297 research outputs found

    Fundamental Limitations on Gain of THz QCL

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    We analyze the main physical processes in quantum cascade lasers with spatial separation between the region of photon radiation and LO phonon emission providing depopulation of the lower level of the optical transition. Our purpose is to find reasons of reduction of the population inversion at low photon energy and search for ways of its increase. The expression for the population inversion is obtained from equation for simplified density matrix. This allows us, on one hand, to take into account coherence of tunneling between different levels and, on the other hand, to understand its role in transition probabilities in a simple way. We come to the conclusion that population inversion in THz lasers can be significantly increased by optimization of tunneling matrix element between the two regions and LO phonon emission time. The optimal value of the matrix element is smaller than its maximal possible value. As well, the optimal LO phonon emission time is larger than the time reached at LO phonon resonant emission

    InAs-GaSb laser: Prospects for efficient THz emission

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    We suggest to use InAs/GaSb coupled quantum wells for THz lasing. In these heterostructures THz lasing is based not on intersubband but on interband transitions. Crucial advantages of this design in comparison with intersubband lasers are (i) a large value of the interband dipole matrix element and (ii) easier maintaining of population inversion. These advantages lead to a gain of two orders of magnitude higher than for intersubband lasing. Even higher gain can be obtained in special design InAs/GaSb W-structures where a hybridization gap of 1-3THz is formed and optical density of states is singular.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letter

    Nonadiabatic charged spherical evolution in the postquasistatic approximation

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    We apply the postquasistatic approximation, an iterative method for the evolution of self-gravitating spheres of matter, to study the evolution of dissipative and electrically charged distributions in General Relativity. We evolve nonadiabatic distributions assuming an equation of state that accounts for the anisotropy induced by the electric charge. Dissipation is described by streaming out or diffusion approximations. We match the interior solution, in noncomoving coordinates, with the Vaidya-Reissner-Nordstr\"om exterior solution. Two models are considered: i) a Schwarzschild-like shell in the diffusion limit; ii) a Schwarzschild-like interior in the free streaming limit. These toy models tell us something about the nature of the dissipative and electrically charged collapse. Diffusion stabilizes the gravitational collapse producing a spherical shell whose contraction is halted in a short characteristic hydrodynamic time. The streaming out radiation provides a more efficient mechanism for emission of energy, redistributing the electric charge on the whole sphere, while the distribution collapses indefinitely with a longer hydrodynamic time scale.Comment: 11 pages, 16 Figures. Accepted for publication in Phys Rev

    Ultra-light Axions: Degeneracies with Massive Neutrinos and Forecasts for Future Cosmological Observations

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    A generic prediction of string theory is the existence of many axion fields. It has recently been argued that many of these fields should be light and, like the well known QCD axion, lead to observable cosmological consequences. In this paper we study in detail the effect of the so-called string axiverse on large scale structure, focusing on the morphology and evolution of density perturbations, anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background and weak gravitational lensing of distant galaxies. We quantify specific effects that will arise from the presence of the axionic fields and highlight possible degeneracies that may arise in the presence of massive neutrinos. We take particular care understanding the different physical effects and scales that come into play. We then forecast how the string axiverse may be constrained and show that with a combination of different observations, it should be possible to detect a fraction of ultralight axions to dark matter of a few percent.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures, this version: corrected typos, some comments added, matches published versio

    Relativistic Structure, Stability and Gravitational Collapse of Charged Neutron Stars

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    Charged stars have the potential of becoming charged black holes or even naked singularities. It is presented a set of numerical solutions of the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkov equations that represents spherical charged compact stars in hydrostatic equilibrium. The stellar models obtained are evolved forward in time integrating the Einstein-Maxwell field equations. It is assumed an equation of state of a neutron gas at zero temperature. The charge distribution is taken as been proportional to the rest mass density distribution. The set of solutions present an unstable branch, even with charge to mass ratios arbitrarily close to the extremum case. It is performed a direct check of the stability of the solutions under strong perturbations, and for different values of the charge to mass ratio. The stars that are in the stable branch oscillates and do not collapse, while models in the unstable branch collapse directly to form black holes. Stars with a charge greater or equal than the extreme value explode. When a charged star is suddenly discharged, it don't necessarily collapse to form a black hole. A non-linear effect that gives rise to the formation of an external shell of matter (see Ghezzi and Letelier 2005), is negligible in the present simulations. The results are in agreement with the third law of black hole thermodynamics and with the cosmic censorship conjecture.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables, paper accepte

