849 research outputs found

    Multiquantum well spin oscillator

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    A dc voltage biased II-VI semiconductor multiquantum well structure attached to normal contacts exhibits self-sustained spin-polarized current oscillations if one or more of its wells are doped with Mn. Without magnetic impurities, the only configurations appearing in these structures are stationary. Analysis and numerical solution of a nonlinear spin transport model yield the minimal number of wells (four) and the ranges of doping density and spin splitting needed to find oscillations.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, shortened and updated versio

    Magnetoswitching of current oscillations in diluted magnetic semiconductor nanostructures

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    Strongly nonlinear transport through Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor multiquantum wells occurs due to the interplay between confinement, Coulomb and exchange interaction. Nonlinear effects include the appearance of spin polarized stationary states and self-sustained current oscillations as possible stable states of the nanostructure, depending on its configuration and control parameters such as voltage bias and level splitting due to an external magnetic field. Oscillatory regions grow in size with well number and level splitting. A systematic analysis of the charge and spin response to voltage and magnetic field switching of II-VI Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor multiquantum wells is carried out. The description of stationary and time-periodic spin polarized states, the transitions between them and the responses to voltage or magnetic field switching have great importance due to the potential implementation of spintronic devices based on these nanostructures.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, Revtex, to appear in PR

    Productivity of a \u3cem\u3eLeucaena Leucocephala-Cynodon Nlemfuensis\u3c/em\u3e Silvopastoral System with Sheep in Yucatan, Mexico

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    Animal production in the tropics of Mexico is based on grazed grasslands of low productivity; this type of production system has reduced the areas of natural vegetation and damaged the ecology (erosion of flora, fauna and soil). Silvopastoral technologies may improve the welfare and economic conditions of the rural population and, consequently, preserve their natural resources. The current work was designed to assess the introduction of Leucaena leucocephala in a silvopastoral system with Cynodon nlemfuensis (star grass) grazed by sheep

    Self-similarity and long-time behavior of solutions of the diffusion equation with nonlinear absorption and a boundary source

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    This paper deals with the long-time behavior of solutions of nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations describing formation of morphogen gradients, the concentration fields of molecules acting as spatial regulators of cell differentiation in developing tissues. For the considered class of models, we establish existence of a new type of ultra-singular self-similar solutions. These solutions arise as limits of the solutions of the initial value problem with zero initial data and infinitely strong source at the boundary. We prove existence and uniqueness of such solutions in the suitable weighted energy spaces. Moreover, we prove that the obtained self-similar solutions are the long-time limits of the solutions of the initial value problem with zero initial data and a time-independent boundary source

    Asymptotics of self-similar solutions to coagulation equations with product kernel

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    We consider mass-conserving self-similar solutions for Smoluchowski's coagulation equation with kernel K(Ο,η)=(Οη)λK(\xi,\eta)= (\xi \eta)^{\lambda} with λ∈(0,1/2)\lambda \in (0,1/2). It is known that such self-similar solutions g(x)g(x) satisfy that x−1+2λg(x)x^{-1+2\lambda} g(x) is bounded above and below as x→0x \to 0. In this paper we describe in detail via formal asymptotics the qualitative behavior of a suitably rescaled function h(x)=hλx−1+2λg(x)h(x)=h_{\lambda} x^{-1+2\lambda} g(x) in the limit λ→0\lambda \to 0. It turns out that h∌1+Cxλ/2cos⁥(λlog⁥x)h \sim 1+ C x^{\lambda/2} \cos(\sqrt{\lambda} \log x) as x→0x \to 0. As xx becomes larger hh develops peaks of height 1/λ1/\lambda that are separated by large regions where hh is small. Finally, hh converges to zero exponentially fast as x→∞x \to \infty. Our analysis is based on different approximations of a nonlocal operator, that reduces the original equation in certain regimes to a system of ODE

