12,917 research outputs found

    One-shot rates for entanglement manipulation under non-entangling maps

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    We obtain expressions for the optimal rates of one- shot entanglement manipulation under operations which generate a negligible amount of entanglement. As the optimal rates for entanglement distillation and dilution in this paradigm, we obtain the max- and min-relative entropies of entanglement, the two logarithmic robustnesses of entanglement, and smoothed versions thereof. This gives a new operational meaning to these entanglement measures. Moreover, by considering the limit of many identical copies of the shared entangled state, we partially recover the recently found reversibility of entanglement manipu- lation under the class of operations which asymptotically do not generate entanglement.Comment: 7 pages; no figure

    Designing protein β-sheet surfaces by Z-score optimization

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    Studies of lattice models of proteins have suggested that the appropriate energy expression for protein design may include nonthermodynamic terms to accommodate negative design concerns. One method, developed in lattice model studies, maximizes a quantity known as the "Z-score," which compares the lowest energy sequence whose ground state structure is the target structure to an ensemble of random sequences. Here we show that, in certain circumstances, the technique can be applied to real proteins. The resulting energy expression is used to design the β-sheet surfaces of two real proteins. We find experimentally that the designed proteins are stable and well folded, and in one case is even more thermostable than the wild type

    Orthogonal measurements are {\it almost} sufficient for quantum discord of two qubits

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    The common use in literature of orthogonal measurements in obtaining quantum discord for two-qubit states is discussed and compared with more general measurements. We prove the optimality of orthogonal measurements for rank 2 states. While for rank 3 and 4 mixed states they are not optimal, we present strong numerical evidence showing that they give the correct quantum discord up to minimal corrections. Based on the connection, through purification with an ancilla, between discord and entanglement of formation (EoF), we give a tight upper bound for the EoF of a 2N2\otimes N mixed state of rank 2, given by an optimal decomposition of 2 elements. We also provide an alternative way to compute the quantum discord for two qubits based on the Bloch vectors of the state.Comment: EPL 96, 40005 (2011

    A smooth entropy approach to quantum hypothesis testing and the classical capacity of quantum channels

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    We use the smooth entropy approach to treat the problems of binary quantum hypothesis testing and the transmission of classical information through a quantum channel. We provide lower and upper bounds on the optimal type II error of quantum hypothesis testing in terms of the smooth max-relative entropy of the two states representing the two hypotheses. Using then a relative entropy version of the Quantum Asymptotic Equipartition Property (QAEP), we can recover the strong converse rate of the i.i.d. hypothesis testing problem in the asymptotics. On the other hand, combining Stein's lemma with our bounds, we obtain a stronger (\ep-independent) version of the relative entropy-QAEP. Similarly, we provide bounds on the one-shot \ep-error classical capacity of a quantum channel in terms of a smooth max-relative entropy variant of its Holevo capacity. Using these bounds and the \ep-independent version of the relative entropy-QAEP, we can recover both the Holevo-Schumacher-Westmoreland theorem about the optimal direct rate of a memoryless quantum channel with product state encoding, as well as its strong converse counterpart.Comment: v4: Title changed, improved bounds, both direct and strong converse rates are covered, a new Discussion section added. 20 page

    M-atom conductance oscillations of a metallic quantum wire

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    The electron transport through a monoatomic metallic wire connected to leads is investigated using the tight-binding Hamiltonian and Green's function technique. Analytical formulas for the transmittance are derived and M-atom oscillations of the conductance versus the length of the wire are found. Maxima of the transmittance function versus the energy, for the wire consisted of N atoms, determine the (N+1) period of the conductance. The periods of conductance oscillations are discussed and the local and average quantum wire charges are presented. The average charge of the wire is linked with the period of the conductance oscillations and it tends to the constant value as the length of the wire increases. For M-atom periodicity there are possible (M-1) average occupations of the wire states.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. J.Phys.: Condens. matter (2005) accepte

