219 research outputs found

    Diamond biocompatible coatings for medical implants

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    New carbon (diamond-like) nanocomposite coatings deposited from a C60 ionic beam can be used as a wear-resistant protective coating for implants. It was found that these coatings enhance resistance to тelectrochemical corrosion processes due to a shift of the material’s electrode potential to a zone of positive values. They also promote a complex of reparative, adaptative and compensatory reorganization that accelerates the healing processes in the vicinity of the implant

    Stimulation of calcium phosphate crystal formation by implant surfaces with electret properties

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    Oxide coatings with electret properties are investigated. The possibility of stimulation of the formation of calcium phosphate sediments near the electroactive surface is discussed. The exposure of implants with such coatings to solutions imitating blood plasma showed their high efficiency of biointegration due to activation of an exchange processes in living tissues by a negative superficial charge. The revealed effect amplifies with the growth of the thickness of the anodic oxide film

    Features of medical implant passivation using anodic oxide films

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    The passivation ability of metals from groups IV and V of the Periodic Table is considered. Anodic treatment is able to neutralize the increase of metal hardening when comminuting grains to nanometre sizes. The deposition of metal oxide film coatings on a cobalt–chromium alloy surface results in substantial passivation of its surface and prevents cobalt and chromium accumulation in bone tissues. The decrease of surface activity of titanium implants can be achieved both by cleaning the surface during vacuum annealing before oxidation and by the increase of the anodic oxide film thickness, which limits mass and charge transfer through the implant surface. Recommended titanium implant treatment regimens are vacuum annealing at 650 °C and anodic oxidation to attain an oxide thickness less or equal to 300 nm

    Properties of magnetron hydroxyapatite coatings deposited on oxidized substrates

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    Hydroxyapatite (HA) coating were formed on oxidized niobium surfaces by the highfrequency magnetron sputtering method using hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate targets. The structure, substructure and mechanical properties of the Nb–Nb2O5–HA system were investigated by X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy and nanoindentation and the stress state was assessed. The synthesized hydroxyapatite film had the following characteristics: thermal expansion coefficient 10–5 K–1; modulus of elasticity 120 GPa; adhesive strength not less than 0.45 kg/mm2; density 2900 kg/m3. The stress magnitude in the metal oxide substrate was from 11 to 14 MPa after hydroxyapatite film deposition

    A New Multiscale Approach to Nuclear Fuel Simulations: Atomistic Validation of Kinetic Method

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    A key issue for fuel behavior codes is their sensitivity to values of various materials properties, many of which have large uncertainties or have not been measured. Kinetic mesoscale models, such as those developed at Argonne National Laboratory within the past decade, are directly comparable to data obtained from in-reactor experiments. In the present paper, a new multiscale concept is proposed that consists of using atomistic simulation methods to verify the kinetic approach. The new concept includes kinetic rate-equations for radiation damage, energetics and kinetics of defects, and gas/defect-driven swelling of fuels as a function of temperature and burnup. The quantum and classical atomistic simulation methods are applied to increase our understanding of radiation damage and defect formation and growth processes and to calculate the probabilities of elemental processes and reactions that are applicable to irradiated nuclear materials

    Cell-free and cell-bound circulating DNA in breast tumours: DNA quantification and analysis of tumour-related gene methylation

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    Tumour development is characterised by the increased circulating DNA (cirDNA) concentration and by tumour-related changes in blood plasma DNA. Concentration of cirDNA and methylation of RARβ2, RASSF1A and HIC-1 gene promoters were investigated in cell-free and cell-surface-bound fractions from healthy donors, patients with breast cancer, and patients with breast fibroadenoma. Tumour development was shown to lead to significant changes in the distribution of cirDNA between cell-free and cell-surface-bound fractions. Analysis of RARβ2 and RASSF1A methylation in the total cirDNA provides 95% diagnostic coverage in breast cancer patients, 60% in patients with benign lesions, and is without false-positive results in healthy women. Results of the study indicate that methylation-specific PCR of RARβ2 and RASSF1A genes based on the total cirDNA combined with the quantitative analysis of cirDNA distribution between cell-bound and cell-free fractions in blood provide the sensitive and accurate detection and discrimination of malignant and benign breast tumours

    Особенности детоксикации с участием ферментов микросомального окисления и глутатионзависимых ферментов при псевдотуберкулезе у детей

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    There was evaluated detoxication function state by the antipyrine test and glutathione dependent enzymes activity among the children with combined form of middle-degree pseudotuberculosis of sharp smooth tendency. Liver disorder was proven by the clin-ical and biochemical approaches. Our results show that it is desirable to allow detoxication biochemical processes peculiarities un-der Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection while determining disease prognosis.Проведена комплексная оценка детоксикационной функции по антипириновому тесту и активности глутатионзависимых ферментов у детей, больных комбинированной формой псевдотуберкулеза средней степени тяжести с острым гладким течением. Поражение печени устанавливали по клиническим и биохимическим данным. Особенности биохимических процессов детоксикации, наблюдаемых при инфицировании Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, необходимо принимать во внимание, определяя прогноз заболевания