    Self-similar chain conformations in polymer gels

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    We use molecular dynamics simulations to study the swelling of randomly end-cross-linked polymer networks in good solvent conditions. We find that the equilibrium degree of swelling saturates at Q_eq = N_e**(3/5) for mean strand lengths N_s exceeding the melt entanglement length N_e. The internal structure of the network strands in the swollen state is characterized by a new exponent nu=0.72. Our findings are in contradiction to de Gennes' c*-theorem, which predicts Q_eq proportional N_s**(4/5) and nu=0.588. We present a simple Flory argument for a self-similar structure of mutually interpenetrating network strands, which yields nu=7/10 and otherwise recovers the classical Flory-Rehner theory. In particular, Q_eq = N_e**(3/5), if N_e is used as effective strand length.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 3 Figure

    Photon path length distribution in random media from spectral speckle intensity correlations

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    We show that the spectral speckle intensity correlation (SSIC) technique can be profitably exploited to recover the path length distribution of photons scattered in a random turbid medium. We applied SSIC to the study of Teflon slabs of different thicknesses and were able to recover, via the use of the photon diffusion approximation theory, the characteristic transport mean free path ℓ∗ and absorption length s a of the medium. These results were compared and validated by means of complementary measurements performed on the same samples with standard pulsed laser time of flight technique

    Self-similar solutions with fat tails for Smoluchowski's coagulation equation with locally bounded kernels

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    The existence of self-similar solutions with fat tails for Smoluchowski's coagulation equation has so far only been established for the solvable and the diagonal kernel. In this paper we prove the existence of such self-similar solutions for continuous kernels KK that are homogeneous of degree γ∈[0,1)\gamma \in [0,1) and satisfy K(x,y)≀C(xÎł+yÎł)K(x,y) \leq C (x^{\gamma} + y^{\gamma}). More precisely, for any ρ∈(Îł,1)\rho \in (\gamma,1) we establish the existence of a continuous weak self-similar profile with decay x−(1+ρ)x^{-(1{+}\rho)} as x→∞x \to \infty

    The scaling attractor and ultimate dynamics for Smoluchowski's coagulation equations

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    We describe a basic framework for studying dynamic scaling that has roots in dynamical systems and probability theory. Within this framework, we study Smoluchowski's coagulation equation for the three simplest rate kernels K(x,y)=2K(x,y)=2, x+yx+y and xyxy. In another work, we classified all self-similar solutions and all universality classes (domains of attraction) for scaling limits under weak convergence (Comm. Pure Appl. Math 57 (2004)1197-1232). Here we add to this a complete description of the set of all limit points of solutions modulo scaling (the scaling attractor) and the dynamics on this limit set (the ultimate dynamics). The main tool is Bertoin's L\'{e}vy-Khintchine representation formula for eternal solutions of Smoluchowski's equation (Adv. Appl. Prob. 12 (2002) 547--64). This representation linearizes the dynamics on the scaling attractor, revealing these dynamics to be conjugate to a continuous dilation, and chaotic in a classical sense. Furthermore, our study of scaling limits explains how Smoluchowski dynamics ``compactifies'' in a natural way that accounts for clusters of zero and infinite size (dust and gel)

    Thermal width and gluo-dissociation of quarkonium in pNRQCD

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    The thermal width of heavy-quarkonium bound states in a quark-gluon plasma has been recently derived in an effective field theory approach. Two phenomena contribute to the width: the Landau damping phenomenon and the break-up of a colour-singlet bound state into a colour-octet heavy quark-antiquark pair by absorption of a thermal gluon. In the paper, we investigate the relation between the singlet-to-octet thermal break-up and the so-called gluo-dissociation, a mechanism for quarkonium dissociation widely used in phenomenological approaches. The gluo-dissociation thermal width is obtained by convoluting the gluon thermal distribution with the cross section of a gluon and a 1S quarkonium state to a colour octet quark-antiquark state in vacuum, a cross section that at leading order, but neglecting colour-octet effects, was computed long ago by Bhanot and Peskin. We will, first, show that the effective field theory framework provides a natural derivation of the gluo-dissociation factorization formula at leading order, which is, indeed, the singlet-to-octet thermal break-up expression. Second, the singlet-to-octet thermal break-up expression will allow us to improve the Bhanot--Peskin cross section by including the contribution of the octet potential, which amounts to include final-state interactions between the heavy quark and antiquark. Finally, we will quantify the effects due to final-state interactions on the gluo-dissociation cross section and on the quarkonium thermal width.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure
