414 research outputs found

    Extending the range of error estimates for radial approximation in Euclidean space and on spheres

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    We adapt Schaback's error doubling trick [R. Schaback. Improved error bounds for scattered data interpolation by radial basis functions. Math. Comp., 68(225):201--216, 1999.] to give error estimates for radial interpolation of functions with smoothness lying (in some sense) between that of the usual native space and the subspace with double the smoothness. We do this for both bounded subsets of R^d and spheres. As a step on the way to our ultimate goal we also show convergence of pseudoderivatives of the interpolation error.Comment: 10 page

    High resolution imaging with Fresnel interferometric arrays: suitability for exoplanet detection

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    We propose a new kind of interferometric array that yields images of high dynamic range and large field. The numerous individual apertures in this array form a pattern related to a Fresnel zone plate. This array can be used for astrophysical imaging over a broad spectral bandwidth spanning from the U.V. (50 nanometers) to the I.R. (20 microns). Due to the long focal lengths involved, this instrument requires formation-flying of two space borne vessels. We present the concept and study the S/N ratio in different situations, then apply these results to probe the suitability of this concept to detect exoplanets.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figures, to be published in A&

    An Empirical Test of Staw and Ross Prescriptions for the Management of Escalation of Commitment Behavior in organizations

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    Tests two major prescriptions of Staw and Ross about the management of escalation behavior in organizations. Since these prescriptions are primarily based on research using students in controlled settings, the efficacy of the prescriptions was tested in the context of a real, functioning organization. The results provide conditional support for separating initial decision responsibility from subsequent responsibility as a means of reducing escalation behavior. However, the findings did not support a reduction of project failure risk as a means of minimizing escalation of commitment to a failing course of action

    Local 4/5-Law and Energy Dissipation Anomaly in Turbulence

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    A strong local form of the ``4/3-law'' in turbulent flow has been proved recently by Duchon and Robert for a triple moment of velocity increments averaged over both a bounded spacetime region and separation vector directions, and for energy dissipation averaged over the same spacetime region. Under precisely stated hypotheses, the two are proved to be proportional, by a constant 4/3, and to appear as a nonnegative defect measure in the local energy balance of singular (distributional) solutions of the incompressible Euler equations. Here we prove that the energy defect measure can be represented also by a triple moment of purely longitudinal velocity increments and by a mixed moment with one longitudinal and two tranverse velocity increments. Thus, we prove that the traditional 4/5- and 4/15-laws of Kolmogorov hold in the same local sense as demonstrated for the 4/3-law by Duchon-Robert.Comment: 14 page

    Assessment of Rainfall Estimates Using a Standard Z-R Relationship and the Probability Matching Method Applied to Composite Radar Data in Central Florida

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    Precipitation estimates from radar systems are a crucial component of many hydrometeorological applications, from flash flood forecasting to regional water budget studies. For analyses on large spatial scales and long timescales, it is frequently necessary to use composite reflectivities from a network of radar systems. Such composite products are useful for regional or national studies, but introduce a set of difficulties not encountered when using single radars. For instance, each contributing radar has its own calibration and scanning characteristics, but radar identification may not be retained in the compositing procedure. As a result, range effects on signal return cannot be taken into account. This paper assesses the accuracy with which composite radar imagery can be used to estimate precipitation in the convective environment of Florida during the summer of 1991. Results using Z = 30OR(sup 1.4) (WSR-88D default Z-R relationship) are compared with those obtained using the probability matching method (PMM). Rainfall derived from the power law Z-R was found to he highly biased (+90%-l10%) compared to rain gauge measurements for various temporal and spatial integrations. Application of a 36.5-dBZ reflectivity threshold (determined via the PMM) was found to improve the performance of the power law Z-R, reducing the biases substantially to 20%-33%. Correlations between precipitation estimates obtained with either Z-R relationship and mean gauge values are much higher for areal averages than for point locations. Precipitation estimates from the PMM are an improvement over those obtained using the power law in that biases and root-mean-square errors are much lower. The minimum timescale for application of the PMM with the composite radar dataset was found to be several days for area-average precipitation. The minimum spatial scale is harder to quantify, although it is concluded that it is less than 350 sq km. Implications relevant to the WSR-88D system are discussed

    A geometric condition implying energy equality for solutions of 3D Navier-Stokes equation

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    We prove that every weak solution uu to the 3D Navier-Stokes equation that belongs to the class L3L9/2L^3L^{9/2} and \n u belongs to L3L9/5L^3L^{9/5} localy away from a 1/2-H\"{o}lder continuous curve in time satisfies the generalized energy equality. In particular every such solution is suitable.Comment: 10 page

    On admissibility criteria for weak solutions of the Euler equations

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    We consider solutions to the Cauchy problem for the incompressible Euler equations satisfying several additional requirements, like the global and local energy inequalities. Using some techniques introduced in an earlier paper we show that, for some bounded compactly supported initial data, none of these admissibility criteria singles out a unique weak solution. As a byproduct we show bounded initial data for which admissible solutions to the p-system of isentropic gas dynamics in Eulerian coordinates are not unique in more than one space dimension.Comment: 33 pages, 1 figure; v2: 35 pages, corrected typos, clarified proof

    On thin plate spline interpolation

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    We present a simple, PDE-based proof of the result [M. Johnson, 2001] that the error estimates of [J. Duchon, 1978] for thin plate spline interpolation can be improved by h1/2h^{1/2}. We illustrate that H{\mathcal H}-matrix techniques can successfully be employed to solve very large thin plate spline interpolation problem

    Macroscopic models for superconductivity

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    This paper reviews the derivation of some macroscopic models for superconductivity and also some of the mathematical challenges posed by these models. The paper begins by exploring certain analogies between phase changes in superconductors and those in solidification and melting. However, it is soon found that there are severe limitations on the range of validity of these analogies and outside this range many interesting open questions can be posed about the solutions to the macroscopic models

    Controlled Somatic and Germline Copy Number Variation in the Mouse Model

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    Changes in the number of chromosomes, but also variations in the copy number of chromosomal regions have been described in various pathological conditions, such as cancer and aneuploidy, but also in normal physiological condition. Our classical view of DNA replication and mitotic preservation of the chromosomal integrity is now challenged as new technologies allow us to observe such mosaic somatic changes in copy number affecting regions of chromosomes with various sizes. In order to go further in the understanding of copy number influence in normal condition we could take advantage of the novel strategy called Targeted Asymmetric Sister Chromatin Event of Recombination (TASCER) to induce recombination during the G2 phase so that we can generate deletions and duplications of regions of interest prior to mitosis. Using this approach in the mouse we could address the effects of copy number variation and segmental aneuploidy in daughter cells and allow us to explore somatic mosaics for large region of interest in the mouse