO

    Casimir force on amplifying bodies

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    Based on a unified approach to macroscopic QED that allows for the inclusion of amplification in a limited space and frequency range, we study the Casimir force as a Lorentz force on an arbitrary partially amplifying system of linearly locally responding (isotropic) magnetoelectric bodies. We demonstrate that the force on a weakly polarisable/magnetisable amplifying object in the presence of a purely absorbing environment can be expressed as a sum over the Casimir--Polder forces on the excited atoms inside the body. As an example, the resonant force between a plate consisting of a dilute gas of excited atoms and a perfect mirror is calculated

    Expression of the myosin heavy chain IIB gene in porcine skeletal muscle: the role of the CArG-box promoter response element

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    Due to its similarity to humans, the pig is increasingly being considered as a good animal model for studying a range of human diseases. Despite their physiological similarities, differential expression of the myosin heavy chain (MyHC) IIB gene (MYH4) exists in the skeletal muscles of these species, which is associated with a different muscle phenotype. The expression of different MyHC isoforms is a critical determinant of the contractile and metabolic characteristics of the muscle fibre. We aimed to elucidate whether a genomic mechanism was responsible for the drastically different expression of MYH4 between pigs and humans, thus improving our understanding of the pig as a model for human skeletal muscle research. We utilized approximately 1 kb of the MYH4 promoter from a domestic pig and a human (which do and do not express MYH4, respectively) to elucidate the role of the promoter sequence in regulating the high expression of MYH4 in porcine skeletal muscle. We identified a 3 bp genomic difference within the proximal CArG and Ebox region of the MYH4 promoter of pigs and humans that dictates the differential activity of these promoters during myogenesis. Subtle species-specific genomic differences within the CArG-box region caused differential protein-DNA interactions at this site and is likely accountable for the differential MYH4 promoter activity between pigs and humans. We propose that the genomic differences identified herein explain the differential activity of the MYH4 promoter of pigs and humans, which may contribute to the differential expression patterns displayed in these otherwise physiologically similar mammals. Further, we report that both the pig and human MYH4 promoters can be induced by MyoD over- expression, but the capacity to activate the MYH4 promoter is largely influenced by the 3 bp difference located within the CArG-box region of the proximal MYH4 promoter

    Rapid Determination of Myosin Heavy Chain Expression in Rat, Mouse, and Human Skeletal Muscle Using Multicolor Immunofluorescence Analysis

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    Skeletal muscle is a heterogeneous tissue comprised of fibers with different morphological, functional, and metabolic properties. Different muscles contain varying proportions of fiber types; therefore, accurate identification is important. A number of histochemical methods are used to determine muscle fiber type; however, these techniques have several disadvantages. Immunofluorescence analysis is a sensitive method that allows for simultaneous evaluation of multiple MHC isoforms on a large number of fibers on a single cross-section, and offers a more precise means of identifying fiber types. In this investigation we characterized pure and hybrid fiber type distribution in 10 rat and 10 mouse skeletal muscles, as well as human vastus lateralis (VL) using multicolor immunofluorescence analysis. In addition, we determined fiber type-specific cross-sectional area (CSA), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity, and α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) activity. Using this procedure we were able to easily identify pure and hybrid fiber populations in rat, mouse, and human muscle. Hybrid fibers were identified in all species and made up a significant portion of the total population in some rat and mouse muscles. For example, rat mixed gastrocnemius (MG) contained 12.2% hybrid fibers whereas mouse white tibialis anterior (WTA) contained 12.1% hybrid fibers. Collectively, we outline a simple and time-efficient method for determining MHC expression in skeletal muscle of multiple species. In addition, we provide a useful resource of the pure and hybrid fiber type distribution, fiber CSA, and relative fiber type-specific SDH and GPD activity in a number of rat and mouse muscles

    Musculoskeletal Response to Whole-Body Vibration During Fracture Healing in Intact and Ovariectomized Rats

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    This study investigated the effect of vibration on bone healing and muscle in intact and ovariectomized rats. Thirty ovariectomized (at 3 months of age) and 30 intact 5-month old female Sprague-Dawley rats underwent bilateral metaphyseal osteotomy of tibia. Five days later, half of the ovariectomized and of the intact rats were exposed to whole-body vertical vibration (90 Hz, 0.5 mm, 4 × g acceleration) for 15 min twice a day during 30 days. The other animals did not undergo vibration. After decapitation of rats, one tibia was used for computed tomographic, biomechanical, and histological analyses; the other was used for gene expression analyses of alkaline phosphatase (Alp), osteocalcin (Oc), tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 1, and insulinlike growth factor 1. Serum Alp and Oc were measured. Mitochondrial activity, fiber area and distribution, and capillary densities were analyzed in M. gastrocnemius and M. longissimus. We found that vibration had no effect on body weight and food intake, but it improved cortical and callus densities (97 vs. 99%, 72 vs. 81%), trabecular structure (9 vs. 14 trabecular nodes), blood supply (1.7 vs. 2.1 capillaries/fiber), and oxidative metabolism (17 vs. 23 pmol O2/s/mg) in ovariectomized rats. Vibration generally increased muscle fiber size. Tibia biomechanical properties were diminished after vibration. Oc gene expression was higher in vibrated rats. Serum Alp was increased in ovariectomized rats. In ovariectomized rats, vibration resulted in an earlier bridging; in intact rats, callus bridging occurred later after vibration. The chosen vibration regimen (90 Hz, 0.5 mm, 4 × g acceleration, 15 min twice a day) was effective in improving musculoskeletal tissues in ovariectomized rats but was not optimal for fracture healing