    Magnetic Field Limitations on Advection Dominated Flows

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    Recent papers discussing advection dominated accretion flows (ADAF) as a solution for astrophysical accretion problems should be treated with some caution because of their uncertain physical basis. The suggestions underlying ADAF involve ignoring the magnetic field reconnection in heating of the plasma flow, assuming electron heating due only to binary Coulomb collisions with ions. Here, we analyze the physical processes in optically thin accretion flows at low accretion rates including the influence of an equipartition turbulent magnetic field. For these conditions there is continuous destruction of magnetic flux by reconnection. The reconnection is expected to significantly heat the electrons which can efficiently emit magnetobremstrahlung radiation. Because of this electron emission, the radiative efficiency of the ADAF is not small. We suggest that the small luminosities of nearby galactic black holes is due to outflows rather than ADAF accretion.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to Ap

    A variational approach to the stochastic aspects of cellular signal transduction

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    Cellular signaling networks have evolved to cope with intrinsic fluctuations, coming from the small numbers of constituents, and the environmental noise. Stochastic chemical kinetics equations govern the way biochemical networks process noisy signals. The essential difficulty associated with the master equation approach to solving the stochastic chemical kinetics problem is the enormous number of ordinary differential equations involved. In this work, we show how to achieve tremendous reduction in the dimensionality of specific reaction cascade dynamics by solving variationally an equivalent quantum field theoretic formulation of stochastic chemical kinetics. The present formulation avoids cumbersome commutator computations in the derivation of evolution equations, making more transparent the physical significance of the variational method. We propose novel time-dependent basis functions which work well over a wide range of rate parameters. We apply the new basis functions to describe stochastic signaling in several enzymatic cascades and compare the results so obtained with those from alternative solution techniques. The variational ansatz gives probability distributions that agree well with the exact ones, even when fluctuations are large and discreteness and nonlinearity are important. A numerical implementation of our technique is many orders of magnitude more efficient computationally compared with the traditional Monte Carlo simulation algorithms or the Langevin simulations.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    Effect of Neutrino Heating on Primordial Nucleosynthesis

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    We have modified the standard code for primordial nucleosynthesis to include the effect of the slight heating of neutrinos by e±e^\pm annihilations. There is a small, systematic change in the 4^4He yield, ΔY+1.5×104\Delta Y \simeq +1.5\times 10^{-4}, which is insensitive to the value of the baryon-to-photon ratio η\eta for 10^{-10}\la \eta \la 10^{-9}. We also find that the baryon-to-photon ratio decreases by about 0.5\% less than the canonical factor of 4/11 because some of the entropy in e±e^\pm pairs is transferred to neutrinos. These results are in accord with recent analytical estimates.Comment: 14 pages/4 Figs (upon request

    Exchange bias phenomenon in (Nd1-xYx)2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (x = 0, 0.1) perovskites

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    Exchange bias phenomenon, evident of antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic phase segregation state, has been observed in (Nd1-xYx)2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (x = 0, 0.1) compounds at low temperatures. A contribution to the total magnetization of the compounds due to the ferromagnetic phase has been evaluated. It has been found that yttrium doping leads to the growth of the ferromagnetic phase fraction. The ferromagnetic phase in the doped compound has a lower coercivity Hc and more rectangular form of the hysteresis loop. The values of the exchange bias field HEB and coercivity are found to be strongly dependent on the cooling magnetic field Hcool. In sufficiently high magnetic fields, Hcool > 5 kOe, HEB in the doped compound is about twice as low as in the parent compound. This difference is attributed to a lower exchange interaction and higher saturation magnetization of the ferromagnetic phase in (Nd0.9Y0.1)2/3Ca1/3MnO3