160 research outputs found

    A heuristic approach to the weakly interacting Bose gas

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    Some thermodynamic properties of weakly interacting Bose systems are derived from dimensional and heuristic arguments and thermodynamic relations, without resorting to statistical mechanics

    Vanishing bulk viscosities and conformal invariance of unitary Fermi gas

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    By requiring general-coordinate and conformal invariance of the hydrodynamic equations, we show that the unitary Fermi gas has zero bulk viscosity, zeta=0, in the normal phase. In the superfluid phase, two of the bulks viscosities have to vanish, zeta_1=zeta_2=0, while the third one zeta_3 is allowed to be nonzero.Comment: 4 page

    On an exact hydrodynamic solution for the elliptic flow

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    Looking for the underlying hydrodynamic mechanisms determining the elliptic flow we show that for an expanding relativistic perfect fluid the transverse flow may derive from a solvable hydrodynamic potential, if the entropy is transversally conserved and the corresponding expansion "quasi-stationary", that is mainly governed by the temperature cooling. Exact solutions for the velocity flow coefficients v2v_2 and the temperature dependence of the spatial and momentum anisotropy are obtained and shown to be in agreement with the elliptic flow features of heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Instability and Chaos in Non-Linear Wave Interaction: a simple model

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    We analyze stability of a system which contains an harmonic oscillator non-linearly coupled to its second harmonic, in the presence of a driving force. It is found that there always exists a critical amplitude of the driving force above which a loss of stability appears. The dependence of the critical input power on the physical parameters is analyzed. For a driving force with higher amplitude chaotic behavior is observed. Generalization to interactions which include higher modes is discussed. Keywords: Non-Linear Waves, Stability, Chaos.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Bulk viscosity of superfluid neutron stars

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    The hydrodynamics, describing dynamical effects in superfluid neutron stars, essentially differs from the standard one-fluid hydrodynamics. In particular, we have four bulk viscosity coefficients in the theory instead of one. In this paper we calculate these coefficients, for the first time, assuming they are due to non-equilibrium beta-processes (such as modified or direct Urca process). The results of our analysis are used to estimate characteristic damping times of sound waves in superfluid neutron stars. It is demonstrated that all four bulk viscosity coefficients lead to comparable dissipation of sound waves and should be considered on the same footing.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, this version with some minor stylistic changes is published in Phys. Rev.

    Evaluation of specific heat for superfluid helium between 0 - 2.1 K based on nonlinear theory

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    The specific heat of liquid helium was calculated theoretically in the Landau theory. The results deviate from experimental data in the temperature region of 1.3 - 2.1 K. Many theorists subsequently improved the results of the Landau theory by applying temperature dependence of the elementary excitation energy. As well known, many-body system has a total energy of Galilean covariant form. Therefore, the total energy of liquid helium has a nonlinear form for the number distribution function. The function form can be determined using the excitation energy at zero temperature and the latent heat per helium atom at zero temperature. The nonlinear form produces new temperature dependence for the excitation energy from Bose condensate. We evaluate the specific heat using iteration method. The calculation results of the second iteration show good agreement with the experimental data in the temperature region of 0 - 2.1 K, where we have only used the elementary excitation energy at 1.1 K.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Three dimensionality of pulsed second-sound waves in He II

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    Three dimensionality of 3D pulsed second sound wave in He II emitted from a finite size heater is experimentally investigated and theoretically studied based on two-fluid model in this study. The detailed propagation of 3D pulsed second sound wave is presented and reasonable agreement between the experimental and theoretical results is obtained. Heater size has a big influence on the profile of 3D second sound wave. The counterflow between the superfluid and normal fluid components becomes inverse in the rarefaction of 3D second sound wave. The amplitude of rarefaction decreases due to the interaction between second sound wave and quantized vortices, which explains the experimental results about second sound wave near [Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 2480 (1994)]. The accumulation of dense quantized vortices in the vicinity of heater surface leads to the formation of a thermal boundary layer, and further increase of heating duration results in the occurrence of boiling phenomena. PACS numbers: 67.40.Pm 43.25.+y 67.40.BzComment: 30 pages, 9 figures. Physical Review B, Accepte

    Unified description of Bjorken and Landau 1+1 hydrodynamics

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    We propose a generalization of the Bjorken in-out Ansatz for fluid trajectories which, when applied to the (1+1) hydrodynamic equations, generates a one-parameter family of analytic solutions interpolating between the boost-invariant Bjorken picture and the non boost-invariant one by Landau. This parameter characterises the proper-time scale when the fluid velocities approach the in-out Ansatz. We discuss the resulting rapidity distribution of entropy for various freeze-out conditions and compare it with the original Bjorken and Landau results.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Superflow in Solid 4He

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    Kim and Chan have recently observed Non-Classical Rotational Inertia (NCRI) for solid 4^4He in Vycor glass, gold film, and bulk. Their low TT value of the superfluid fraction, ρs/ρ0.015\rho_{s}/\rho\approx0.015, is consistent with what is known of the atomic delocalization in this quantum solid. By including a lattice mass density ρL\rho_{L} distinct from the normal fluid density ρn\rho_{n}, we argue that ρs(T)ρs(0)ρn(T)\rho_{s}(T)\approx\rho_{s}(0)-\rho_{n}(T), and we develop a model for the normal fluid density ρn\rho_{n} with contributions from longitudinal phonons and ``defectons'' (which dominate). The Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) and macroscopic phase inferred from NCRI implies quantum vortex lines and quantum vortex rings, which may explain the unusually low critical velocity and certain hysteretic phenomena.Comment: 4 page pdf, 1 figur

    Detailed description of accelerating, simple solutions of relativistic perfect fluid hydrodynamics

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    In this paper we describe in full details a new family of recently found exact solutions of relativistic, perfect fluid dynamics. With an ansatz, which generalizes the well-known Hwa-Bjorken solution, we obtain a wide class of new exact, explicit and simple solutions, which have a remarkable advantage as compared to presently known exact and explicit solutions: they do not lack acceleration. They can be utilized for the description of the evolution of the matter created in high energy heavy ion collisions. Because these solutions are accelerating, they provide a more realistic picture than the well-known Hwa-Bjorken solution, and give more insight into the dynamics of the matter. We exploit this by giving an advanced simple estimation of the initial energy density of the produced matter in high energy collisions, which takes acceleration effects (i.e. the work done by the pressure and the modified change of the volume elements) into account. We also give an advanced estimation of the life-time of the reaction. Our new solutions can also be used to test numerical hydrodynamical codes reliably. In the end, we also give an exact, 1+1 dimensional, relativistic hydrodynamical solution, where the initial pressure and velocity profile is arbitrary, and we show that this general solution is stable for perturbations.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures, detailed write-up of http://arxiv.org/abs/nucl-th/0605070