37 research outputs found

    Efficient pointwise estimation based on discrete data in ergodic nonparametric diffusions

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    A truncated sequential procedure is constructed for estimating the drift coefficient at a given state point based on discrete data of ergodic diffusion process. A nonasymptotic upper bound is obtained for a pointwise absolute error risk. The optimal convergence rate and a sharp constant in the bounds are found for the asymptotic pointwise minimax risk. As a consequence, the efficiency is obtained of the proposed sequential procedure.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/14-BEJ655 in the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Non asymptotic sharp oracle inequalities for high dimensional ergodic diffusion models. *

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    In this paper we consider high dimensional ergodic diffusion models in nonparametric setting on the basis of discrete data, when the diffusion coefficients are unknown. For this problem, by using efficient sequential point-wise estimators we construct a model selection procedure and then we show sharp oracle inequalities, i.e. the inequalities in which the main term coefficient is closed to one. This means that the proposed sequential model selection procedure is optimal in this sense. Particularly, we show that the constructed procedure is the best in the class of weighted least square estimators with the Pinsker coefficients which provide the efficient estimation in the minimal asymptotical quadratic risk sense

    Adaptive efficient analysis for big data ergodic diffusion models

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    We consider drift estimation problems for high dimension ergodic diffusion processes in nonparametric setting based on observations at discrete fixed time moments in the case when diffusion coefficients are unknown. To this end on the basis of sequential analysis methods we develop model selection procedures, for which we show non asymptotic sharp oracle inequalities. Through the obtained inequalities we show that the constructed model selection procedures are asymptotically efficient in adaptive setting, i.e. in the case when the model regularity is unknown. For the first time for such problem, we found in the explicit form the celebrated Pinsker constant which provides the sharp lower bound for the minimax squared accuracy normalized with the optimal convergence rate. Then we show that the asymptotic quadratic risk for the model selection procedure asymptotically coincides with the obtained lower bound, i.e this means that the constructed procedure is efficient. Finally, on the basis of the constructed model selection procedures in the framework of the big data models we provide the efficient estimation without using the parameter dimension or any sparse conditions

    General model selection estimation of a periodic regression with a Gaussian noise

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    This paper considers the problem of estimating a periodic function in a continuous time regression model with an additive stationary gaussian noise having unknown correlation function. A general model selection procedure on the basis of arbitrary projective estimates, which does not need the knowledge of the noise correlation function, is proposed. A non-asymptotic upper bound for quadratic risk (oracle inequality) has been derived under mild conditions on the noise. For the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise the risk upper bound is shown to be uniform in the nuisance parameter. In the case of gaussian white noise the constructed procedure has some advantages as compared with the procedure based on the least squares estimates (LSE). The asymptotic minimaxity of the estimates has been proved. The proposed model selection scheme is extended also to the estimation problem based on the discrete data applicably to the situation when high frequency sampling can not be provided

    Non asymptotic sharp oracle inequalities for high dimensional ergodic diffusion models. *

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    In this paper we consider high dimensional ergodic diffusion models in nonparametric setting on the basis of discrete data, when the diffusion coefficients are unknown. For this problem, by using efficient sequential point-wise estimators we construct a model selection procedure and then we show sharp oracle inequalities, i.e. the inequalities in which the main term coefficient is closed to one. This means that the proposed sequential model selection procedure is optimal in this sense. Particularly, we show that the constructed procedure is the best in the class of weighted least square estimators with the Pinsker coefficients which provide the efficient estimation in the minimal asymptotical quadratic risk sense

    Uniform concentration inequality for ergodic diffusion processes observed at discrete times

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    AbstractIn this paper a concentration inequality is proved for the deviation in the ergodic theorem for diffusion processes in the case of discrete time observations. The proof is based on geometric ergodicity of diffusion processes. We consider as an application the nonparametric pointwise estimation problem of the drift coefficient when the process is observed at discrete times