    Phonon runaway in nanotube quantum dots

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    We explore electronic transport in a nanotube quantum dot strongly coupled with vibrations and weakly with leads and the thermal environment. We show that the recent observation of anomalous conductance signatures in single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) quantum dots can be understood quantitatively in terms of current driven `hot phonons' that are strongly correlated with electrons. Using rate equations in the many-body configuration space for the joint electron-phonon distribution, we argue that the variations are indicative of strong electron-phonon coupling requiring an analysis beyond the traditional uncorrelated phonon-assisted transport (Tien-Gordon) approach.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Partitioning technique for a discrete quantum system

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    We develop the partitioning technique for quantum discrete systems. The graph consists of several subgraphs: a central graph and several branch graphs, with each branch graph being rooted by an individual node on the central one. We show that the effective Hamiltonian on the central graph can be constructed by adding additional potentials on the branch-root nodes, which generates the same result as does the the original Hamiltonian on the entire graph. Exactly solvable models are presented to demonstrate the main points of this paper.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Mesoscopic Resistance Fluctuations in Cobalt Nanoparticles

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    We present measurements of mesoscopic resistance fluctuations in cobalt nanoparticles and study how the fluctuations with bias voltage, bias fingerprints, respond to magnetization reversal processes. Bias fingerprints rearrange when domains are nucleated or annihilated. The domain-wall causes an electron wavefunction phase-shift of 5π\approx 5\pi. The phase-shift is not caused by the Aharonov-Bohm effect; we explain how it arises from the mistracking effect, where electron spins lag in orientation with respect to the moments inside the domain-wall. Dephasing time in Co at 0.03K0.03K is short, τϕps\tau_\phi\sim ps, which we attribute to the strong magnetocrystalline anisotropy.Comment: 5 pages 3 figs colou

    Effect of dephasing on the current statistics of mesoscopic devices

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    We investigate the effects of dephasing on the current statistics of mesoscopic conductors with a recently developed statistical model, focusing in particular on mesoscopic cavities and Aharonov-Bohm rings. For such devices, we analyze the influence of an arbitrary degree of decoherence on the cumulants of the current. We recover known results for the limiting cases of fully coherent and totally incoherent transport and are able to obtain detailed information on the intermediate regime of partial coherence for a varying number of open channels. We show that dephasing affects the average current, shot noise, and higher order cumulants in a quantitatively and qualitatively similar way, and that consequently shot noise or higher order cumulants of the current do not provide information on decoherence additional or complementary to what can be already obtained from the average current.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A 233 km Tunnel for Lepton and Hadron Colliders

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    A decade ago, a cost analysis was conducted to bore a 233 km circumference Very Large Hadron Collider (VLHC) tunnel passing through Fermilab. Here we outline implementations of e+ee^+e^-, ppˉp \bar{p}, and μ+μ\mu^+ \mu^- collider rings in this tunnel using recent technological innovations. The 240 and 500 GeV e+ee^+e^- colliders employ Crab Waist Crossings, ultra low emittance damped bunches, short vertical IP focal lengths, superconducting RF, and low coercivity, grain oriented silicon steel/concrete dipoles. Some details are also provided for a high luminosity 240 GeV e+ee^+ e^- collider and 1.75 TeV muon accelerator in a Fermilab site filler tunnel. The 40 TeV ppˉp \bar{p} collider uses the high intensity Fermilab pˉ\bar{p} source, exploits high cross sections for ppˉp \bar{p} production of high mass states, and uses 2 Tesla ultra low carbon steel/YBCO superconducting magnets run with liquid neon. The 35 TeV muon ring ramps the 2 Tesla superconducting magnets at 9 Hz every 0.4 seconds, uses 250 GV of superconducting RF to accelerate muons from 1.75 to 17.5 TeV in 63 orbits with 71% survival, and mitigates neutrino radiation with phase shifting, roller coaster motion in a FODO lattice.Comment: LaTex, 6 pages, 1 figure, Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, Austin, TX, 10-15 June 201