46 research outputs found

    Basic research planning in mathematical pattern recognition and image analysis

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    Fundamental problems encountered while attempting to develop automated techniques for applications of remote sensing are discussed under the following categories: (1) geometric and radiometric preprocessing; (2) spatial, spectral, temporal, syntactic, and ancillary digital image representation; (3) image partitioning, proportion estimation, and error models in object scene interference; (4) parallel processing and image data structures; and (5) continuing studies in polarization; computer architectures and parallel processing; and the applicability of "expert systems" to interactive analysis

    Proceedings of the NASA Workshop on Image Analysis

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    Three major topics of image analysis are addressed: segmentation, shape and texture analysis, and structural analysis

    Applications of feature selection

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    The use of satellite-acquired (LANDSAT) multispectral scanner (MSS) data to conduct an inventory of some crop of economic interest such as wheat over a large geographical area is considered in relation to the development of accurate and efficient algorithms for data classification. The dimension of the measurement space and the computational load for a classification algorithm is increased by the use of multitemporal measurements. Feature selection/combination techniques used to reduce the dimensionality of the problem are described

    Optimal selection of passes

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    Preliminary numerical results obtained from the application of a linear feature selection technique to the determination of combinations of passes which best discriminate between a given set of crops in a given area of interest, are reported. The results obtained are not purported to hold in a general situation, but only for the given set of crops and the given, but unknown, levels of several factors-such as soil type, and fertilizer practice, holding in the area of interest. However, by identifying the various factors affecting the spectral signatures, and by formulating a regression model one could use the feature selection technique to determine the regression coefficients for predicting optimal passes for a given set of crops. Another use of the feature selection technique as applied to multiple pass registered data is the generation of enhanced grey scale displays by using a single linear combination of all channels of all designated passes as opposed to a single channel within a single pass

    Proceedings of the NASA Workshop on Surface Fitting

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    Surface fitting techniques and their utilization are addressed. Surface representation, approximation, and interpolation are discussed. Along with statistical estimation problems associated with surface fitting

    Proceedings of the NASA/MPRIA Workshop: Pattern Recognition

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    Outlines of talks presented at the workshop conducted at Texas A & M University on February 3 and 4, 1983 are presented. Emphasis was given to the application of Mathematics to image processing and pattern recognition

    Development of advanced acreage estimation methods

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    The development of an accurate and efficient algorithm for analyzing the structure of MSS data, the application of the Akaiki information criterion to mixture models, and a research plan to delineate some of the technical issues and associated tasks in the area of rice scene radiation characterization are discussed. The AMOEBA clustering algorithm is refined and documented

    Image 100 procedures manual development: Applications system library definition and Image 100 software definition

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    An outline for an Image 100 procedures manual for Earth Resources Program image analysis was developed which sets forth guidelines that provide a basis for the preparation and updating of an Image 100 Procedures Manual. The scope of the outline was limited to definition of general features of a procedures manual together with special features of an interactive system. Computer programs were identified which should be implemented as part of an applications oriented library for the system

    Linear feature selection with applications

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report