385 research outputs found


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    Technology of electronic portfolio helps to support student’s, to develop activity and cognitive independence, reflection skills, self-knowledge, ability to plan own activity, informative competence. In the article the structure and content of the student’s e-portfolio as a result of student’s achievement in the course "Methods of computer application in the foreign languages teaching» are proposed. The training materials for each portfolio section and the learning results of e-Portfolio technology application in the educational environment of the university are described.Технологія електронного портфоліо допомагає підтримувати мотивацію студента, розвивати активність і пізнавальну самостійність, навички рефлексії, самопізнання, вміння планувати власну діяльність, інформаційну компетентність. В статті запропоновано структуру й зміст електронного портфоліо як результату досягнень студента під час навчання в курсі «Методика використання комп’ютерної техніки у викладанні іноземної мови», описано розроблені методичні матеріали для кожного розділу портфоліо та результати проведеного навчання за цією технологією в умовах інформаційно-освітнього середовища університету

    A unified stability property in spin glasses

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    Gibbs' measures in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick type models satisfy two asymptotic stability properties, the Aizenman-Contucci stochastic stability and the Ghirlanda-Guerra identities, which play a fundamental role in our current understanding of these models. In this paper we show that one can combine these two properties very naturally into one unified stability property

    The marginally stable Bethe lattice spin glass revisited

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    Bethe lattice spins glasses are supposed to be marginally stable, i.e. their equilibrium probability distribution changes discontinuously when we add an external perturbation. So far the problem of a spin glass on a Bethe lattice has been studied only using an approximation where marginally stability is not present, which is wrong in the spin glass phase. Because of some technical difficulties, attempts at deriving a marginally stable solution have been confined to some perturbative regimes, high connectivity lattices or temperature close to the critical temperature. Using the cavity method, we propose a general non-perturbative approach to the Bethe lattice spin glass problem using approximations that should be hopeful consistent with marginal stability.Comment: 23 pages Revised version, hopefully clearer that the first one: six pages longe

    Thermodynamics and Universality for Mean Field Quantum Spin Glasses

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    We study aspects of the thermodynamics of quantum versions of spin glasses. By means of the Lie-Trotter formula for exponential sums of operators, we adapt methods used to analyze classical spin glass models to answer analogous questions about quantum models.Comment: 17 page

    Conditionally university student readiness of the person to self-development by means of physical education

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    The article discusses conditionality desire of students to self-development and the formation of competence readiness in this area of knowledge in classes of P.E. Designed levels determination of formation of readiness for self-development of students of the university. The system contributes to self-realization of the personality of students, formation of physical culture and sports competences and the competence of self-development. The fact is that the current situation in the development of the society and the analysis of the world's sociocultural and educational trends indicate that in recent years, various aspects of the individual's behavior towards his health have become the object of intense public attention and the subject of interdisciplinary research in many highly developed countries under the slogan: "Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing". Hence the tasks of the student's personality self-development during the intensive preparation for professional activity at the university are aimed at maintaining their own health and improving their physical fitness, considering formation of professional motor skills for effective mastering the future profession and career growth after graduation.peer-reviewe

    The Decline of the Source Population of Gamma-Ray Bursts and Their Luminosity Function

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    The source population of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) declines towards the present epoch being consistent with the measured decline of the star formation rate. We show this using the brightness distribution of 3255 long BATSE GRBs found in an off-line scan of the BATSE continuous 1.024 s count rate records. The significance of this conclusion is enhanced by the detection of three GRBs with known redshifts brighter than 10^{52} erg/s during the last two years. This is an argument in favor of the generally believed idea that GRBs are strongly correlated with the star production, at least on cosmological time scales, and favors the association of long GRBs with collapses of supermassive stars. However, we still cannot rule out neutron star mergers if the typical delay time for binary system evolution is relatively short. If we assume a steep decline of the GRB population at z>1.5, then their luminosity function can be clearly outlined. The luminosity function is close to a power law, dN/dL ~ L^{-1.4}, for low luminosities over at least 1.7 orders of magnitude. Then the luminosity function breaks to a steeper slope or to an exponential decline around L = 3*10^{51} erg/s in the 50-300 keV range assuming isotropic emission.Comment: revised version, to appear in ApJ (2002, V.569, N.1), 12 pages, 2 tables, 10 figure

    Antiferromagnetic Potts model on the Erdos-Renyi random graph

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    We study the antiferromagnetic Potts model on the Poissonian Erd\"os-R\'enyi random graph. By identifying a suitable interpolation structure and an extended variational principle, together with a positive temperature second-moment analysis we prove the existence of a phase transition at a positive critical temperature. Upper and lower bounds on the temperature critical value are obtained from the stability analysis of the replica symmetric solution (recovered in the framework of Derrida-Ruelle probability cascades)and from a positive entropy argument.Comment: 36 pages, revisions to improve resul

    Beta-Strand Interfaces of Non-Dimeric Protein Oligomers Are Characterized by Scattered Charged Residue Patterns

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    Protein oligomers are formed either permanently, transiently or even by default. The protein chains are associated through intermolecular interactions constituting the protein interface. The protein interfaces of 40 soluble protein oligomers of stœchiometries above two are investigated using a quantitative and qualitative methodology, which analyzes the x-ray structures of the protein oligomers and considers their interfaces as interaction networks. The protein oligomers of the dataset share the same geometry of interface, made by the association of two individual β-strands (β-interfaces), but are otherwise unrelated. The results show that the β-interfaces are made of two interdigitated interaction networks. One of them involves interactions between main chain atoms (backbone network) while the other involves interactions between side chain and backbone atoms or between only side chain atoms (side chain network). Each one has its own characteristics which can be associated to a distinct role. The secondary structure of the β-interfaces is implemented through the backbone networks which are enriched with the hydrophobic amino acids favored in intramolecular β-sheets (MCWIV). The intermolecular specificity is provided by the side chain networks via positioning different types of charged residues at the extremities (arginine) and in the middle (glutamic acid and histidine) of the interface. Such charge distribution helps discriminating between sequences of intermolecular β-strands, of intramolecular β-strands and of β-strands forming β-amyloid fibers. This might open new venues for drug designs and predictive tool developments. Moreover, the β-strands of the cholera toxin B subunit interface, when produced individually as synthetic peptides, are capable of inhibiting the assembly of the toxin into pentamers. Thus, their sequences contain the features necessary for a β-interface formation. Such β-strands could be considered as ‘assemblons’, independent associating units, by homology to the foldons (independent folding unit). Such property would be extremely valuable in term of assembly inhibitory drug development