10,168 research outputs found

    A balloon-borne 1 meter telescope for far-infrared astronomy

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    The flight of a balloon-borne one-meter telescope for infrared astronomy in the wavelength interval of 40 to 240 microns is discussed. The gyro-stabilized telescope mapped the intensity of the far infrared radiation from NGC 7538, Mars, the Orion Nebula, and W3 with a resolution of one minute and from selected regions of these sources with a resolution of 30 seconds. The infrared detection is described and its capabilities are analyzed. The instrumentation, orientation system, and modes of observation of the telescope are defined

    Effect of forward motion on engine noise

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    Methods used to determine a procedure for correcting static engine data for the effects of forward motion are described. Data were analyzed from airplane flyover and static-engine tests with a JT8D-109 low-bypass-ratio turbofan engine installed on a DC-9-30, with a CF6-6D high-bypass-ratio turbofan engine installed on a DC-10-10, and with a JT9D-59A high-bypass-ratio turbofan engine installed on a DC-10-40. The observed differences between the static and the flyover data bases are discussed in terms of noise generation, convective amplification, atmospheric propagation, and engine installation. The results indicate that each noise source must be adjusted separately for forward-motion and installation effects and then projected to flight conditions as a function of source-path angle, directivity angle, and acoustic range relative to the microphones on the ground

    Diffraction and the Pomeron

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    Recent experimental results on inclusive diffractive scattering and on exclusive vector meson production are reviewed. The dynamical picture of hard diffraction emerging in perturbative QCD is highlighted.Comment: 25 pages, 21 postscript figures, contribution to the XIX International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies, Stanford University, August 9-14, 199

    Infrared Emission from the Radio Supernebula in NGC 5253: A Proto-Globular Cluster?

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    Hidden from optical view in the starburst region of the dwarf galaxy NGC 5253 lies an intense radio source with an unusual spectrum which could be interpreted variously as nebular gas ionized by a young stellar cluster or nonthermal emission from a radio supernova or an AGN. We have obtained 11.7 and 18.7 micron images of this region at the Keck Telescope and find that it is an extremely strong mid-infrared emitter. The infrared to radio flux ratio rules out a supernova and is consistent with an HII region excited by a dense cluster of young stars. This "super nebula" provides at least 15% of the total bolometric luminosity of the galaxy. Its excitation requires 10^5-10^6 stars, giving it the total mass and size (1-2 pc diameter) of a globular cluster. However, its high obscuration, small size, and high gas density all argue that it is very young, no more than a few hundred thousand years old. This may be the youngest globular cluster yet observed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 color figures, Submitted to the ApJL, Revised 4/6/01 based on referee's comment

    Elementary particles of conventional field theory as Regge poles. III

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    It is shown that an elementary particle of conventional field theory may, under certain conditions, lie on a Regge trajectory. These conditions are that the system contain a "nonsense" channel at the angular momentum of the particle and that the Born approximation scattering amplitude factor in a well-defined way. They are satisfied by a spin ½ fermion interacting through a conserved current with a spin one neutral boson. The particle in question is the fermion

    Interaction of small size wave packet with hadron target

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    We calculate in QCD the cross section for the scattering of an energetic small-size wave packet off a hadron target. We use our results to study the small-σ\sigma behaviour of Pπ(σ)P_{\pi}(\sigma), the distribution over cross section for the pion, in the leading αs\alpha_{s}-order.Comment: Revised version of the report CEBAF-TH-96-0

    Application of dispersion relations to low-energy meson-nucleon scattering

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    Relativistic dispersion relations are used to derive equations for low-energy S-, P-, and D-wave meson-nucleon scattering under the assumption that the (3,3) resonance dominates the dispersion integrals. The P-wave equations so obtained differ only slightly from those of the static fixed-source theory. The conclusions of the static theory are re-examined in the light of their new derivation
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